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Repaso: C4G2
Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects
1. Reflexvive Pronouns w/a verb to talk about someone
You can use a RP w/ a DO. The DO is often a
2. RP can go just before the cong. verb or it can be attached to the end of the
a present particple or inf.
ex: Esa jugadora_____está vendando la mano.
Las otras jugadoras están calentándo____.
La entrenadora va a poner____ un abrigo.
3. RP is attached to the end of the verb in ________command. It is placed just
before the verb in _______command.
Past participles used as adjectives
1. Past participle can be used as adjectives to describe a _______________ or
an___________ to part of the body. The adj. must agree in number and gender.
2. To form the past participles of regular verbs, drop the infinitive ending and
add -ado (-AR), -ido (-ER & -IR).
hinchar -> _____________: swollen
torcer -> ______________: twisted, sprained
herir -> _______________: hurt
cortar -> ______________: cut
infectar-> _____________: infected
quemar -> _____________: burned
vendar -> ______________: bandaged, wrapped
3. Irregular: romper -> ____________: broke
abrir -> _______________: open
Preterite of verbs like caer
1. Caerse has a stem change that ends in a vowel. The 3rd person preterite
endings changes from y:-ió -> -yó and
-ieron-> -yeron. All other forms the i has a written accent mark (í) to show that
the í is pronounced as a separate syllable.
caerse: to fall
me ________
te ________
se ________
nos ________
se ________
Repaso: C4G2: Repaso: Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects:
1. Reflexvive Pronouns w/a verb to talk about someone doing something to
ex: El concinero se cortó.: The cook cut himself.
You can use a RP w/ a DO. The DO is often a part of the body or something
that you put on.
ex: El concinero se cortó el dedo y se puso una curita.: The cook
cut his finger and put on a bandage.
2. RP can go just before the cong. verb or it can be attached to the end of the
a present particple or inf.
ex: Esa jugadora se está vendando la mano.
Las otras jugadoras están calentándose.
La entrenadora va a ponerse un abrigo.
3. RP is attached to the end of the verb in aff. comm. It is placed just before
the verb in neg. comm.
ex: Lávate las manos y ponte una curita.
No te quites los zapatos.
Past participles used as adjectives
1. Past participle can be used as adjectives to describe a condition or an injury
to part of the body. The adj. must agree in number and gender.
ex: Me torcí el tobillo.: I sprained my ankle.
Tengo el tobillo torcido.: My ankle is sprained.
2. To form the past participles of regular verbs, drop the infinitive ending and
add -ado (-AR), -ido (-ER & -IR).
ex: hinchar -> hinchado: swollen
torcer -> torcido: twisted, sprained
herir -> herido: hurt
cortar -> cortado: cut
infectar-> infectado: infected
quemar -> quemado: burned
vendar -> vendadoa: bandaged, wrapped
3. Irregular:
romper -> roto: broken
abrir -> abierto: open
Preterite of verbs like caer
1. Caerse has a stem change that ends in a vowel. The 3rd person preterite
endings changes from y:-ió -> -yó and
-ieron-> -yeron. All other forms the i has a written accent mark (í) to show that
the í is pronounced as a separate syllable.
caerse: to fall
me caí
te caíste
se cayó
nos caímos
os caísteis
se cayeron