Maitreya, the Future Buddha
... gathered about himself a group of devoted followers over the next forty years, founding what was eventually to become one of the great world religions. According to the earliest texts, Gautama taught that his pragmatic method for spiritual cultivation was open to anyone and that there were others wh ...
... gathered about himself a group of devoted followers over the next forty years, founding what was eventually to become one of the great world religions. According to the earliest texts, Gautama taught that his pragmatic method for spiritual cultivation was open to anyone and that there were others wh ...
The Evolution of the Precepts
... teachings); the course of training for the disciples was not made known, the Patimokkha was not established. After the disappearance of these Enlightened Ones, these Blessed Ones, after the disappearance of the disciples enlightened under those Enlightened Ones, those last disciples of various names ...
... teachings); the course of training for the disciples was not made known, the Patimokkha was not established. After the disappearance of these Enlightened Ones, these Blessed Ones, after the disappearance of the disciples enlightened under those Enlightened Ones, those last disciples of various names ...
Sunyata 07 - Was Arya Nagarjuna A Mahayanist
... But in the entire Astasahasrika these words can be seen. But Robinson says Nagarjuna in his Karika talked to Hinayanists and other religions therefore, those Mahayana concepts were not included, or not necessary to include. According to the above explanation it is not very difficult to say Arya Na ...
... But in the entire Astasahasrika these words can be seen. But Robinson says Nagarjuna in his Karika talked to Hinayanists and other religions therefore, those Mahayana concepts were not included, or not necessary to include. According to the above explanation it is not very difficult to say Arya Na ...
Buddhāvataṃsaka-sūtra - REAL-d
... in the west. I carefully collated all extant accounts of his life, and wrote his critical biography. My study on his biography was published separately in English under the title A Religious Leader in the Tang: Chengguan’s Biography by The International Institute for Buddhist Studies in Tokyo. This ...
... in the west. I carefully collated all extant accounts of his life, and wrote his critical biography. My study on his biography was published separately in English under the title A Religious Leader in the Tang: Chengguan’s Biography by The International Institute for Buddhist Studies in Tokyo. This ...
A History of Mindfulness
... works for what I call the vipassanāvāda, the ‘vipassanā-doctrine’. This is a special interpretation of some central meditation concepts that has become the de facto orthodoxy in Theravāda Buddhism, although not without controversy. The term vipassanāvāda is useful in that the Pali suffix -vāda point ...
... works for what I call the vipassanāvāda, the ‘vipassanā-doctrine’. This is a special interpretation of some central meditation concepts that has become the de facto orthodoxy in Theravāda Buddhism, although not without controversy. The term vipassanāvāda is useful in that the Pali suffix -vāda point ...
... innocents in politically volatile regions, the ongoing economic crisis that ...
... innocents in politically volatile regions, the ongoing economic crisis that ...
A Study of Sukkhavipassaka in Pāli Buddhism
... First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my principal advisors, Dr. Primoz Pecenko, his wife, Dr. Tamara Ditrich, and Dr. Chris Kang of the School of History, Philosophy, Religion, Classics, University of Queensland, for their useful guidance, timely help and warm friendship throug ...
... First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my principal advisors, Dr. Primoz Pecenko, his wife, Dr. Tamara Ditrich, and Dr. Chris Kang of the School of History, Philosophy, Religion, Classics, University of Queensland, for their useful guidance, timely help and warm friendship throug ...
Master Dogen`s Shobogenzo
... the Buddhist scripture found here were performed under the direction of the Editorial Committee in Tokyo, Japan, chaired by Professor Sengaku Mayeda, Professor Emeritus of Musashino University. The Publication Committee members then put this volume through a rigorous succession of editorial and book ...
... the Buddhist scripture found here were performed under the direction of the Editorial Committee in Tokyo, Japan, chaired by Professor Sengaku Mayeda, Professor Emeritus of Musashino University. The Publication Committee members then put this volume through a rigorous succession of editorial and book ...
Skilful Means: A Concept in Mahayana Buddhism
... quite widely known to students of Buddhism, and on many occasions I have been encouraged to think that my own study of the concept has played some part in this process. Some people prefer to use the Indian word upAya, meaning simply a ‘means’ or a ‘strategem’, whether employed by oneself or by other ...
... quite widely known to students of Buddhism, and on many occasions I have been encouraged to think that my own study of the concept has played some part in this process. Some people prefer to use the Indian word upAya, meaning simply a ‘means’ or a ‘strategem’, whether employed by oneself or by other ...
