Download LactoHeatlh™ Probiotikit - Golden Eagle Holistic Health

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BioHeatlh™ Prebiotic
PREBIOTIC SUPPLEMENT Increasing the overall gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract) health BioHeatlh™ is a prebiotic nutritional supplement, all dried natural aspergillus fiber. Prebiotics are non‐
digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive system which are beneficial to the health of the body. These prebiotics are also ”food” for probiotics and they increase the activity of benefiacial lactic acid bacteria, such as bacillus acidophilus and entercoccus faesium. Prebiotics are non‐digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of beneficial of bacteria in the colon and thus improve host health. As a highly fermentable insoluble fiber, aspergillus is a superior prebiotic fiber source. It is derived from aspergillus yeast and this becomes a specific foodstuff for the beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal tract. Benefits from this include firmer stools, reduced risk of colitis and cancers, improvement in glucose and blood lipid metabolism, reduction in gas production (flatulence) and a reduction in fecal odor. This is food for our LactoHeath™, as without our special mix of probiotics, inulin is not fully utilized. Prebiotics (MOS) Contains beta‐clucans and mannaoligosaccharides. Beta‐glucan is a powerful immune‐enhancing nutritional supplement. This unique compound primes the innate immune system to help the body defend itself against viral and bacterial invaders. Mannaoligosaccharides protect the GI track from invading toxins and pathogens which may find their way into the dogs stomach, binding them onto them and this way they do not harm the dog Prebiotic (FOS) Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) refer to a class of non‐digestible carbohydrates. Since they are non‐digestible, they pass through the digestive tract virtually unchanged. When the fructooligosaccharides reach the colon, they are used by the good or beneficial bacteria found there for growth and multiplication. A healthy population of these beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract enhances the digestion and absorption of nutrients, detoxification and elimination processes, and helps boost the immune system. Since fructooligosaccharides are non‐digestible, they provide almost no calories. Occasions to use BioHealth™ - Together with antibiotic treatment or right after - To restore and to establish a benefial microbial digestive balance in the intestinal tract - Feed supplement for preventing yeast infections. - To treat digestive disorders and diahrrea - To aid digestion and absorbtion of critical nutrients - All stress related conditions Ingredients: Dried extracted aspergillus sp. meal solubles Feeding: Half a tee spoon sprinkled on top of food Storage: In cool and dry. Golden Eagle Petfoods Co Ltd