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Buddhist Examination
Study Guide Young Adult & Teenager Section
Exam Date: December 4th, 2016
2016 Toronto Buddhist Examination
Exam Study Guide – Young Adult, Teenager Section
Young Adult Section (Ages 19-35) …………………………… P. 2
Teenager Section ………………..……………………………... P. 20
Group A (Ages 15-18) ……………………..………………. P. 20
Group B (Ages 11-14) ……………………………………... P. 33
Important Remark for Candidates
1. Date & time of examination: December 4, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
Duration of the examination: 2 hours.
2. Exam results will be posted on December 11, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.
(Humanistic College Achievements Exhibition Day)
3. Books, notes, texts and cell phones are not permitted in your exam.
4. Candidates are responsible to bring their own stationery including black or blue pen for
writing answers. Do not write with red pen or pencil.
5. If you are unclear about a question during the examination, please raise your hand and
ask an exam invigilator for clarification.
6. Write your answers on the examination booklet: For true or false questions, please mark
“T” for true and “F” for false. For multiple choice questions, please write only one
answer (A, B, C or D). For fill in the blanks questions, please write your answer in the
7. Candidates must hand in all examination materials after completion.
No one will be allowed to leave the examination site for the first 20 minutes of the exam.
8. Please keep the examination site clean and tidy at all times. Please refrain from talking
loudly outside the examination site.
9. Please print your full name clearly on all answer sheets and examination booklet.
10. Please turn off your cell phones and other electronic device before you enter the
examination site.
2016 Toronto Buddhist Examination
Exam Study Guide – Young Adult Section (Age 19 to 35)
I. True and False
( T ) 1. The highest form of generosity is to share the Dharma.
( T ) 2. The Triple Gem refers to the Buddha, the awakened one; Dharma, the Buddha’s
teachings and Sangha, the spiritual teachers.
( T ) 3. Right Concentration is a mental discipline that aims to transform your mind.
( T ) 4. Wisdom arises from hearing, reflecting, contemplating and cultivating on the
( F ) 5. Karmic actions are considered to be the engine which drives the cycle of
uncontrolled lives for sentient beings.
(the cycle of rebirth)
( T ) 6. One who generates bodhicitta, the “awakened mind”, vows to cultivate great
compassion and liberate all sentient beings from suffering.
( T ) 7. All phenomenon arise from causes and conditions.
( F ) 8. In order to become a qualified Buddhist, one must strictly follow the vegetarian
lifestyle. (Being a vegetarian is to cultivate the mind of compassion, but is not
a strictly requirement for Buddhists)
( F ) 9. “Amitabha “ is translated as “Infinite Light”, hence Amitabha is often called
“The Buddha of Light”.
(The Buddha of Infinite Light)
( T ) 10. Joining palms together, making half-bows and prostrations are forms of
Buddhist etiquette.
( T ) 11. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are the Six Roots of our sense organs.
( F ) 12. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is often referred to as the Bodhisattva of the Heaven
beings because of his vow to not achieve Buddhahood until “all the Hells are
(Bodhisattva of the Hell beings)
( T ) 13. Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the
true nature of reality.
( T ) 14. To study Buddhism, we must cultivate Precepts, Samadhi and Wisdom.
( T ) 15. Wisdom means the insight to see things and phenomena as they really are.
( T ) 16. The Five Precepts are the basis of Buddhist morality.
( T ) 17. The purpose of practising Buddhism is creating profound happiness for ourselves and
for others.
( T ) 18. The Four Noble Truths are: suffering, cause of suffering, cessation of suffering and
the path that leads to the cessation of suffering.
( T ) 19. Morality is the fundamental foundation for practicing meditation and cultivation of
( T ) 20. Amitabha Buddha is the enlightened one who represents infinite life and boundless
( T ) 21. Morality pertains to the distinction between right and wrong or good and evil in
relation to actions, volitions and character.
( F ) 22. When one practices giving, it is because one is wealthy, has high social standing, or
seeks to gain fame.
(It is a practice to cultivate people’s mind of compassion and renunciation.)
( T ) 23. What you put into the world comes back to you. How you live your life determines
what kind of life you will have.
( T ) 24. There are three basic factors that determine the order or direction of our karma:
its seriousness, our habits, and our thoughts.
( T ) 25. Buddhism originated from India, firmly developed in China, and then spread to
Korea, Japan, America and other European countries.
( T ) 26. The Six Paramitas are the principal virtues of the Bodhisattva path that provide the
perfect guide to Humanistic Buddhism.
( F ) 27. Prostrating or bowing to the Buddha is a form of idol worship.
(To learn the spirit and virtues of the Buddha by humbling ourselves.)
( F ) 28. The practice of meditation helps one to gain supernatural power. (The practice
of meditation helps one to gain stability and concentration of one's mind.)
( T ) 29. In practicing Buddhism, we should focus on morality and compassion rather than
searching for supernatural powers.
( T ) 30. In general, moral discipline is a virtuous determination to abandon any non virtuous
( F ) 31. “Om Mani Padme Hum” is a six syllable mantra that people can gain wealth
from chanting it.
(People cultivate compassion from chanting it.)
( F ) 32. Some people can exempt from the Law of Cause and Effect.
(No one is exempt from the Law of Cause and Effect.)
( T ) 33. Manjusri, the bodhisattva of wisdom is usually depicted with a sword in one of
his hands which cuts through the darkness of ignorance.
( F ) 34. According to Buddhist scriptures, there is only one world system.
(There are numerous world system)
( T ) 35. Our habits and deeds influence the outcome of our rebirth.
( F ) 36. For a Buddhist, becoming a vegetarian is to cultivate merit for oneself.
(helps cultivate his/her compassion).
( T ) 37. Our habits affect our behaviors, which will in turn produce like kind of karma.
( T ) 38. When we enter into the temple and see the Buddha, joining palms and making
half-bows are forms of Buddhist etiquette.
( T ) 39. One should humbly listen to the Dharma, in order to understand the teachings from
the Buddha.
( T ) 40. Practice Buddhism does not require renunciation of family life and civil society.
( T ) 41. Buddhism teaches people how to regulate their deeds and how to understand and help
themselves and their interactions with others.
( T ) 42. The Eight Sufferings are the suffering of birth, the suffering of old age, the suffering
of illness, the suffering of death, the suffering of lost love, the suffering of being
hatred, the suffering of unfulfilled desire and the suffering of the five aggregates.
( T ) 43. The name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Guang Yin Bodhisattva) means “he
who listens to the sounds of the world” .
( T ) 44. Sakyamuni Buddha established the eight purification precepts for the purpose of
offering the laity an opportunity to live in the monastery for one day and one night to
learn about and experience monastic life.
( T ) 45. To prevent one from going astray in the practice of meditation, one should base
his/her practice on the mind of compassion and the observation of pure precepts.
( T ) 46. What arises is subject to change and destruction so nothing is permanent.
( T ) 47. The contribution of Buddhism to the world elevates and purifies people’s spirit,
creating peace and stability in the society.
( F ) 48. In order to be reborn in a better realm next life, one must donate more money to
cultivate more merits in this life. (One accumulate merit many ways)
( T ) 49. The causes of human suffering are greed, anger and ignorance.
( T ) 50. Venerable Master Hsing Yun promotes Humanistic Buddhist in order to bring back
the teachings of the Buddha to the human life.
( T ) 51. Right view is the first of the eight path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path.
( T ) 52. The Buddhist “right view” means having the right kinds of ideas, and right
( F ) 53. The six perfections are six methods of practice that bring liberation to oneself and
others. They are receiving, morality, patience, middle-path, meditative concentration,
(The six perfections are six methods of practice that bring liberation to oneself
and others. They are giving, morality, patience, diligence, meditative concentration,
( T ) 54. One can practice the Dharma by following the sequence of “ faith, understanding,
practice, and realization” .
( F ) 55. Intending to do something and actually doing it have the same karmic effect.
(simply doing something good without good/wholesome intentions does not result in
good karma)
( T ) 56. Buddhism virtually died out in India because it was gradually absorbed by Hinduism.
( T ) 57. By observing the five precepts we can enjoy peace and well-being in the human form.
