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Summer vacation Home work
Biology Class Xth
1. Define the following terms:
1) nutrition
2) photosynthesis
3) peristalsis
4) excretion
5) osmoregulation
6) holozoic nutrition
2. Distinguish between:
1) breathing and respiration
2) parasite and saprophyte
3) aerobic and anaerobic respiration
4) inhalation and exhalation
5) ingestion and egestion
3. How do plants get rid of their waste products?
4. Name the raw materials of photosynthesis.
5. How exchange of gases take place in plants?
6. Differentiate between photosynthesis and respiration.
7. Leaves of a potted plant are coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this
plant remain healthy for long? State the 3 reasons for your answer.
8. How is prepared food transported to different parts of the plant?
9. What is blood? What are the components of blood? Also write the function of
each component.
10.What is the difference between the blood flowing in the arteries and that
flowing in the veins?
11.What is the meaning of the term “Double circulation”?
12.What will happen if excess bleeding takes place and what natural device
preventing it?
13.What is excretion? How is solid and gaseous waste excreted in humans?
14.List the functions of blood
15.What are nutrients?
16.What is the importance of nutrients?
17.What is autotrophic nutrition?
18.What is heterotrophic nutrition?
19.Why are green plants called producers?
20.What is photosynthesis?
21.What are the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
22.From where do the green plants get carbon dioxide?
23.Why are minerals essential in photosynthesis?
24.How do plants obtain minerals?
25.Give account of the reaction of the photosynthetic reaction?
26.How do the plants obtain carbon dioxide and water?
27.Name the different types of heterotrophic nutrition?
28.What is holozoic nutrition?
29.What are saprotrophs?
30.Name two parasitic plants?
31.How are all plants and animals dependent on green plants?
32.What are the steps involved in holozoic nutrition?
33.Write short notes on absorption?
34.What type of nutrition is shown in amoeba? What does it diet include?
35.How is food digested in amoeba?
36.Describe the digestion of food in the small intestine?
37.What is the function of large intestine in the human digestive system?
38.What is the role played by the liver in addition to the digestion of food?
Summer vacation Home work
(Biology Class IXth)
1. What are the tenets of cell theory?
2. Why the cell is called the unit of structure and function in a living organism?
3. Is an elephant cell longer than the cell of a rat? Why?
4. Explain why do the smaller cells have better efficiency?
5. How do the new cells arise from the preexisting cells?
6. What is the meaning of division of labour? Is it different from cell to cell?
7. What do you mean by a selectively permeable membrane?
8. Write the composition & function of the cell wall.
9. Define the process of Diffusion.
10.What is the process of Osmosis?
11.Differentiate the terms:
12.What is that process by which amoeba acquires its food?
13.Draw the figure of an onion peel showing cells
14.Classify the living organism on the basis of number of cells they have.
15.Draw the figure of various types of cells present in a human body.
16.Give the composition and structure of a unit membrane.
Explain Infectious and non-infectious diseases, its causative organism, its
symptoms and preventive measures. Stick pictures of these diseases.
Summer vacation Home work
(Biology Class XIIth)
1. An anther with malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce viable male
gametophyte give reason?
2. Why does the flower in salvia show stamens with lever mechanism?
3. What is sporopollenin ?
4. What is self - incompatibility?
5. Explain the role of tapetum ?
6. What is apomixis and what is its importance?
7. Define triple fusion. What is the product of this process?
8. Describe the development of male gametophyte of a flowering plant, with the
help of a neat labeled diagram?
9. Draw a labeled diagram of a mature embryo sac?
10.Why does a pollen grain possess two male gametes?
11.If the chromosome number of a plant species is 16, what would be the
chromosome number & ploidy level of
a. Microspore mother cell
b. The endosperm cell
12.What is meant by emasculation? When & why does a plant breeder employ
this technique?
13.Trace the development of embryo after syngamy in a dicot plant ?
14.Draw a diagram of a mature dicot embryo & label cotyledons, plumule, radicle,
hypocotyl in it?
15.What do you mean by monosporic development of female gametophyte?
Reproduction in Organisms
1. What are vegetative propagules?
2. What is clone?
3. Name a multicellular organism which reproduces by budding.
4. What is life span?
5. Which type of organisms reproduces by binary fission?
6. Define external fertilization? Mention its disadvantages ?
7. Compare monoecious & dioecious plants?
8. Distinguish between.
a) Oviparous & viviparous.
b) External & internal fertilization.
9. Describe major events of sexual reproduction?
10.Describe vegetative reproduction in plants?
11. Name the common asexual reproductive structures found in penicillium and sponge?
12.Give two examples of animals in which oestrus cycle occurs?
13.What is Parthenogenesis?
14.Name the two stages that a zygote undergoes during embryogenesis?
15.Identify whether the following parts are haploid (n) or diploid (2n)
(i) Zygote (ii) Ovary
16.Define: a) Juvenile Phase b) Senescent Phase.
17.Define external fertilization? Mention its disadvantages.
18.What are staminate and pistillate flowers? Name the types of gametes that are
formed in staminate and pistillate flowers?
10. Describe with suitable diagrams.
(a) Budding in yeast
(b) Binary fission in amoebae.
19. (a) Differentiate between gametogenesis from embryogenesis.
(b) Differentiate between zoospore & Zygote.