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Biology Quiz 2 Review
"We reduce things to mere Nature in
order than we may 'conquer them....
Every conquest over Nature increases her
domain. The stars do not become Nature
till we can weigh and measure them; the
soul does not become Nature till we can
psycho-analyze her. The wresting of
power from Nature is also the
surrendering of things to Nature."
___________is the study of design
and purpose in nature.
is the study of design
and purpose in nature.
________ is the storehouse
containing all the genetic information
necessary for life.
is the storehouse
containing all the genetic information
necessary for life.
states that although the total energy
in the cosmos remains constant, the
amount of energy available to do
useful work is always decreasing.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
states that although the total energy
in the cosmos remains constant, the
amount of energy available to do
useful work is always decreasing.
___________________ are the
distortions of pro-evolution evidence
found in textbooks
Icons of Evolution
are the
distortions of pro-evolution evidence
found in textbooks
_________________ is the small
changes within the species of a gene pool
is the small
changes within the species of a gene pool
__________________is the origin of
fundamentally new organisms and plants
from other forms of life
is the origin of
fundamentally new organisms and plants
from other forms of life
__________________is the scientific
theory which proposes that natural
selection works in conjunction with
genetic mutations to yield evolution within
the species
is the scientific
theory which proposes that natural
selection works in conjunction with
genetic mutations to yield evolution within
the species
______________is the study of the
similarity in structures between different
is the study of the
similarity in structures between different
______________________is the
sudden geological appearance of most
major groups of animals
Cambrian Explosion
is the
sudden geological appearance of most
major groups of animals
Why are many Postmodernists
unwilling to endorse any particular
theory of origins?
In general, Postmodernists are against
promoting any overarching explanations
of reality, or for that matter, origins.
What are some problems with the
theory of theistic evolution?
1) The first problem with theistic evolution is that it is
based on a ___________________________.
 2) This method of bringing about life, especially
mankind, _______________.
 3) Also, theistic evolution is particularly damaging to
your view of ______________. If this account refers
only to metaphoric or mythological characters, then it
is hard to account for original sin and our
 4) Fourth, the theory of evolution in general is
undergoing serious challenges from within the
1) The first problem with theistic evolution is that
it is based on a bad interpretation of scripture.
2) This method of bringing about life, especially
mankind, _______________.
3) Also, theistic evolution is particularly
damaging to your view of ______________. If
this account refers only to metaphoric or
mythological characters, then it is hard to
account for original sin and our
4) Fourth, the theory of evolution in general is
undergoing serious challenges from within the
1) The first problem with theistic evolution is that
it is based on a bad interpretation of scripture.
2) This method of bringing about life, especially
mankind, seems cruel.
3) Also, theistic evolution is particularly
damaging to your view of ______________. If
this account refers only to metaphoric or
mythological characters, then it is hard to
account for original sin and our
4) Fourth, the theory of evolution in general is
undergoing serious challenges from within the
1) The first problem with theistic evolution is that
it is based on a bad interpretation of scripture.
2) This method of bringing about life, especially
mankind, seems cruel.
3) Also, theistic evolution is particularly
damaging to your view of Adam and Eve. If this
account refers only to metaphoric or
mythological characters, then it is hard to
account for original sin and our
4) Fourth, the theory of evolution in general is
undergoing serious challenges from within the
1) The first problem with theistic evolution is that
it is based on a bad interpretation of scripture.
2) This method of bringing about life, especially
mankind, seems cruel.
3) Also, theistic evolution is particularly
damaging to your view of Adam and Eve. If this
account refers only to metaphoric or
mythological characters, then it is hard to
account for original sin and our need for Christ.
4) Fourth, the theory of evolution in general is
undergoing serious challenges from within the
1) The first problem with theistic evolution is that
it is based on a bad interpretation of scripture.
2) This method of bringing about life, especially
mankind, seems cruel.
3) Also, theistic evolution is particularly
damaging to your view of Adam and Eve. If this
account refers only to metaphoric or
mythological characters, then it is hard to
account for original sin and our need for Christ.
4) Fourth, the theory of evolution in general is
undergoing serious challenges from within the
scientific community itself.
What evidence do the Galapagos
finches supply for macro-evolution?
These birds are evidence for
_______________ —small changes within
a species.
 Evolution predicts changes will eventually
______________ into large differences
amounting to a new species.
 But, when the rains came in the
Galapagos their beaks went back to
 There was no ____________change, just
These birds are evidence for microevolution —small changes within a
 Evolution predicts changes will eventually
______________ into large differences
amounting to a new species.
 But, when the rains came in the
Galapagos their beaks went back to
 There was no ____________change, just
These birds are evidence for microevolution —small changes within a
 Evolution predicts changes will eventually
accumulate into large differences
amounting to a new species.
 But, when the rains came in the
Galapagos their beaks went back to
 There was no ____________change, just
These birds are evidence for microevolution —small changes within a
 Evolution predicts changes will eventually
accumulate into large differences
amounting to a new species.
 But, when the rains came in the
Galapagos their beaks went back to
normal size.
 There was no ____________change, just
These birds are evidence for microevolution —small changes within a
 Evolution predicts changes will eventually
accumulate into large differences
amounting to a new species.
 But, when the rains came in the
Galapagos their beaks went back to
normal size.
 There was no permanent change, just
These birds are evidence for microevolution —small changes within a
 Evolution predicts changes will eventually
accumulate into large differences
amounting to a new species.
 But, when the rains came in the
Galapagos their beaks went back to
normal size.
 There was no permanent change, just
What evidence do antibiotic resistant
bacteria provide for macro-evolution?
They say it shows examples of how
__________ enable creatures to have an
___________ in _________________.
 But, antibiotic resistance ____________
when living conditions ______________.
They say it shows examples of how
mutations enable creatures to have an
___________ in _________________.
 But, antibiotic resistance ____________
when living conditions ______________.
They say it shows examples of how
mutations enable creatures to have an
advantage in _________________.
 But, antibiotic resistance ____________
when living conditions ______________.
They say it shows examples of how
mutations enable creatures to have an
advantage in natural selection.
 But, antibiotic resistance ____________
when living conditions ______________.
They say it shows examples of how
mutations enable creatures to have an
advantage in natural selection.
 But, antibiotic resistance disappears when
living conditions ______________.
They say it shows examples of how
mutations enable creatures to have an
advantage in natural selection.
 But, antibiotic resistance disappears when
living conditions return to normal.