( F ) 58.
, the Dharma wheel, symbolizes the special power from Buddha.
(The eight spokes of the Dharma wheel symbolize the Noble Eightfold Path set out by
the Buddha in his teachings. The wheel also represents the endless cycle of samsara,
or rebirth, which can only be escaped by means of the Buddha's teachings.)
( F ) 59. The Five Precepts apply only to Buddhist monastics.
(It applies to all, not just to monastics)
( T ) 60 The Buddha taught lay people to live within their economic means.
II. Multiple Choice
( B ) 1. During the First Turning of the Dharma Wheel, the Buddha taught the five Bhiksus,
A) Six Paramitas.
B) Four Noble Truths.
C) Five Precepts.
D) Three Dharma Seals.
( D ) 2. Which one of the following is NOT part of the practice of a Bodhisattva?
A) Compassion.
B) Kindness.
C) Helping others.
D) Self liberation.
( C ) 3. The Tripitaka refers to
A) Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
B) sila, samadhi, and prajna.
C) Sutra, Vinaya and Abhidharma.
D) none of the above.
( D ) 4. Which of the following bodhisattva is the most well-known in Chinese Buddhism for
his great compassion and various manifestations.
A) Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.
B) Maitreya Bodhisattva.
C) Manjusri Bodhisattva.
D) Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
( A ) 5. The Threefold learnings in Buddhism are;
A) Precepts, Meditation and Wisdom.
B) Body, Speech and Mind.
C) Observation of contemplation, Cultivation and Wisdom.
D) Greediness, Anger and Ignorance.
( D ) 6. To stop killing was taught under what principle?
A) To stop the suffering of all living beings from being killed.
B) To respect and have reverence for all lives.
C) To stop the negative karma by refraining from killing.
D) All of the above.
( A ) 7. What is the main objective for a Buddhist to learn and practice Meditation?
A) To understand the mind and realize our Buddha nature.
B) To obtain supernatural powers.
C) To be different than others.
D) All of the above.
( C ) 8. Which of the following from the Noble Eightfold Path relates to the
development of Wisdom?
A) Right Speech and Right Mindfulness.
B) Right Concentration and Right Livelihood.
C) Right Understanding and Right Thought.
D) Right Mindfulness and Right Action.
( D ) 9. What is the objective of chanting the Sutras (Scriptures) in Buddhism?
A) a demonstration of one’s excellent practice.
B) performed by monastic members only.
C) a way that benefits only the deceased.
D) to hear and reflect upon the teachings of the Buddha and purify one’s Mind.
( B ) 10. Morality belongs to which aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path?
A) Right Understanding and Right Thought.
B) Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood and Right Effort.
C) Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
D) None of the above.
( B ) 11. Venerable Master Hsing Yun has dedicated his life to the world-wide propagation of
A) Tantric Buddhism.
B) Humanistic Buddhism.
C) Ch’an Buddhism.
D) Zen Buddhism.
( A ) 12. Which of the following are characteristics of Humanistic Buddhism
A) emphasis on daily life.
B) life of denial and bearing of the sufferings of others.
C) life spent in solitude and deep meditation.
( C ) 13. Each of the Four Noble Truths focuses on the problem of:
A) ignorance.
B) fate.
C) suffering.
D) hatred.
( D ) 14. Right Mindfulness means to contemplate on:
A) The body and speech.
B) One’s feelings.
C) The mind and mind-objects.
D) All the above.
( A ) 15. The Buddha attained enlightenment through
A) his personal experience in realizing the truth of this phenomena World.
B) the blessing by the mighty God.
C) the praying to all Gods.
D) his own understanding from what he learned from his teachers.
( D ) 16. How many links are there in the chain of interdependent origination?
A) Tree.
B) Four.
C) Eight.
D) Twelve.
( B ) 17. What is the meaning of Humanistic Buddhism as according to Venerable Master
Hsing Yun?
A) Morality.
B) Teachings from the Buddha; things that people needs; things that are pure and
things that are kind.
C) Compassion and wisdom.
D) Self liberation.
( C ) 18. Who is the founder of Fo Guang Shan Temple?
A) Buddha.
B) Guan Yin Bodhisattva.
C) Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
D) Master Tai Xu.
( B ) 19. To practice the Bodhisattva Path and help others, one must first
A) cultivate the mind of renunciation.
B) generate the bodhicitta. (compassion mind)
C) practice meditation.
D) become a vegetarian.
( A ) 20. What is the objective of joining palms when we meet each other in the temple?
A) Showing respect and sincerity.
B) To say hi.
C) Just a traditional Buddhist practice.
D) The Venerable says so.
( A ) 21. The period when the Buddha first began teaching is called the
A) First Turning of the Dharma Wheel.
B) Original Lesson.
C) Enlightened Age.
D) Awakened Time.
( C ) 22. The Buddha’s name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning
A) spirit warrior.
B) middle path.
C) the enlightened one.
D) to wake up.
( B ) 23. Our sense of self is made up of ________ aggregates or components.
A) Three
B) Five
C) Seven
D) Twelve
( D ) 24. Buddhists should
A) pay homage to the Triple Gem.
B) uphold the precepts.
C) follow the teachings from the Buddha.
D) all of the above.
( A ) 25. Three Dharma Seals refer to
A) Impermanence, no self-nature and Nirvana.
B) Morality, Meditation and Wisdom.
C) Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana.
D) None of the above.
( E ) 26. Sentient beings chain themselves to painful strong attachments;
A) Known as the “Three Poisons”.
B) Greed.
C) Anger.
D) Ignorance.
E) All of the above.
( B ) 27. Where is the headquarter of Fo Guang Shan temple?
A) Los Angeles, USA.
B) Kao Hsiung, Taiwan.
C) Toronto, Canada.
D) Shanghai, China.
( D ) 28. Some examples of meritorious actions are:
A) developing generosity.
B) observing the precepts.
C) showing respect for others.
D) all of the above.
( A ) 29. The main teachings of Mahayana Buddhism is to encourage one
A) to benefit both others and oneself.
B) to benefit others only.
C) to be different from others.
D) to benefit oneself.
( D ) 30. A bodhisattva refers to:
A) one who is seeking attainment of Buddhahood.
B) one who is compassionate that helps others to achieve enlightenment.
C) one who practices the four means of embracing and the six perfections.
D) all of the above.
( D ) 31. Buddha and Bodhisattvas have perfected their wisdom and compassion.
Therefore, We pay homage to them because we wish
A) to show our respect and veneration.
B) to see Buddha and bodhisattvas as examples in practice.
C) to cultivate our inner Buddha nature.
D) all of the above.
( A ) 32. The Three Poisons (things that cause us to suffer) are
A) greed, hatred and ignorance.
B) killing, stealing and sex.
C) three different types of drugs.
D) jealousy, ignorance and doubt.
( B ) 33. What are the Three Goods?
A) Being pure, being kind and being harmonious.
B) Say good things, do good deeds and have good thoughts.
C) Be a good friend, be a good family member and be a good employee/employer.
D) None of the above.
( A ) 34. The four unwholesome actions caused by speech are
A) lying, slandering, harsh words and frivolous talk.
B) lying, duplicity, wrong views and irritation.
C) slandering, ill will, harsh words and killing.
D) all of above.
( C ) 35. To end suffering _________.
A) Follow Buddhism.
B) Follow your heart.
C) Follow Eightfold Path.
D) Follow nirvana.
( A ) 36. The Eightfold Path is made of _________.
A) Eight teachings.
B) Eight rocks.
C) Eight kinds of food.
D) Eight drawings.
( C ) 37. A spiritually wise friend is
A) one who has great knowledge and does many good deeds.
B) one who that is able to speak eloquently.
C) one who is virtuous and is able to give guidance that leads to the right path.
D) one who is worldly and arrogant.
( D ) 38. The Buddha is someone who:
A) has permanently eliminated all negative qualities from their mind.
B) acts with perfect wisdom in all things.
C) is completely free from all kinds of suffering.
D) all of the above.
( B ) 39. The illness that human being should pay most attention to in order to achieve
world peace is
A) cardiac illness.
