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Practice Exam #2:
Worksheet 2.14
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Dr. Adams
The _______________ is the layer of the integument derived from the ectoderm whereas the
_________ is the thicker, inner layer and is derived from the mesoderm.
Fish scales contain cells called __________________, which are used for color change.
One of the few glands found in Aves is the _____________ gland used for preening.
___________ are a special structure found in mammals that are an outgrowth of the skull and are
shed yearly.
The ________________ is the master control center of the endocrine system and produces
___________ hormones, which stimulate the pituitary gland to produce other hormones.
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are together known as
__________________. They are released by the anterior pituitary.
___________________ is a hearing specialization found in nocturnal animals and those living in
murky waters to help them locate objects via emission of high-frequency sounds.
The _________ intestine is the major site of nutrient absorption and where most chemical
digestion occurs.
____________ glands produce toxins or poisons.
10.) Some vertebrates such as the hagfish don’t regulate their salt and water balance and are said to
be __________________.
11.) Two main types of neurons are __________ neurons, which transfer environmental info to the
CNS and ________ neurons, which receive info from the CNS and pass it to effector organs,
triggering a response.
12.) Bats, flying squirrels, and pterosaurs use a ____________, which is a membranous structure that
allows the animal to get/stay airborne.
13.) In the esophagus, _______________ is the waves of constrictions pushing food forward through
the digestive tract.
14.) True _____________ only occurs in mammals due to our heterodont dentition.
15.) Birds and crocodiles have unique features called the ________________, which produces
digestive juices and the _________ at the posterior end, which grinds food.
16.) The length of the digestive tract enhances nutrient absorption. Per unit body weight, herbivores
tend to have ________ (hint: size) intestines relative to carnivores.
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
17.) The ______________ is a blind sac that stores bile and is used for the breakdown of fats.
18.) Ruminants have four chamber stomachs beginning with the ________, __________, _________
and ends with the ______________.
19.) In the fundic tissue of the stomach, _______ breaks down proteins while _______ splits fats.
20.) The ________ is a pouch in the digestive tract & is known as the appendix in humans.
21.) Oxytocin and Vasopressin are released by the __________________.
22.) Most fish are ______________, which means they CANNOT tolerate a wide range of salinity.
Others are classified as _____________ and can handle a wide range of salinity.
23.) In mammals, _________ glands are used for cooling while _________ glands primarily act in
sexual functions.
24.) Neurons contain 2 different processes: __________, which receive information and ______,
which carry information away from the cell body.
25.) _______________ crawling is the most common form and can by characterized by anguilliform
movement on land.
26.) The ______ in birds is for the storage of grains and other foods.
27.) Most internal organs are innervated with two antagonistic components of the autonomic nervous
system. For instance, with respect to heart rate, the _____________ system increases heart rate,
while the _________________ slows heart rate.
28.) In mammals and many fish, the digestive tract terminates in a rectum and anus; other lineages
have a ________, which discharges urine and feces.
29.) Action potentials are propagated by __________ conduction due to myelination of the axons.
30.) In the nervous system there are 2 common types of synapses, __________ and __________.
31.) Out of the five basic tastes, _______ is the most important to warn an organism of toxic levels.
32.) Mechanoreceptors are located the ________ of the skin.
33.) In accordance with sound, __________ determines the pitch whereas the ________ determines
34.) The _________ is the organ of hearing and is located in the inner ear.
35.) While most vertebrates use sexual reproduction, some use a form of asexual reproduction known
as _________________.
36.) The light sensitive region called the _______________ is found in some fish, reptiles, and birds.
37.) The retina contains the _______________, which includes the ______ and ______.
38.) Many reptiles undergo a process called _________ where the epidermis is shed.
39.) The California ground squirrel produces an ___________ signal when confronting rattlesnakes.
This alters the snake behavior to avoid the ground squirrel and no longer pursue it as prey. The
most interesting part is the ground squirrel can’t detect the signal it produces.
40.) The majority of vertebrates use ________ sex determination, which refers to sex chromosomes
determining the sex of the offspring like birds or mammals. However, there are a small number
of vertebrates that rely on environmental conditions to determine the sex. These vertebrates use
__________________________ sex determination (TSD).
41.) _______ and _______ are the two forces, which allow aquatic locomotion to occur.
42.) To be an efficient swimmer, the organism must also counteract ___________ and reduce _____.
43.) Smell is more ________ than taste, and is the most ___________ and universal of all the senses.
44.) ________________________ states that an increase in in airspeed causes a decrease in pressure,
thus resulting in more lift.
45.) The 3rd eyelid, also known as the ___________________ is transparent and prevents the eye
from drying out.
46.) A bird’s wing is said to have _________, meaning it is thicker at the leading edge, and thin at the
trailing edge.
47.) The main shaft of a feather is called the ________, which then have barbs extending off of it.
48.) Aquatic vertebrates can reduce drag by having a ___________ body shape.
49.) Name the 5 types of terrestrial locomotion.
50.) Name the 4 thrusting movements and explain what each movement is and who does this.
51.) Instability during swimming can be caused by three factors. Name and describe each factor then
provide the fin(s) that counteract that movement.
52.) Name the 3 locomotion postures and an example of each.
53.) Contrast the mechanisms that freshwater fish and marine fish use to regulate salt/water balance.
54.) What is the functional unit of the kidney? Name the components of this functional unit and
describe their function.
55.) Name the three types of sense organs (receptor types) and explain their function.
What is a lateral line? How does it sense vibrations, who uses this, and why is it important?
Compare and contrast rods and cones.
Describe monocular and binocular vision. Explain why this is important in a predator/prey
Vertebrates display a variety of reproductive strategies. List the characteristics below, which
describe the extremes of this reproductive continuum. Make sure to list examples of each.
R-selected species
K-selected species
Know the difference between the resting and action potential four phases (don’t need detail)
1. Resting membrane potential  inside is –, outside is +
2. Depolarization  inside +, outside –
3. Hyperpolarization  refractory period (where the charge cannot go backward)
4. Repolarization  reestablish resting membrane potential
Study the parts of the feather (rachis, calamus, barbs, barbules, hamuli)
How do you distinguish between a flight and tail feathers
Know the difference between horns and antlers
Know the 3 hair types and location
Know the 9 glands in the endocrine system
Know what the anterior pituitary gland produces and what each hormone does
Know 4 stomach epithelial tissues and what order they’re present. Which one is only found in mammals?
Know the 2 Hermaphrodites and examples and the 2 types of diadromous fishes
What are undulations and oscillations? Know 2 types of drag
Know the 2 types of flying and 2 types of soaring
Know the crawling types
Know gripping structures specialized for climbing
Know 3 pair bond types and examples
GOOD LUCK and study hard!!!!!