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Biology Final Exam Review
Viruses and Bacteria
 Attenuated vs. inactivated viral
 Cocci
 HIV and AIDS
 Lytic vs. Lysogenic cycle
 Pathogen
 Strepto
 T-cells vs. B-cells
 Virus structure
 Cotyledon
 Cuticle
 Flower digram
 Gametophyte (mosses)
 Monocot vs. dicot
 Ova/egg to seeds
 Ovary to fruit
 Sporophyte (flowering plants)
 Stamen
 Stomata
 Xylem vs. phloem
Invertebrate Zoology
 Annelid digestive tract
 Annelid examples
 Arthropod appendages
 Body cavities
 Cephalization
 Closed vs. open circulatory system
 Cnidocytes in cnidarians
 Crayfish external anatomy
 Dorsal vs. Ventral
 Earthworm diagram
 Earthworm digestion
 Filter feeder
 Gartrovascular cavity
 Gastropod examples
 Mantle
 Mollusk body cavity
 Molting
 Nephridia
 Nerve net
 Polyps and Medusa
 Roundworm digestive tract
 Scolex
 Sessile
 Three types of symmetry
Vertebrate Zoology
 Alveoli function
 Amphibian eggs
 Amphibian life cycle
 Cardiac (intraventricular septum)
 Characteristics of Class Chondrichthyes
 Characteristics of Phylum Vertebrata
 Cloaca (frog)
 Crocodile heart
 Ectothermic vs. endothermic
 First vertebrates to evolve
 Fish heart and blood flow
 Function of bones
 Jawless fish examples
 Label fish fins
 Label parts of human digestive tract
 Large intestine function
 Ligaments vs. tendons
 Location of fertilization in humans
 Main organs of excretory system
 Mammalian heart and cardiac cycle
 Medulla oblongata function
 Number of human bones
 Olfactory bulbs
 Oviparous
 Ovoviviparous
 Pharynx
 Pit viper heat sensors
 Pituitary gland
 Placenta function
 Reptile heart
 Seminiferous tubules
 Swim bladder (fish)
 Three major groups of mammals
 Viviparous
 10% rule
 Abiotic factors
 Autotroph
 Biome
 Carnivore
 Carrying capacity
 Density-dependent factors
 Density-independent factors
 Energy pyramid
 Exponential growth
 Food web vs. food chain
 Heterotroph
 Indirect economic value of biodiversity
Limiting factors
Pioneer species
Population density
Secondary succession
Trophic levels