B) illness of the mind.
D) none of the above.
( B ) 40. The main motivation behind Buddha’s great renunciation was
A) to avoid problems raised in the family.
B) to seek the truth and liberate all beings.
C) to lead a single’s lifestyle.
( D ) 41. Right mindfulness means to contemplate
A) the body.
B) one’s feelings.
C) the mind and mind-objects.
D) all of the above.
( C ) 42. Where did Gautama Buddha got enlightenment
A) Varanasi.
B) Sarnath.
C) Bodhgaya.
D) Prayaga.
( D ) 43. The cause of rebirth depends on one’s
A) karmic energy.
B) habit.
C) last moment of thought.
D) all of the above.
( B ) 44. What is the core objective of taking the Five Precepts?
A) To cultivate self merits and liberation.
B) To respect oneself and others and not to bring offence and harm to oneself and
C) To be compassionate to others first.
D) To become a Buddhist.
( A ) 45. In Buddhism, the lotus blossom is a symbol of
A) magnificence and purity.
B) beauty and nature.
C) plant and effort.
D) wisdom and compassion.
( C ) 46. The collection of precepts that lay people come to the temple to observe for one full
day is called the
A) Five Precepts.
B) Bodhisattva Precepts.
C) Eight Precepts.
D) Refuge in the Triple Gem.
( C ) 47. To listen to the Dharma teachings, one should
A) deeply study the teachings.
B) contemplate the teachings.
C) all of the above.
D) none of the above.
( B ) 48. Buddhism was founded by the historical Buddha over____ years ago in India.
A) 3000
B) 2500
C) 5000
D) 1500
( B ) 49. Fo Guang Shan propagates
A) Forest Buddhism.
B) Humanistic Buddhism.
C) Ascetic Buddhism.
D) Tantric Buddhism.
( D ) 50. The Buddha attained enlightenment on:
A) April 8th.
B) May 8th.
C) June 14th.
D) December 8th.
( C ) 51. To be a Buddhist disciple, one can join the monastic or become a lay disciple.
There are Sevenfold of assembly. The male lay disciple and female disciple is:
A) Bhiksu and Bhiksuni.
B) Sramanera and Sramanerika.
C) Upasaka and Upasika.
D) Arhat and Asura.
( D ) 52. Which one is the first and last stage of the Eight Stages of the Buddha’s Progress?
A) Birth and Turning the Dharma wheel.
B) Entry into the womb and subduing Mara.
C) Leaving home and Awakening.
D) Descent from Tusita Heaven and the final nirvana.
(The Eight Stages of the Buddha’s Progress are: Descent from Tusita, Entry into
the womb, Birth, Leaving home, subduing Mara, Awakening, Turning the Dharma
wheel and the final nirvana)
( A ) 53. Which one of the following is not the ten great disciples of the Buddha?
A) Devadatta.
(Ti Po Da Duo 提婆達多)
B) Maudgalyayana. (Mu Jian Lian 目犍連)
C) Subhuti.
(Xu Pu Ti 須菩提)
D) Sariputra.
(She Li Fu 舍利弗)
( C ) 54. Which one is a symbol of Buddism?
the swastika sign)
( D ) 55. Which one of the following is not the field of merit?
A) The Triple Gem and Spiritual Practitioner.
B) Parents and Teachers.
C) Crisis Victims and Disadvantaged Groups.
D) Kings.
(The eight fields of merit are: The Triple Gem, Spiritual Practitioner, Parents,
Teachers, The sick, The physically Impaired, Crisis Victims and Disadvantaged
( B ) 56. 'Standard' Buddhist Flag has ____ vertical stripes.
A) yellow-blue-red-orange-white
B) blue-yellow-red-white-orange
C) blue-yellow-white-red-orange
D) red-orange-yellow-blue-white
( A ) 57. The five precepts are fundamental to being human and are the basis for attaining
Buddhahood. What are the five precepts?
A) Refrain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, consuming
B) Refrain from killing, begging, sexual misconduct, lying, consuming
C) Refrain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, hearing, consuming
D) Refrain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, listening.
( C ) 58. Each of the Four Noble Truths focuses on the problem of:
A) ignorance
B) fate
C) suffering
D) hatred
( D ) 59. Which of the following is not part of the Eightfold Path?
A) right speech.
B) right concentration.
C) right effort.
D) right desires.
( A ) 60. Buddhism spread from _______ to ________.
A) India to China.
B) Japan to India.
C) China to India.
D) Japan to Sri Lanka.
III. Fill in the Blank:
1. Practicing generosity is to purify【stinginess】, 【attachment】and【greed】.
2. List the triple gems that transcend all worldly forms: 【the Buddha】,
3. To propagate Buddhism is the duty of the【monastic】community and the【lay】
4. 【Dharma】 means the natural truth of the universe that was discovered by the Buddha.
Dharma is the absolute【reality】of phenomena in the world.
5. The Buddha was born in【Lumbini】, now Nepal. In Bodhgaya, he attained the Great
【Enlightenment】, which revealed the way of salvation from suffering, and the truth of
【life and death】.
6. The Noble Eightfold Path are【right view/understanding】,【right thought】,
【right speech】, right action, right livelihood, 【right effort】, right mindfulness and
【right concentration】.
7. The Fo Guang Buddhist Motto is to: 【give others confidence】, give others joy, give others
hope, and【give others convenience】.
8. All the world’s phenomena are made up of the four great elements. The four elements are:
1.【earth】, 2.【water】, 3.【fire】, 4.【wind】.
9. I take refuge in the Buddha, wishing all sentient beings to【understand the highest doctrine
and make the greatest vow】. I take refuge in the Dharma, wishing all sentient beings to
【study the Sutra Tripitaka and obtain the ocean of wisdom】. I take refuge in the Sangha,
wishing all sentient beings to【lead the congregation in harmony without obstruction】.
10. The essence of all of Buddha’s teachings is to【do no evil】,【cultivate all that is good】
and【purify one’s mind】.
11. Concentration can be achieved only through meditation,【faith】,【patience】and
continuous practice of【mindfulness】.
12. The four great Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism represent the ideals of【compassion】,
【wisdom】,【vow】and【great practice】.
13. The bad karmic forces caused by the mind are covetousness,【ill will】and
【wrong views】.
14. The four stages of Practice are: 1.【faith】, 2.【understanding】, 3.【practice】,
15. The Six Paramitas are【giving】, upholding precepts,【patience】, diligence,
【meditation】, and【wisdom】.
16. The four measurables that are realized in Humanistic Buddhism’s spirit of giving and
benefiting others are: 1.【loving-kindness】, 2.【compassion】, 3.【joy】,
17. The four Noble Truth are【Suffering】, Cause of Suffering, 【End of Suffering】
and【path leads to end of Suffering】.
18. 【Faith】, is the encouragement when one’s way is long and wearisome, and it leads one
to enlightenment.
19. The Five Precepts are refraining from killing,【stealing】, sexual misconduct,【lying】,
and【intake of intoxicants】.
20. According to the Buddha, all phenomena of existence are【impermanent】.
21. The four kinds of comportment are :
Walk like the【Wind】, Stand like a【Pine】, Sit like a【Bell】, Sleep like a【Bow】.
22. The four kinds of grauatitude are: Kindness of【Parents】, Kindness of
【Sentient Beings】, Kindness of【Country】, Kindness of【Triple Gem】.
23. The Buddhist monastic community is called the sangha in Sanskrit, which means
24. The “six realms of existence,” are mundane realms. Among them, there are three
unfortunate rebirths. They are【Animal Realm】,【Realm of Hungry
Ghosts】and【Hell Realms】. They are also known as the【three lower Realms】.
25. In Sanskrit, yana, “vehicle”, is symbolic of how sentient beings are transported from the
afflictions of this shore over to nirvana of the other shore. Mahayana, the “【great】
vehicle,” is also called the “【bodhisattva】vehicle,” the “supreme vehicle”, the
“excellent vehicle.”
26. After the Buddha’s final nirvana , his disciples compiled , edit his teaching, and eventually
divided into three divisions : the collection of【discourses】, the collection of
【monastic rules】, and the collection of【treatises】.