An Analysis of the Pali Canon
... In the present edition, the basic analysis of the Canon has been left in its original state although some minor corrections had to be made. However, it has been found possible to fully explore the Saṃyutta and Aṅguttara Nikāyas together with three important texts from the Khuddaka Nikāya: Udāna, Iti ...
... In the present edition, the basic analysis of the Canon has been left in its original state although some minor corrections had to be made. However, it has been found possible to fully explore the Saṃyutta and Aṅguttara Nikāyas together with three important texts from the Khuddaka Nikāya: Udāna, Iti ...
Volition: An Introduction of the Law of Kamma
... uge. Deeds divide beings in lowness and excellence.” Buddha gave this very short answer, but Subha did not understand. So Buddha elaborated upon the law of kamma. Some beings like to kill other beings and get in the habit of killing. After death, these people are reborn in four lower, woeful states ...
... uge. Deeds divide beings in lowness and excellence.” Buddha gave this very short answer, but Subha did not understand. So Buddha elaborated upon the law of kamma. Some beings like to kill other beings and get in the habit of killing. After death, these people are reborn in four lower, woeful states ...
Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra
... dhism was written first. As it was being revised after its publication in The Eastern Buddhist, Volume IV, Nos. 3-4, for 1928, the thought suggested itself that the sutra must be studied also textually since there are still three Chinese and one (or two) Tibetan translations. The result was the firs ...
... dhism was written first. As it was being revised after its publication in The Eastern Buddhist, Volume IV, Nos. 3-4, for 1928, the thought suggested itself that the sutra must be studied also textually since there are still three Chinese and one (or two) Tibetan translations. The result was the firs ...
The Dawn of Abhidharma - Numata Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde
... make a contribution to these two topics. Yet, the material that emerged in the course of my studies prompted me to explore these two trajectories of Buddhist thought from the viewpoint of what can be discerned about their beginnings in the textual corpus of the early discourses. Since the publicatio ...
... make a contribution to these two topics. Yet, the material that emerged in the course of my studies prompted me to explore these two trajectories of Buddhist thought from the viewpoint of what can be discerned about their beginnings in the textual corpus of the early discourses. Since the publicatio ...
The Seeker`s Glossary of Buddhism
... Avatamsaka Sutra, stands supreme. Described by Dr. D. T. Suzuki as the “epitome of Buddhist thought, Buddhist sentiment and Buddhist experience”, the sutra recounts the story of the youth Sudhana, the perennial seeker of the Way, who toward the end of the sutra sought entrance into Maitreya’s Tower ...
... Avatamsaka Sutra, stands supreme. Described by Dr. D. T. Suzuki as the “epitome of Buddhist thought, Buddhist sentiment and Buddhist experience”, the sutra recounts the story of the youth Sudhana, the perennial seeker of the Way, who toward the end of the sutra sought entrance into Maitreya’s Tower ...
... (Sakkaya ditthi), doubt or uncertainty (vicikiccha), and belief in the efficacy of rites and rituals outside the Ariya Path of Eight Constituents (Silahatthaparamasa) and also all other wrong views. Besides, a Sotapanna is not liable to fall back into miserable existences (Apaya). A Sotapanna is a S ...
... (Sakkaya ditthi), doubt or uncertainty (vicikiccha), and belief in the efficacy of rites and rituals outside the Ariya Path of Eight Constituents (Silahatthaparamasa) and also all other wrong views. Besides, a Sotapanna is not liable to fall back into miserable existences (Apaya). A Sotapanna is a S ...
The Buddha
... continue to retell and rethink the significance of the life of their founder. Scholars have much debated the issue of when a continuous narrative of the whole of Gautama’s life was first composed. Some have thought such a biography was written relatively soon after the Buddha’s death. Others have cl ...
... continue to retell and rethink the significance of the life of their founder. Scholars have much debated the issue of when a continuous narrative of the whole of Gautama’s life was first composed. Some have thought such a biography was written relatively soon after the Buddha’s death. Others have cl ...
Mahayana Buddhism - The Doctrinal Foundations
... It occurs when we take a single name or naming expression and assume that it must refer to one unified phenomenon. This is indeed a fallacy, as a little thought will show, but it is a peculiarly pervasive and deep-rooted fallacy, giving rise to the feeling that because we use the same word so there m ...
... It occurs when we take a single name or naming expression and assume that it must refer to one unified phenomenon. This is indeed a fallacy, as a little thought will show, but it is a peculiarly pervasive and deep-rooted fallacy, giving rise to the feeling that because we use the same word so there m ...
