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After Hannibal was defeated at
Zama, Carthage was reduced to
the status of a client state and
lost all power of enacting its own
treaties and diplomacy.
Rome also demanded the
Carthaginian fleet, all warships,
save 10 were turned over to
Rome along with any remaining
war elephants, recognition of the
Roman conquests in Spain, and
a reparation of no less than
10,000 talents, to be paid in fifty
annual installments.
It forced Hannibal to resign as a
Despite the treaty
enacted in 201 BC,
Hannibal was allowed to
remain free in Carthage.
 By 196 BC, Hannibal had
been made a chief
magistrate, within the
Carthaginian state.
 Here, Hannibal was able
to promote a modest
democracy, reorganise
the revenues and
stimulate agriculture and
Various speculations as to how
and why Hannibal left
Carthage. Some suggest that
Rome, unsettled by the
sudden growth in the
Carthaginian political scene
and renewed prosperity,
demanded Hannibal’s
 All sources do indicate that a
roman envoy had been sent
to Carthage and Hannibal,
thinking that Rome would
demand his surrender, had
 It is made clear though, that
by 195 BC, Hannibal had fled
into exile.
Many sources make clear
that Hannibal moved to join
King Antiochus III of Syria.
 He was received well by
Antiochus III, who at the
time was preparing for war
with Rome.
 It is said that though
Antiochus honored
Hannibal, he did not trust
him with a position of
power, and though he
allowed him to advise him,
little of what Hannibal said
was used by the King.
On one occasion he commanded a few ships,
which he had been ordered to take from Syria
to Asia, and with them he fought against a
fleet of the Rhodians in the Pamphylian Sea.
Although in this sea battle his forces were
defeated by the superior numbers of their
opponents, it is said that he was victorious on
the wing where he fought in person.
Hannibal soon left Tyre, he felt that Antiochus
would soon surrender him to the Romans, and
so he continued to flee for the remainder of his
Sources speculate as to where he travelled to
and what he accomplished.
Hannibal continued in exile, but the Romans
continued to hunt for him. Hannibal was finally
trapped by the Romans in Bithynia NorthWestern Turkey in 183 BC, this time, their was no
escape. Refusing to surrender and suffer more
humiliation, Hannibal took his own life with a
poison he always carried, he was 65 years old.
It is said that he wrote an auto-biography of his
life, but when he was eventually discovered, it
was said to have been destroyed.
Carthaginians were forbidden to make
war anywhere without the consent of
Rome, a result of the treaty in the
Second Punic war.
 Since Hannibal had been exiled,
Carthaginians had worked at a peaceful
revival of their economy and payment of
Possibility of Carthage rising again
always a threat to Rome.
 Romans Paranoid?
 If any opportunity arose that would allow
Rome to destroy their former enemy, it
would be seized upon.
 Opportunity came in the form of
Mesinissa leader of the Numidian
Cavalry that had helped defeat
Hannibal in Zama, established as a
powerful client prince to Rome, on the
Carthaginian borders.
 He was fully aware on the restrictions on
 Attacked the Carthaginian borders
Carthage appeals to Rome were ignored
and Rome constantly sided with Mesinissa.
 Driven by the fear invoked in his younger
years, Marcus Porcius Cato, Cato the Elder,
devoted his life to the destruction of
 This was fuelled when he became aware of
the wealth of the city.
 All his speeches in the senate ended with,
“Carthage must be destroyed”
Further friction between Masinissa in 151 BC,
Carthage knew that they had broken the
treaty and feared Roman vengeance
Carthage offered unconditional surrender
Roman senate assured them of their lives,
property and constitution and to follow the
orders of the consul
Army arrived demanded that Carthage
surrender arms and engines of war.
Abandon the city
 Settle at least 10
miles from the sea
An obvious death
sentence for the
mercantile society
 The result;
Carthage refusedtook up arms, and
defended the city
to the last