27. The Buddha’s name was【Siddhartha Gautama】.
28. The cycle of birth, death, rebirth is called【samsara】.
29. According to the Buddha, suffering is caused by【desire】.
30. The Buddha’s prescription for an end to desire and suffering is the【Eightfold path】.
IV. Short Answer Questions
1. List the Three Good Deeds and explain your opinion on how you can share these
Three Goods with to this World.
The Three Good Deeds:
1. Do good things.
2. Say good words.
3. Have good thoughts.
2. Karma is an important aspect of the Buddhist teachings. What is karma, and how does
it affect our past, present and future lives?
Karma is accumulated through one's intentional deeds, so you can create good karma by doing
good deeds, or create bad karma by doing bad deeds. The karma of our past lives determines
certain conditions of our present lives. Similarly, what we do in this present life will
determine the conditions of both our present and our future lives.
3. Compassion and wisdom are considered equally important in Buddhist practice.
Please state your understanding of why they are equally important.
4. Some of the sutras said that “the mind is the source of evil, and the form is a
congregation of wrong doing.” Some of the sutras said that “the mind is the architect
that creates this world, the form is delusion.” Share your thoughts about these two
5. After knowing about and learning Buddhism, how does this understanding and
practice change your way of thinking and your life?
6. What were the Four Sights that the Prince Siddhartha saw when he first visited the city?
Explain the four sights. Share your own feeling about these four sights.
The four sights that the Buddha saw were an old man, a sick man (man with disease), a dead
man (corpse) and an ascetic. Prince Siddhartha began to realize that aging, sickness, and death
are the unavoidable nature of life, and the universal ailment of humanity. Prince Siddhartha
was inspired by the ascetic who signified the means to overcome the ills of life and to attain
calm and peace.
7. Buddha said that everything in this World is impermanent. Being a young adult, how
do you feel about this comment?
Share your insight.
8. In this modern world, we are facing the challenge of new technologies and the
creation and all kinds of material invention. But chasing after these new technological
material inventions usually creates more desires for people and also increasing desires
bring unhappiness.
Please state your opinion and insight on these statements.
9. Please share your thoughts about how you feel or understand about Humanistic
10. List the Five Precepts and explain your opinion on how observing these precepts can
help develop loving-kindness and improve security in our society.
The Five Precepts:
1. No killing.
2. No stealing.
3. No lying.
4. No sexual misconduct.
5. No taking of intoxicants.
2016 Toronto Buddhist Examination
Exam Study Guide – Teenager Section (Group A, Age 15 -18)
I. True or False
( T ) 1. The Buddha’s Light International Association belongs to the lay Buddhist
community of Fo Guang Shan.
( T ) 2. The reason behind taking refuge in the Triple Gem (The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha)
is to truly become a Buddhist.
( F ) 3. The name of Amitabha Buddha can only be recited during chanting services.
(Can be recited anytime.)
( T ) 4. Humanistic Buddhism teaches us to apply the teachings of Buddhism in our daily life.
( F ) 5. I should go hide and cry silently when my parents argue and avoid discussing the issue
with them.
(When things cool down, I should share with them how I feel.)
( T ) 6. One of the Buddhist practices is to build good friendships with people around us and
with as many people as possible.
( F ) 7. The founder of Buddhism is God. (Sakyamuni Buddha)
( T ) 8. The meaning of the word “Buddha” is the “Enlightened One”.
( T ) 9. Tolerance and compassion can help us get along with friends.
( T ) 10. When we know how to appreciate and treasure the possessions we have, we begin to
see clearly the purpose of life.
( F ) 11. The best way to deal with difficulty is to give up.
(Continue even when it is hard to go.)
( T ) 12. We can improve friendship by having good manners, smiling and being sincere.
( F ) 13. It is OK to lie to others on internet as others cannot see you or know your are lying.
(you are always responsible for your own act, you should always be truthful and
( F ) 14. Meditation is the only method to practice Buddhism.
(There are many methods to practice Buddhism, depending on what suits
one’s circumstances in life.)
( T ) 15. If you believe and practice compassion in your life, then compassion is Humanistic
Buddhism, an important part of it.
( T ) 16. Buddhists should always respect other religions.
( T ) 17. Buddha gave his first sermon at Saranath.
( T ) 18. To keep a good relationship between classmates, we should share problems and
thoughts with each other and practice mutual respect.
( F ) 19. Buddha’s birthday is on December 8th. (April 8th)
( F ) 20. One of the main purposes of Buddhist practice is to gain wealth and improve one’s
(One of the main purposes of Buddhist practice is to gain right views in
order to understand ourselves and the phenomena world.)
( T ) 21. Tolerance and compassion can help us get along with friends.
( F ) 22. When visiting a temple, one should dress modestly and not follow the rules and
customs of the temple.
(One should follow the rules and customs of the temple)
( T ) 23. The Buddha is a great teacher because he understood the true meaning of life, shared
with us what he knew about life, guided us in our life and tirelessly helped others.
( T ) 24. Contentment is the source of happiness.
( T ) 25. Buddha was born at Lumbini.
( T ) 26. Buddhists should practice the Dharma through the Three Good Deeds: say good
words, keep a good heart and do good things.
( F ) 27. As Buddhists, we have to learn how to meditate so we can get supernatural powers.
(The purpose of meditation is to calm our mind and be more mindful.)
( T ) 28. It takes courage to admit one’s fault instead of blaming others.
( F ) 29. The name of Amitabha Buddha can only be recited during chanting services.
(It can be recited anytime.)
( T ) 30. Joining Palms to each other is the show of respect and sincerity between ourselves
and others.
( F ) 31. The Buddhist community consists of lay people only.
(Both monastic and lay people.)
( T ) 32. If I hear a rumor about one of my classmates, I should stop the rumor from spreading
( F ) 33. In order to get good marks in an exam, I need only pray to the Buddha and the
Buddha will bless me.
(You should always be attentive in class and study hard before the exam.)
( T ) 34. The reason for observing the precepts is to purify our body, speech and mind.
( T ) 35. The reason to respect, chant and understand the Sutra is because the Sutra is the
teachings from the Buddha that teach us how to live a better life.
( T ) 36. Buddhist sutras and scriptures record the teachings of the Buddha.
( T ) 37. A Buddhist with the right understanding of the Dharma will not practice fortune
telling, horoscope reading, feng shui (an art of placement or arrangement), and
hypnosis or psychic powers.
( F ) 38. April 8th is the day when the Buddha attained enlightenment. (December 8th)
( T ) 39. Practicing the Three Good Deeds: Do good deeds, speak good words and have good
thoughts, will help us to improve ourselves in our characters and will improve our
relationships with our families and friends.
( T ) 40. We can improve our relationship with our parents by listening and understanding
how they think and feel, showing them good manners and respecting them.
( F ) 41. Prostrating to the Buddha is a form of idol worship.
(It is to show our respect and to learn from the Buddha by humbling ourselves.)
( T ) 42. Buddhists often greet each other by saying “Omitofo”.
( T ) 43. When we see a Venerable (Shifu), we will join our palms and say “Omitofo”.
This is to show respect to our teacher.
( T ) 44. One who gains people’s respect is one who is humble and honest.
( F ) 45. The significance of observing precepts is to take away your freedom.
(Not to violate or offend others.)
( T ) 46. A Bodhisattva is someone who is liberated, practices Buddhism and helps
others in all ways.
( T ) 47. The founder of Fo Guang Shan Monastery is Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
( F ) 48. Prince Siddhartha left his palace to pursue enlightenment because he didn’t
want to become a king.
(He left because he wanted to discover the truth of life.)
( T ) 49. Meditation helps us to calm our mind and become more focused.
( T ) 50. In Buddhism, the lotus flower is a symbol of magnificence and purity.
II. Multiple Choices:
( B ) 1. Buddha’s birthday is on:
A) December 8th.
B) April 8th.
C) February 8th.
D) October 8th.
( A ) 2. The objective of learning Buddhism is to
A) Understand ourselves better and lead a meaningful life.
B) achieve a higher status than everyone else.
C) dominate all sentient beings.