PALI TIPITAKA CHANTING : Oral Tradition of Theravada Buddhism
... which emerged as the older Sthavira group at the time of the Third Buddhist Council (250 B.C.) during the reign of Emperor Asoka in India. After the Third Council, the Vibhajjavadins were divided into four mainly for the geographical distance. They are: Mahisasaka, Kasyapiya, Dharmaguptaka and the T ...
... which emerged as the older Sthavira group at the time of the Third Buddhist Council (250 B.C.) during the reign of Emperor Asoka in India. After the Third Council, the Vibhajjavadins were divided into four mainly for the geographical distance. They are: Mahisasaka, Kasyapiya, Dharmaguptaka and the T ...
... fourth-century Buddhist scholar and translator Kumarajiva fully grasped the meaning behind the Lotus Sutra’s title and translated it from Sanskrit into Chinese as Miao-falienhua-ching. In Japanese, these Chinese characters are pronounced Myoho-renge-kyo. To Nichiren, this phrase signified something f ...
... fourth-century Buddhist scholar and translator Kumarajiva fully grasped the meaning behind the Lotus Sutra’s title and translated it from Sanskrit into Chinese as Miao-falienhua-ching. In Japanese, these Chinese characters are pronounced Myoho-renge-kyo. To Nichiren, this phrase signified something f ...
... south and southeast asian countries, see Frank E Reynolds, "The Several Bodies of the Buddha: Reflections on a Neglected Aspect of Theravāda Tradition," History of Religion 16 (1976): 374-389. Herein, the author interestingly points out the use of the term dhammakāya within the developed Theravāda t ...
... south and southeast asian countries, see Frank E Reynolds, "The Several Bodies of the Buddha: Reflections on a Neglected Aspect of Theravāda Tradition," History of Religion 16 (1976): 374-389. Herein, the author interestingly points out the use of the term dhammakāya within the developed Theravāda t ...
THE CONCEPT OF THE BUDDHA, Its evolution from
... the concept of kAya covers studies of the NikAyas and the early Indian Buddhist schools. His discussion of the kAya concept in the NikAyas is significant in that it collects and analyses all relevant passages on the subject. He points out that the conception of kAya in the NikAyas has no metaphysical ...
... the concept of kAya covers studies of the NikAyas and the early Indian Buddhist schools. His discussion of the kAya concept in the NikAyas is significant in that it collects and analyses all relevant passages on the subject. He points out that the conception of kAya in the NikAyas has no metaphysical ...
Kosalan Philosophy dissertation - University of California, Berkeley
... munis, including Vedic ones. The Kāṇva Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa and the Suttanipāta are compilations which contain layers from different time periods. Despite comprising earlier material, the final redactions of both texts occurred during the Śuṅga dynasty in the second or first century BCE. This suggest ...
... munis, including Vedic ones. The Kāṇva Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa and the Suttanipāta are compilations which contain layers from different time periods. Despite comprising earlier material, the final redactions of both texts occurred during the Śuṅga dynasty in the second or first century BCE. This suggest ...
Guide to the Bodhisattva`s Way of Life
... aspiration, anyone who hears these teachings will certainly be able to develop genuine bodhichitta in his or her continuum. This was agreed upon by all the historical great Masters and high Lamas in Tibetan Buddhism. Our Guru Rinpoche had previously mentioned several times in class that if one can s ...
... aspiration, anyone who hears these teachings will certainly be able to develop genuine bodhichitta in his or her continuum. This was agreed upon by all the historical great Masters and high Lamas in Tibetan Buddhism. Our Guru Rinpoche had previously mentioned several times in class that if one can s ...
The Quintessence of Secret (Esoteric) Buddhism
... of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas upon mankind. The Bodhisattvas do not enjoy the results of their good deeds but want to share them with mankind. The Bodhisattvas will not hesitate to suffer in the place of sentient beings, or to give out their merits to enlighten them if it is possible to do so. They wo ...
... of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas upon mankind. The Bodhisattvas do not enjoy the results of their good deeds but want to share them with mankind. The Bodhisattvas will not hesitate to suffer in the place of sentient beings, or to give out their merits to enlighten them if it is possible to do so. They wo ...
Cliff Notes: Text and Image at Baodingshan
... tradition in China, and Dr. Henrik Sørenson for pointing out the relatedness of the sutra carvings at Baodingshan to inscribed texts found elsewhere in Sichuan. Grants from the Samuel Kress Foundation, the Asian Cultural Council and the Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Studies aided me in my rese ...
... tradition in China, and Dr. Henrik Sørenson for pointing out the relatedness of the sutra carvings at Baodingshan to inscribed texts found elsewhere in Sichuan. Grants from the Samuel Kress Foundation, the Asian Cultural Council and the Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Studies aided me in my rese ...