( A ) 3. In order to overcome daily challenges, we should
A) develop a healthy mind by practicing positive thinking.
B) use intoxicants to escape from them.
C) smoke.
D) all of the above.
( C ) 4. Taking somebody else’s property as one’s own is to break the precept of
A) not lying.
B) not killing.
C) not stealing.
( C ) 5. In order to get good marks on an exam, I
A) only need to pray to the Buddha.
B) should ask the Venerables to pray for me.
C) should pay attention in class and study hard.
D) can cheat in the exam.
( A ) 6. Praying to the Buddha can
A) help purify our minds.
B) help us pass exams without making any effort.
C) help us win in gambling.
( A ) 7. Being a Buddhist can help us
A) to understand ourselves better.
B) to have more friends to play with.
C) to pass exams.
( C ) 8. People have the freedom of religion. Therefore ________ are equal under the law and
should not be discriminated against.
A) only Buddhists
B) only Christians
C) all religions
( C ) 9. The motto of Fo Guang Shan is to give others confidence, give others happiness, give
others hope and give others _____________.
A) nightmares.
B) money.
C) convenience.
( A ) 10. Practicing Dharma can help us
A) to develop our self-awareness.
B) to gain supernatural powers.
C) to get what we want.
( A ) 11. The purpose of wearing the black robe (hai-ching) is to
A) pay respect to the Buddha during chanting services.
B) look smart.
C) show off.
( D ) 12. We can bring ____________ as offerings to the Buddha.
A) animals
B) incense
C) flowers
D) B & C
( C ) 13. The reason for taking the precepts is to
A) have good marks in school.
B) find a good job.
C) respect and not to hurt any life.
( B ) 14. To become a Buddhist, one must
A) become a vegetarian.
B) take refuge in the Triple Gem.
C) live in the forest.
( B ) 15. Sakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment under the _________ and became the
A) Banana Tree.
B) Bodhi Tree.
C) Apple Tree.
( B ) 16. Sakyamuni Buddha was a ________ who attained enlightenment through his
A) God
B) Teacher
C) Supernatural Person
( B ) 17. To become a Buddhist, one must
A) become a vegetarian.
B) take refuge in the Triple Gem.
C) live in the forest.
( C ) 18. After taking refuge and the Five Precepts, one has to become a
A) Vegetarian.
B) Monastic.
C) moral person.
( C ) 19. Which of the following statements best describes Buddhism?
A) Buddhism is a religion for the elderly.
B) Buddhism is a religion that only helps oneself.
C) Buddhism is a religion that encourages people to live a simple life and
experience happiness through spiritual contentment.
( B ) 20. Before he renounced his title to become a monk, _________’s name was Prince
Siddhatha of the Sakya clan.
A) Amitabha Buddha
B) Sakyamuni Buddha
C) Maitreya Buddha
D) Yasodhara
( D ) 21. Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto was established in
A) 1992.
B) 1998.
C) 1966.
D) 1997.
( A ) 22. ____________ means taking refuge.
A) Namo
B) Nemo
C) Demo
( D ) 23. How should we greet the Venerable when we see them?
A) Walk away.
B) Ignore them.
C) Say Hi.
D) Join our palms and say Omitofo.
( C ) 24. Buddhist temples are for
A) Buddhists only.
B) the elderly.
C) Everyone.
D) Adults.
( B ) 25. Where was the Buddha born?
A) China.
B) India.
C) Thailand.
D) Tibet.
( C ) 26. Which of the following statements describes Buddhism the best?
A) Buddhism is a religion for the elderly.
B) Buddhism is a religion that only helps oneself.
C) Buddhism is a religion that encourages people to live a simple life and
experience happiness through spiritual contentment.
( C ) 27. The founder of Buddhism is
A) Jesus.
B) Allah.
C) Sakyamuni Buddha.
( D ) 28. The heart of Buddhist teachings is to practice
A) Morality.
B) Wisdom.
C) Compassion.
D) All of the above.
( C ) 29. The underlying meaning of taking the precepts is to
A) have good marks in school.
B) find a good job.
C) respect and not to hurt others.
( D ) 30. What is the purpose of practicing mindfulness?
A) To obtain supernatural powers.
B) To be different from others.
C) To show people that we are Buddhist.
D) To understand our mind and understand our true self (Buddha Nature).
( C ) 31. People have the freedom of religion. Therefore, _________ are equal under the law
and should not be discriminated against.
A) only Buddhists
B) only Christians
C) all religions
( D ) 32. The Five Precepts are
A) no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct.
B) no tattle-telling.
C) no lying and no intoxicants.
D) both A & C.
( B ) 33. The founder of Fo Guang Shan is
A) the Buddha.
B) Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
C) Jesus.
( C ) 34. A Bodhisattva is someone who
A) is imaginary and exists in fairy tale stories.
B) does not care about anyone.
C) is kind-hearted, practices Buddhism and helps others in all ways.
( B ) 35. The purpose of following the Buddha’s teachings is
A) to escape from reality.
B) to purify oneself and help others.
C) to kill time.
( A ) 36. Knowing how to ___________ and treasure what we have, we will feel more
contented in life.
A) appreciate
B) take
C) eat
( D ) 37. After organizing an event, we should
A) appreciate the efforts of other people that help us in this event.
B) take all the praises to our own self.
C) evaluate ourselves with constructive criticism.
D) both A & C.
( C ) 38. The instruments used in Dharma services are called
A) Musical instruments.
B) Trumpet.
C) Dharma instruments.
( A ) 39. Buddhism was originated in_______
A) India.
B) Europe.
C) China.
D) Tibet.
( C ) 40. Buddhists with the right understanding of the Buddhism will practice
A) fortune telling.
B) feng shui (an art of placement and arrangement).
C) the teachings of the Buddha.
D) hypnosis or psychic powers.
( B ) 41. Which of the following statements is correct?
A) Buddhism is only for those people who are Buddhists and take the Five
B) Buddhism is for everyone and teaches us how to purify the human mind.
C) Making offerings to gods is good enough, therefore I do not need to learn
about Buddhism.
( D ) 42. Why is attending Dharma classes important for us?
A) We can learn how to use the teachings as a guideline for our practice and
make it a way of life.
B) We can learn about how the Buddha shared his knowledge with the world.
C) We can learn how to develop one’s spiritual growth.
D) All of the above.
( C ) 43. What will help us broaden good causal connection with others?
A) selfishness.
B) spreading gossip.
C) helping and serving.
( D ) 44. Wisdom is
A) knowing the reality of suffering and its nature.
B) knowing the source of suffering.
C) knowing what comprises the end of suffering.
D) all of the above.
( C ) 45. Which of the following statements is correct?
A) After you become a Buddhist, you cannot go to movie theatres or enjoy any
form of entertainment.
B) After you become a Buddhist, you have to be a vegetarian.
C) After you become a Buddhist, you should practice the Buddha’s teachings in
your daily life.
( A ) 46. What are sutras in Buddhism?
A) Teachings of the Buddha.
B) Textbooks for the Venerables.
C) For old people to do chanting.
D) Used for chanting only.
( A ) 47. Praying to the Buddha is to
A) show our respect to the teacher.
B) show to others that I am a good Buddhist.
C) gain merit and have good result in exam.
( D ) 48. What is the meaning of prostrating to the Buddha?
A) To overcome one’s pride.
B) To cultivate one’s humbleness.
C) To show our respect to the Buddha.
D) All of the above.
( B ) 49. Venerable Master Hsing Yun has dedicated his life to the worldwide
propagation of
A) Tantric Buddhism.
B) Humanistic Buddhism.
C) Ch’an Buddhism.
D) Zen Buddhism.
( A ) 50. The colors of the Buddhist flag are based upon the colours which emanated
from the Buddha’s body when he attained enlightenment. How many colours
are on the Buddhist flag?
A) five.
B) six.
C) seven.
D) eight.
III. Short Answer Questions
1. You have been coming to the temple and maybe even volunteering in the temple,
what do you think and feel about the temple?
2. Venerable Master Hsing Yun teaches us that “Giving is better than receiving”,
What do you feel? Please share your opinion.
3. When people whom you do not know need help, will you help them?
What is your understanding about wisdom and compassion?
4. After knowing some teachings in Buddhism, what is your understanding about
5. When you are unhappy and depressed, what do you normally do? Did you use the
teachings of Buddhism to overcome unhappiness?
6. Story 1 – Taking up and Letting Go
Once upon a time, there were two monks who went on a pilgrimage across the country
together. One day, they came to a river bank and saw a beautiful girl who was unable to
cross the river. Seeing her difficulty, the elder monk volunteered to carry her across the river
on his back while the younger one looked on in consternation. When the sun went down, the
two monks came upon a dilapidated shack and decided to stay there for the night. The elder
monk quickly fell asleep while the younger one twisted and turned around, unable to calm
his mind. Finally, he woke up the elder monk and reprimanded him for what happened
during the day, "As monks, we are supposed to keep away from women. I am really ashamed
and troubled by what you did today!" The elder monk looked at his friend and a smile broke
out up on his face, "Oh, so that has been bothering you! Brother, I have left the girl behind
by the river bank, why are you still carrying her around?"
Question : What is this story trying to teach us? Share your opinion.
7. Story 2 – The Blind Men and the Elephant
A number of disciples went to the Buddha and said, "Sir, living here in Savatthi are many
wandering hermits and scholars who indulge in constant disputes, some say that the world is
infinite and eternal while others finite and not eternal, some say that the soul dies with the
body and others that it lives on forever, and so forth. What, Sir, would you say about all
these ?"
The Buddha answered, "Once upon a time there was a certain raja who called to his servant
and said, 'Come, good fellow, go and gather together in one place all the men of Savatthi
who were born blind... and show them an elephant.' 'Very good, sire,' replied the servant, and
he did as he was told. He said to the blind men assembled there, 'Here is an elephant,' and to
one man he presented the head of the elephant, to another its ears, to another a tusk, to
another the trunk, the foot, back, tail, and tuft of the tail, saying to each one that that was the
"After the blind men had felt the elephant, the raja went to each of them and said, 'Well,
blind man, have you touched the elephant? Tell me, what sort of thing is an elephant?'
"Thereupon the man who was presented with the head answered, 'Sire, an elephant is like a
pot.' And the man who observed the ear replied, 'An elephant is like a winnowing basket.'
The one who had been presented with a tusk said it was a ploughshare. The one who knew
only the trunk said it was a plough; others said the body was grainy; the foot, a pillar; the
back, a mortar; the tail, a pestle, the tuft of the tail, a brush.
"Then they began to quarrel, shouting, 'Yes it is!' 'No, it is not!' 'An elephant is not that!' 'Yes,
it's like that!' and so on, till they ended up in a fight over the matter.
"Brethren, the raja was delighted with the scene.
"Just so are these preachers and scholars holding various views blind and unseeing.... In their
ignorance they are by nature quarrelsome, wrangling, and disputatious, each maintaining that
reality is thus and thus."
Then the Exalted One rendered this meaning by uttering this verse of uplift,
O how they cling and wrangle, some who claim
For preacher and monk the honored name!
For, quarreling, each to his view they cling.
Such folk see only one side of a thing.
Question : What is this story trying to teach us? Share your opinion.
8. Story 3 – Rainy Day and Sunny Day
There was once an old lady who cried all the time. Her elder daughter was married to an
umbrella merchant while the younger daughter was the wife of a noodle vendor. On sunny
days, she worried, "Oh no! The weather is so nice and sunny. No one is going to buy any
umbrellas. What will happen if the shop has to be closed?" These worries made her sad. She
just could not help but cry. When it rained, she would cry for the younger daughter. She
thought, "Oh no! My younger daughter is married to a noodle vendor. You cannot dry
noodles without the sun. Now there will be no noodles to sell. What should we do?"
As a result, the old lady lived in sorrow everyday. Whether sunny or rainy, she would grieve
for one of her daughters. Her neighbors could not console her and jokingly called her "the
crying lady."
One day, she met a monk. He was very curious as to why she was always crying. She
explained the problem to him. The monk smiled kindly and said, "Madam! You need not
worry. I will show you a way to happiness, and you will need to grieve no more."
The crying lady was very excited. She immediately asked the monk to show her what to do.
The master replied, "It is very simple. You just need to change your perspective. On sunny
days, do not think of your elder daughter not being able to sell umbrellas but the younger
daughter being able to dry her noodles. With such good strong sunlight, she must be able to
make plenty of noodles and her business must be very good. When it rains, think about the
umbrella store of the elder daughter. With the rain, everyone must be buying umbrellas. She
will sell a lot of umbrellas and her business will prosper."
The old lady saw the light. She followed the monk's instruction. After a while, she did not
cry anymore; instead, she was smiling every day. From that day on she was known as "the
smiling lady."
Question : What is this story trying to teach us? Share your opinion.
2016 Toronto Buddhist Examination
Exam Study Guide – Teenager Section (Group B, Age 11-14)
1. True or False (50)
( T ) 1. It is not important whether we live in a big or small house. If we are contented,
we will find great happiness.
( T ) 2. The founder of Buddhism is Sakyamuni Buddha
( T ) 3. When we see each other in the temple, we greet each other by saying “Omitofo”.
( F ) 4. One of the main purposes of Buddhist practice is to gain wealth and improve one’s
(One of the main purposes of Buddhist practice is to gain right views in
order to understand ourselves and the phenomena world.)
( T ) 5. We can improve friendships by having good manners, smiling and being sincere.
( T ) 6. The Buddha was enlightened and became a Buddha under a Bodhi tree.
( T ) 7. The Tripitaka was written in Pali.
( T ) 8. Buddhism can be practiced at home and in places like school.
( F ) 9. The Buddha attained enlightenment on December 8th in ancient China.
(In India)
( T ) 10. The meaning of the word “Buddha” is “ the Awakened One”.
( T ) 11. In Buddhism, any being can become a Buddha. So, anyone can also become a
( F ) 12. The Triple Gem in Buddhism is the Buddha, Dharma and Bodhisattva.
(Buddha, Dharma and Sangha)
( T ) 13. Knowing how to appreciate and treasure what we have, we can see more clearly the
purpose of life and be happy.
( T ) 14. It is our responsibility to create stability and harmony in our society.
( T ) 15. Cherishing what we have and being grateful is spiritual wealth.
( T ) 16. If we know someone who is unhappy, we should show him/her that there is
always hope in life and in the future.
( F ) 17. In order to get good marks in an examination, I only need to pray to the Buddha.
(You should always be attentive in class and study hard before the exam.)
( F ) 18. When one becomes a Buddhist, he/she has to become a vegetarian too.
(It is up to the individual to decide.)
( T ) 19. The founder of Fo Guang Shan Monastery is Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
( F ) 20. The main teaching of Buddhism is to benefit oneself only.
(To benefit both others and oneself.)
( F ) 21. A real friend is someone who asks me to run away from school with him/her
(A real friend is someone who encourages me to do my best at school.)
( T ) 22. It takes courage to admit one’s faults instead of blaming others.
( F ) 23. The purpose of taking precepts is to take away your freedom.
(Not to violate or offend others.)
( T ) 24. The Buddha taught us that the causes of human suffering are greed, anger and
( F ) 25. Saying bad things behind a person’s back is OK, since the person do not know you
said it. (One should not speak bad things behind a person’s back, be truthful and
respect others)
( T ) 26. Venerable Master Hsing Yun teaches us: “to give is better than to receive.”
( T ) 27. The Buddha is a great teacher because he understood the true meaning of life, shared
with us what he knew about life, guided us in our life and tirelessly helped others.
28. To gain more friends, one should offer more compliments to others.
29. Making prostration to the Buddha is because he is a God.
(Making prostration to the Buddha is to show our respects and to learn from
the Buddha by humbling ourselves.)
( T ) 30. In general, environmental protection lies outside of the mind; however, the
purification of the mind is the best environmental protection.
( T ) 31. If I hear a rumor about one of my classmates, I should stop the rumor from
spreading further.
( F ) 32. Buddha’s Birthday is on May 8th. (April 8th)
( F ) 33. The name of Amitabha Buddha can only be recited during chanting services.
(It can be recited anytime.)
( T ) 34. One can develop good morals and habits by upholding the Five Precepts.
( F ) 35. Street racing is considered a courageous act and it makes you look cool.
(This is a dangerous act that is unlawful, can cause serious injuries to yourself and
( T ) 36. Buddhist sutras and scriptures record the teachings of the Buddha.
( F ) 37. If many people think something is true, it is true.
(Always keep an open mind and evaluate the topic from all sides before making
( T ) 38. Before the Buddha became a monk, he was Prince Siddhartha.
( T ) 39. To maintain good relationships with classmates, we should share our problems and
thoughts with each other and practice mutual respect.
( F ) 40. In Buddhism, burning incense is a symbol of magnificence and purity.
(Lotus Flower)
( T ) 41. Buddhism encourages the respect of other religions, hence, Buddhists should always
respect other religions.
( F ) 42. The Buddhist community consists of Venerables only.
(Both monastic and lay people.)
( T ) 43. The purpose of studying Buddhism is to promote spiritual growth and to live a
meaningful life.
( F ) 44. As Buddhists, we have to learn how to meditate so we can get supernatural
powers. (The purpose of meditation is to calm our mind and be more mindful.).
( T ) 45. Tolerance and compassion can help us get along with friends.
( T ) 46. I should remind myself to always be sincere in my speech when I hear my
classmates brag.
( T ) 47. A Bodhisattva is someone who is liberated, practices Buddhism and helps
others in all ways.
( F ) 48. I should go hide and cry silently when my parents argue and avoid discussing
the issue with them.
(When things cool down, I should share with them how I feel.)
( T ) 49. Buddha died at the age of 80.
( T ) 50. The Five Precepts are: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying and no
consumption of intoxicants (e.g. alcohol and drugs).
II. Multiple Choice:
( B ) 1. When I learn new teachings in Buddhism, I should:
A) Ignore them and still do whatever I like
B) remember them and use them in my life to make my life better
C) criticize the teachings and make fun of it.
( D ) 2. Why is it so important to attend Dharma Class and learn Buddhism?
A) We can learn how to use the teachings in Buddhism as a guideline in
our daily life and make our life better
B) The teachings in Buddhism make me understand myself better and also
this world.
C) The teachings in Buddhism can help to improve our own personal
D) all of the above
( A ) 3. What is the meaning of prostrating to the Buddha?
A) To overcome one’s pride.
B) To pray for wealth.
C) To worship Buddha’s virtues.
( C ) 4. Buddhists with the right understanding of the Dharma will practice
A) fortune telling.
B) feng shui (an art of placement and arrangement).
C) the teachings of the Buddha.
( B ) 5. The Buddhists believe in following a path to enlightenment. How many fold is
this path?
A) Four
B) Eight
C) Ten
( C ) 6. Taking other people's things as our own without asking is breaking the precept of
A) not lying.
B) not killing.
C) not stealing.
( C ) 7. Which of the following statements describes Buddhism the best?
A) Buddhism is a religion for the elderly.
B) Buddhism is a religion that only helps oneself.
C) Buddhism is a religion that encourages people to live a simple life and
experience happiness through spiritual contentment.
( B ) 8. To become a Buddhist, one must
A) become a vegetarian.
B) take refuge in the Triple Gem.
C) live in the forest.
( C ) 9. The purpose of taking the precepts is to
A) have good marks in school.
B) find a good job.
C) respect and not to hurt others.
( A ) 10. The purpose of wearing the black robe (hai-ching) in the temple is to
A) pay respect to the Buddha during chanting services.
B) look cool and smart.
C) dress in traditional Chinese costume.
( C ) 11. We can bring ____________ as offerings to the Buddha.
A) meat
B) wine
C) flowers
( A ) 12. Which of the following is a habit that can harm our health and mind?
A) smoking cigarettes.
B) reading.
C) eating proper food.
( B ) 13. If I see someone I dislike, I should learn to
A) scold him/her.
B) treat him/her with respect.
C) ignore and run away from him/her.
( B ) 14. The Buddha practiced in the forest for ________ years before he was enlightened
under the Bodhi Tree.
A) 8 years
B) 6 years
C) 7 years
( A ) 15. The Buddha taught us
A) to control our emotion and not to get angry easily.
B) when we are angry, we can take the anger out on our parents.
C) we can get angry whenever we like and hurt other people
( C ) 16. Where was the Buddha born?
A) China
B) Thailand
C) India
( B ) 17. The Triple Gem in Buddhism refers to
A) Buddha, monks and nuns.
B) Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
C) Buddha, Dharma and Lama.
( B ) 18. The founder of Fo Guang Shan is __________.
A) Jesus
B) Venerable Master Hsing Yun
C) Allah
( A ) 19. The goal of learning Buddhism is to
A) be able to free all sentient beings from sufferings.
B) achieve a higher status than everyone else.
C) dominate all sentient beings.
( C ) 20. When we see the Venerable (Shifu), we should
A) ignore the Venerable and run away
B) Say, “Hi” to the Venerable
C) join our palms and says “Omitofo”
( A ) 21. Sakyamuni Buddha was a _________ who attained enlightenment through his
A) Teacher
B) God
C) Fortune Teller
( C ) 22. Which of the following practices will overcome the poison of greediness?
A) Compassion, patience and meditation.
B) Learning, awareness and wisdom.
C) Contentment and giving.
( C ) 23. A Bodhisattva is someone who
A) is imaginary and exists in fairy tale stories.
B) does not care about anyone.
C) is kind-hearted, practices Buddhism and helps others in all ways
( A ) 24. The Three poisons are
A) Greed, anger and ignorance.
B) Killing, stealing and lying.
C) Three types of drugs.
( C ) 25. What will help us broaden good social connection with others?
A) sign in Facebook
B) sign in Twitter
C) helping and serving
( B ) 26. Greed, anger and ignorance
A) can help us achieve happiness.
B) are the causes of human suffering.
C) are characteristics that we should embody.
( D) 27. Buddhist temples are for _________.
A) Buddhist only.
B) Old people and women only
C) Adult only
D) Everyone, regardless of age, race and gender.
( B ) 28. Which of the following is the purpose of Buddha’s teachings?
A) To escape from reality.
B) To purify oneself and help others.
C) To kill time.
( C ) 29. In order to get good marks in an exam, I
A) only need to pray to the Buddha
B) ask the Venerable to pray for me
C) should pay attention in class and study hard
( B ) 30. The Buddha attained Buddhahood under the
A) Banana Tree.
B) Bodhi Tree.
C) Apple Tree.
( C ) 31. One of the basic Buddhist teachings is
A) to obey the law
B) just to do chanting.
C) Cause and Effect. There is always a cause to make things happen and there is
always an effect when we do something.
( A ) 32. In Buddhism, the __________ is a symbol of truth teachings.
A) Dharma wheel
B) lotus flower
C) wooden fish
( B ) 33. Which of the following practices can cultivate the inner peace of mind?
A) sleeping
B) meditation
C) day dreaming
( A ) 34. Fo Guang Shan temple promotes what type of Buddhism?
A) Humanistic Buddhism
B) Tibetan Buddhism
C) Superstitious Buddhism
( C ) 35. The motto of Fo Guang Shan is to give others confidence, give others happiness,
give others hope and give others _____________.
A) nightmares.
B) money.
C) convenience.
( B ) 36. Which of the following is not one of the Five Precepts?
A) no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct.
B) no tattle-telling, no gambling.
C) no lying and no consumption of intoxicants.
( C ) 37. The Teaching of Buddhism is often considered as__________.
A) rules and regulations.
B) daily life mottos.
C) a philosophy and science of the mind.
( A ) 38. In order to overcome daily challenges, we should
A) develop a healthy mind by practicing positive thinking.
B) use intoxicants.
C) smoke and drink.
( A ) 39. How can we get happiness in life according to the Buddha’s teaching?
A) Appreciate what we have and share with other what we have
B) Try to get as many as possible from others, but not to share anything
C) Blame our parents for not giving us what we want.
( C ) 40. After organizing an event, we should
A) appreciate the efforts of other people.
B) evaluate ourselves with constructive criticism.
C) Both A & B .
( C ) 41. By practicing the Dharma, we can____________
A) learn knowledge to show off to others.
B) gain intelligence to make more money.
C) learn how to gain insight to live a more peaceful and meaningful life.
( B ) 42. Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto was established in
A) 1992.
B) 1997.
C) 1966.
( D ) 43. What does Wisdom mean in Buddhism?
A) knowing the true reason of suffering and its nature
B) knowing the truth of ourselves and things around us are impermanence
C) knowing the ultimate happiness in life
D) all of the above
( C ) 44. When we are holding Buddhist Sutras, how should we treat them?
A) We should hold them well in our hands and respect them.
B) Read them and be able to understand them.
C) Both A & B.
( C ) 45. According to Buddhism, which of the following cannot become a Buddha?
A) Animals
B) Gods
C) Plants
( A ) 46. What is a Sutra in Buddhism
A) The teaching from the Buddha.
B) Textbooks for Venerable and Buddhists only.
C) For old people to do chanting in the temple
D) Use for chanting only
( C ) 47. Which of the following statements is correct?
A) After you become a Buddhist, you cannot go to movies or enjoy any form of
B) After you become a Buddhist, you have to be a vegetarian.
C) After you become a Buddhist, you should practice the Buddha’s teachings in
your daily life.
( A ) 48. What is the purpose of recycling?
A) To recognize that everyone has the responsibility to preserve and protect
the environment.
B) To destroy the ecosystem.
C) To cycle for a living.
( C ) 49. “Namo” means
A) nothing.
B) protection.
C) taking refuge.
( A ) 50. Knowing how to ___________ and treasure what we have, we will feel more
contented in life.
A) appreciate
B) get more
C) pick the best
III. Short Answer Questions
1. What is peace? What does peace mean to you?
2. Why do we need to help other people and be a volunteer? Please share.
3. Why is giving better than receiving? Please share.
4. Do you think that we should be kind to people that we don’t know and help them?
5. When you come to the temple, how do you feel about the temple? Please share
6. Story 1 – The Goat that Laughed and Wept
One day, while the Buddha was staying in Jetavana, some bhikkhus (monks) asked him if
there was any benefit in sacrificing goats, sheep, and other animals as offerings for departed
"No, bhikkhus," replied the Buddha. "No good ever comes from taking life, not even when it
is for the purpose of providing a Feast for the Dead." Then he told this story of the past.
Long, long ago, a Brahmin (Indian practitioner) decided to offer a Feast for the Dead and
bought a goat to sacrifice. "My boys," he said to his students, "take this goat down to the
river, bathe it, brush it, hang a garland around its neck, give it some grain to eat, and bring it
"Yes, sir," they replied and led the goat to the river.
While they were grooming it, the goat started to laugh with a sound like a pot smashing.
Then, just as strangely, it started to weep loudly.
The young students were amazed at this behavior. "Why did you suddenly laugh," they
asked the goat, "and why do you now cry so loudly?"
"Repeat your question when we get back to your teacher," the goat answered.
The students hurriedly took the goat back to their master and told him what had happened at
the river. Hearing the story, the master himself asked the goat why it had laughed and why it
had wept.
"In times past, Brahmin," the goat began, "I was a Brahmin who taught the Vedas like you.
I, too, sacrificed a goat as an offering for a Feast for the Dead. Because of killing that single
goat, I have had my head cut off 499 times. I laughed aloud when I realized that this is my
last birth as an animal to be sacrificed. Today I will be freed from my misery. On the other
hand, I cried when I realized that, because of killing me, you, too, may be doomed to lose
your head five hundred times. It was out of pity for you that I cried."
"Well, goat," said the Brahmin, "in that case, I am not going to kill you."
"Brahmin!" exclaimed the goat. "Whether or not you kill me, I cannot escape death today."
"Don't worry," the Brahmin assured the goat. "I will guard you."
"You don't understand," the goat told him. "Your protection is weak. The force of my evil
deed is very strong."
The Brahmin untied the goat and said to his students, "Don't allow anyone to harm this
goat." They obediently followed the animal to protect it.
After the goat was freed, it began to graze. It stretched out its neck to reach the leaves on a
bush growing near the top of a large rock. At that very instant a lightning bolt hit the rock,
breaking off a sharp piece of stone which flew through the air and neatly cut off the goat's
head. A crowd of people gathered around the dead goat and began to talk excitedly about the
amazing accident.
A tree deva (god) had observed everything from the goat's purchase to its dramatic death,
and drawing a lesson from the incident, admonished the crowd: "If people only know that the
penalty would be rebirth into sorrow, they would cease from taking life. A horrible doom
awaits one who slays." With this explanation of the law of karma the deva instilled in his
listeners the fear of hell. The people were so frightened that they completely gave up the
practice of animal sacrifices. The deva further instructed the people about the Precepts and
urged them to do good.
Eventually, that deva passed away to fare according to his deserts. For several generations
after that, people remained faithful to the Precepts and spent their lives in charity and
meritorious work, so that many were reborn in the heavens.
The Buddha ended his lesson and identified the Birth in question by saying, "In those days I
was that deva."
Question : What is the story trying to teach us? Please share your understanding.
7. Story 2 – Relying on Joy
At the time of the Buddha, there lived an old beggar woman called "Relying on Joy". She
used to watch the kings, princes, and people making offerings to the Buddha and his
disciples, and there was nothing she would have liked more than to be able to do the same.
So she went out begging, but at the end of a whole day all she had was one small coin. She
took it to the oil-merchant to try to buy some oil. He told her that she could not possibly buy
anything with so little. But when he heard that she wanted it to make an offering to Buddha,
he took pity on her and gave her the oil she wanted. She took it to the monastery, where she
lit a lamp. She placed it before Buddha, and made this wish:"I have nothing to offer but this
tiny lamp. But through this offering, in the future may I be blessed with the lamp of wisdom.
May I free all beings from their darkness. May I purify all their obstructions, and lead them
to enlightenment."
That night the oil in all the other lamps went out. But the beggar woman's lamp was still
burning at dawn, when Buddha's disciple Maudgalyayana came to collect all the lamps.
When he saw that one was still alight, full of oil and with a new wick, he thought, "There's
no reason why this lamp should still be burning in the day time," and he tried to blow it out.
But it kept on burning. He tried to snuff it out with his fingers, but it stayed alight. He tried
to smother it with his robe, but still it burned on. The Buddha had been watching all along,
and said, "Maudgalyayana, do you want to put out that lamp? You cannot. You cannot even
move it, let alone put it out. If you were to pour the water from all the oceans over this lamp,
it still wouldn't go out. The water in all the rivers and the lakes of the world could not
extinguish it. Why not? Because this lamp was offered with devotion and with purity of heart
and mind. And that motivation has made it of tremendous benefit." When Buddha said this,
the beggar woman approached him, and he made a prophesy that in the future she would
become a perfect Buddha, called "Light of the Lamp."
So it is our motivation, good or bad, that determines the fruit of our actions.
Question : What is the story trying to teach us? Please share your understanding.
8. Story 3 - Goddess of Wealth and Goddess of Poverty
Once, a beautiful and well-dressed woman visited a house. The master of the house asked
her who she was; and she replied that she was the goddess of wealth. The master of the
house was delighted and so greeted her with open arms. Soon after another woman appeared
who was ugly looking and poorly dressed. The master asked who she was and the woman
replied that she was the goddess of poverty. The master was frightened and tried to drive her
out of the house, but the woman refused to depart, saying, 'The goddess of wealth is my
sister. There is an agreement between us that we are never to live apart; if you chase me out,
she is to go with me.' Sure enough, as soon as the ugly woman went out, the other woman
Birth goes with death. Fortune goes with misfortune. Bad things follow good things.
Everyone should realize this. Foolish people dread misfortune and strive after good fortune,
but those who seek Enlightenment must transcend both of them and be free of worldly
Question : What is the story trying to teach us? Please share your understanding.
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto
Buddha’s Light International Association of Toronto
6525 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 7K6
Tel: (905) 814 -0465 Website: