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Clinical Science (1997) 93,287-293 (Printed in Great Britain)
Editorial Review
Glycoprotein changes in tumours: a renaissance in clinical
Elizabeth F. HOUNSELL, Mia YOUNG' and Michael J. DAVIES2
MRC Glycoprotein StructurelFunction Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
University College London, Gower Street, London W C l E 6BT. U.K.
1. Oligosaccharides linked to protein (glycoprotein)
or lipid (glycolipid) are the major components at
the outer surface of mammalian cells. Studies using
antibodies and lectins have shown in the past that
the oligosaccharides they recognize exhibit tumourassociated changes, i.e. they are carbohydrate
tumour-associated antigens.
2. The oligosaccharides have been further characterized in recent years by structural analysis using
high-resolution chromatographic techniques, MS
and NMR. NMR gives an oligosaccharide fingerprint that is characteristic of monosaccharide type
and linkage and which can be correlated with magnetic resonance spectroscopic data on fine-needle
tissue aspirates.
3. Also of relevance is the new understanding of the
molecular biology of MUC genes, which code for
mucin protein backbones, and of the glycosyltransferase genes, which determine oligosaccharide
structure and immunological recognition.
4. For these reasons, we believe that tumour-associated oligosaccharide changes should be revisited in
the context of what we now know about structure
and expression. This review synopsizes the past
data using the detection of carbohydrate tumourassociated antigens by binding of lectins and antibodies, and puts it into the context of NMR
fingerprints or signatures.
Oligosaccharides linked to protein (glycoprotein)
or lipid (glycolipid) are the major components at the
outer surface of mammalian cells. They are often
characteristic of cell type and provide a protective
layer against chemical and enzymic attack. It has
become clear that they also function as highly
specific recognition molecules which play an import-
ant role in the physiological properties of the cell.
Many structural changes during malignant transformation into tumours have been described, as discussed herein, but the functional implications of the
changes are not completely understood. Alterations
in the structure of cell-surface glycoconjugates are
considered to be relevant to the abnormal properties of cancer cells, such as uncontrolled cell growth,
altered cell adhesion, avoidance of immunological
destruction, invasiveness and metastatic spread [l].
In medicine, a large amount of attention has been
given to these structural changes for possible utilization in diagnosis (to distinguish between benign and
malignant lumps) and in prognosis, which is
dependent on the maturity of the tumour and its
metastatic potential. In the absence of metastasis
most cancers would be cured by surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy [2]. The desire is to
measure the effects of medical treatment and
identify recurrence as soon as possible. In addition,
new therapeutic regimes are required.
The oligosaccharide sequences that have been
implicated in altered cell adhesion and metastasis
are chain-terminating monosaccharides which are
present in the correct spatial arrangement for recognition. Particularly important in this regard are the
monosaccharides fucose (Fuc) and sialic acid (SA).
They are held in distinct conformational space
specific for each carbohydrate-binding protein by
different linkage to backbones of galactose (Gal)
and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). Shown in Fig.
1, for example is the sequence called sialyl Lea
(SLea). The constituent monosaccharides are ring
structures (most easily seen for GlcNAc on the
right-hand side of Fig. 1) on which are appended
different functional groups such as the CH3 of Fuc
(shown top, middle of Fig. 1) and the NH-CO-CH3
(also abbreviated to NHAc) for GlcNAc and SA.
The CH3, CH2, CH and NH (the unshaded circles in
Key words: cancer, carbohydrate tumour antigens, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, monoclonal antibody, mucin, NMR spectroxopy.
Abbreviations: AP. adenomatous polyps; Fuc, fucose; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; HP. hyperplastic polyps; HPA, Helix pomotio agglutinin; mAb, monoclonal antibody; MRS,
magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; SA, sialic acid; SLea,sialyl Lea;SLe", sialyl Le"; ST, sialyl T; ST,sialyl T"; TAA, tumour-associated antigen.
Correspondence: Dr E.F. Hounsell.
'Present address: Skyehusapoleket I Fredribtad, Postbokj 1026, I06 I Fredrikstad,Norway.
'Present address: Lonza Biologics PIC,228 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL14DY, U.K.
E. F. Hounsell et al.
Fig. 1) give signals detected and characterized by
NMR spectroscopy. The position of each of the signals in the NMR spectrum is dependent on the
chemical environment of the atom within the molecule [3]. The CH3 of Fuc in SLe" can be seen to be
surrounded by oxygen atoms, for example (shaded
in Fig. 1, found within the ring and forming the linkages between the monosaccharides and unlinked
hydroxyl groups). Each different type of linkage of
Fuc to the backbone Gal and GlcNAc (Fig. 2) gives
a distinct signature in the NMR spectrum [4]. The
amount of each sequence present in tumours and
cell lines can now be explored by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using easy to obtain twodimensional MRS images from fine-needle aspirates
of tumours or cancer cell lines. Studies so far have
shown different patterns of fucosylation dependent
on the stage of cancer [5, 61. This is an exciting new
development in tumour diagnosis which we discuss
here in the context of our knowledge about tumourassociated oligosaccharide changes.
Carbohydrate antigen structures
Historically, the first cellular carbohydrate (i.e.
oligosaccharide) antigens that were characterized
were the so called blood group antigens on human
erythrocytes [7], based on the presence of three
Fig. I. A minimum energy conformation of the oligosaccharide
sequence sialyl Leain the orientation shown
SA is in this case N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuSAc). The N-acetyl groups
(NH-CO-CH3) of NeuSAc and GlcNAc are indicated together with the CHI
of Fuc. The hydroxyl groups, 0 - 0 , and oxygens, 0 , are available for hydrogen binding to the protein-combining site of lectins or antibodies. CHI
groups and clustered ring C-Hs will stack onto aromatic side-chains of
amino acids.
Type 1 H
~ y p 2e n
Also Le' with Fucal-2 on the Gal is L d and similarly Le' with Fucal-2 on the Gal is Leb.
Gal may also have Galal-3 or CnlNAcal-3 attached which are blood group B or A.
respectively when the Fucal-2 is present eg ALd.
Repeating Le' can occur with or without sialylation cg.
Fig. 2. Different types of fucose-containing sequence
structurally different fucosylated antigens, H, A, or
B (Fig. 2). The H structure, Fucal-2Gal/31-, may be
considered as a precursor giving rise to A or B by
the action of specific glycosyltransferases which add,
respectively, GalNAcal-3 or Galcrl-3 to the Gal in
the H structure. Later it was discovered that these
and related oligosaccharide sequences are found on
cells in most tissues [8-lo]. They may be presented
on glycolipids and different types of glycoproteins.
Two main classes of glycoprotein oligosaccharide
chains are defined, depending on their linkage to
either Asn (N-linked) or Ser/Thr (0-linked) amino
acids. The blood group and related antigens occur at
(distal) ends of both N- and 0-linked chains. In
mucins, they can occur in multivalent form on many
neighbouring 0-linked chains, which gives a cooperative effect for the interaction with antibodies or
naturally occurring carbohydrate-binding proteins
Much glycoproteins found in the lining of the
gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts are large, with
molecular weight from 1000-15000 kDa, and often
contain more than 50% carbohydrate, which gives
rise to structural diversity and antigenic polyvalency.
The protein backbones, coded by the MUC genes,
contain tandem repeats of around 20 amino acid
residues with a high content of Ser and Thr amino
acids. On average, one in every three Ser or Thr
residues may have GalNAc attached (the so-called
T" antigen), which can be further substituted by
other diverse monosaccharides to give eight different protein-to-oligosaccharide core regions [3, 81.
Each of these can have additional Fuc and SA residues or can be elongated by backbone sequences
which bear blood groups and other related antigens
with or without additional SA (Fig. 3). The oligosaccharide chains are built up sequentially by glycosyltransferase enzymes in the Golgi apparatus, for
example forming the colon cancer associated mucin
antigens T", T, sialyl T" (ST"), sialyl T (ST), Lex, sia-
Glycoprotein changes in turnours: a renaissance in clinical applications
Glycoprotein (mucin)
DNA (MUC genes)=, mRNA- protein backbone
Fig. 3. Common mucin core region and sialylated or sulphated oligosaccharide sequences
lyl Le" (SLe") and SLe" etc. (Figs. 2 and 3). Mucins
and mucin-type oligosaccharides are also found in
serum and on cell surfaces, where they have been
implicated in suppression of the immune response
to protein tumour antigens [ll]. Additionally,
mucins may specifically interact with antibodies
directed to the same oligosaccharides on the tumour
cell, thus inhibiting cell-mediated cytotoxicity at the
tissue. Sialylated mucin oligosaccharides are the
ligands for sialoadhesins, whereas in non-sialylated
form they may respond to hyperproliferative stimuli.
For example, the T antigen is unmasked in colon
carcinoma [12], and this can bind to peanut and
mushroom lectins. The former has been shown to
cause proliferation of human colonic epithelium and
colorectal cancer cell lines [12], whereas the latter
causes suppression of proliferation. These studies
highlight the fine differences in the specificity of
GalP1-3GalNAc-binding lectins and antibodies,
caused by the degree of clustering, tolerance of
other substituents, amino acid sequence in the peptide to which GalNAc is attached, etc.
Detection of alterations in antigen expression in tumours
A variety of carbohydrate markers have been used
to study the relevance of carbohydrate tumourassociated antigens (TAAs) in the clinical characterization of human carcinomas. The most frequent
alteration of antigen expression in tumours is
increased expression of naturally occurring carbohydrate TAA, with concomitant decreased expression of precursor sequence or alternate biosynthetic
product. Sometimes aberrant expression may also be
observed, which means that antigens not normally
found appear. Less often, deletion of detectable
expression occurs. Figure 4 illustrates how the
expression of the antigenic structures is controlled.
The protein backbone and the glycosyltransferases
are both encoded by their respective genes. The
transferases act by sequentially adding monosaccharides to the growing carbohydrate chain to
build up the mucin. In colon carcinomas, a 10-fold
increase in expression of the MUC protein back-
DNA (transferase)
- mRNA
protein enzymes
Fig. 4. Relationship of M U C and glycosyltransferase genes to the
expression of mucin carbohydrate TAAs
bone has been reported, along with increased
activity of the relevant transferases [13, 141,
although this is not always the case. It is therefore
suggested that several control mechanisms are
involved in the observed structural changes. Eight
MUC genes have now been characterized (Table 1).
The functional implications of the changes in carbohydrate structure are not completely understood at
present, but it is believed that the changes in cell
surface glycoconjugates are reflected in the altered
physiological properties and behaviour of the transformed cells.
The potential of the new molecular biological
methods for following alterations in mucin structure
(i.e. at the MUC and glycosyltranferase gene levels)
has not yet materialized. Traditionally, lectins were
used to distinguish carbohydrate epitopes. Lectins
are proteins or glycoproteins with specific affinity for
oligo- or mono-saccharides, or parts of larger structures, and as such, their specificities may not be
totally restricted to one antigen. The advent of polyclonal antisera increased the specificity of epitope
detection, although it was not until the arrival of
monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that accurate epitope
detection became possible. mAbs have often been
found to be directed towards carbohydrate antigens
[3, 9, lo], specific examples of which will be given in
this review. Other mAbs have been shown to recognize conformational epitopes requiring both oligosaccharide and protein [ l l , 151. Today, improved
analytical methods, such as MS or HPLC, enable us
to determine carbohydrate structures from small
amounts of sample. It is therefore possible to confirm the presence of a suggested oligosaccharide
sequence on biopsies [12, 161. NMR spectroscopy
has been able to characterize oligosaccharides in
great detail from large amounts of mucin material,
but MRS has the potential to correlate this information with data obtained directly from biopsies as discussed below.
Table I. Characterized M U C genes
MUC 58
Breast and colon cell surface episialin
Colon and small intestine goblet cell secretion
Intestinal tissue
Respiratorytract and goblet cell secretion
Submaxillary gland secretion
Gastric gland secretion
Salivary gland secretion
E. F. Hounsell et al.
Colon carcinoma
Breast tumours
Table 2 shows the carbohydrate TAA of special
importance in colon cancer [13, 14, 17-24], together
with examples of the mAbs (or for the T antigen the
peanut lectin PNA) used to detect each antigen. The
presence or absence of the antigen in normal tissue,
hyperplastic polyps (HP), adenomatous polyps (AP)
or carcinoma is shown. The ideal antigenic marker is
present in AP (which is harmless by itself, but has
the ability to turn into carcinoma) and carcinoma,
but not in normal tissue or AP. SLe" and LeX are
both expressed by normal tissue and HP as well as
AP and carcinomas [18]. That means that these antigens are of limited value as markers. The LeXLeX,
SLexLex and ST" antigens, which are all absent in
normal tissues and HP, are therefore the markers of
choice. A colonic carcinoma that had metastasized
to the liver expressed a higher level of the FH6 antigen (Table 2) than the primary tumours [21]. The
presence of ST" in mucinous colon carcinomas is
often associated with advanced disease and has a
poor prognosis [24,25].
Schwartz et
[26] inhibited
0-glycosylation with benzyl-N-acetyl-galactosamine
(a competitive inhibitor of GalNAc-Sermhr transferase), giving reduced metastasis-related events
such as adhesion and invasiveness. These studies
suggested that, in addition to the increased expression of the unsialylated T antigen, there is an
increase in both sialylated and also highly fucosylated oligosaccharides (LexLex, SLexLex) in the
primary colon carcinoma and in metastatic sites. In
some ways these are contradictory results, showing
both an increase and decrease in sialylation levels,
but also illustrating the subtleties of possible variations in oligosaccharide structure. MRS analysis of
secreted glycoproteins from adenoma and carcinoma
cells of increasing tumorigenicity show an increase
in the number of different patterns of fucosylation
[5]. The most tumorigenic cells had so-called crosspeaks IIa and IIb, which fit best [3, 41 with the diagnostic profile for separate Fucal-2 (e.g. blood group
H) and Fucal-3 (Lex-type) linkages. Cross-peaks I11
and IV, also present in normal tissue, are most
likely to represent the two fucoses of the Leb-type
structure from their positions (chemical shifts) in
the MRS and NMR spectra.
After the colon, the breast is the most prevalent
organ where mucin carbohydrate structural changes
have been characterized as TAAs. Table 3 lists different antigens with the lectin (Table 4) or mAb
used for identification, and an indication of the usefulness of the antigen as a marker in breast cancer.
Each is described further below. In contrast to colon
cancer, the structures T, ST, T" and ST" are all considered to be of little diagnostic value [27]. Lex has
also been found to be an unsuitable marker in
breast cancer, but a potential role in invasiveness
has been suggested [28].
Lectin reactivity to breast cancer antigens have
been extensively studied. Walker [29] included in his
regime a selection of lectins and studied their value
as markers of short-term prognosis in breast cancer.
None could give prognostic information over and
above that provided by histological evaluation. However, the lectin from the garden snail Helix pomutiu
(HPA) that recognizes terminal GalNAc residues is
more promising and has been investigated by several
groups, but the results obtained are conflicting [30].
HPA-binding was observed to normal breast epithelium and to the majority of carcinomas, and it was
later found that HPA recognizes a glycoprotein that
is associated with metastasis and poor prognosis in
breast cancer [31]. However, the International (Ludwig) Breast Cancer Study Group [32] reported no
clinical predictive value of HPA; the work continues
to characterize breast cancer glycans with terminal
immunodominant GalNAc, which could be implicated in aggressive biological behaviour [33].
In general, histological studies are very dependent
on the patients that are included and the methodology used. Discrepancies in results are also due to
the tumour cells not staining evenly. Some cells are
stained and some not. How many cells should be
positive in order to conclude that the tumour is
stained? These problems may be overcome by moving away from histological examination (with lectins
or antibodies) and identifying oligosaccharides from
previous lectin and antibody recognition studies as
markers that can be targeted for MRS analysis.
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy specimens have been
used for diagnosis of breast and other carcinomas
using mAb B72.3, but the antigenic determinant was
Table 2. Glycoprotein markers in colonic tissues. N = normal, HP = hyperplastic polyps, AP = adenomatous polyps,
C = carcinoma.
MSWl 13
MLS 128
~ 3 1
~ 4 1
29 I
Glycoprotein changes in turnours: a renaissance in clinical applications
Table 3. Glycoprotein markers in breast cancer
Epithelial mucin
Epithelial mucin
Acidic glycoprotein
Mucin, NeuSGc
t It
(315-3, MCA
a 4 9
not characterized. The mAbs bl2/MCA and
DF3/CA15-3, also uncharacterized, appear to be
good prognostic indicators utilized in commercial
tests [35].
Pancino et al. [36] characterized a 300-1000 kDa
antigen of human breast carcinoma which reacted
strongly with wheat germ agglutinin and peanut
agglutinin, but gave no response to lentil or concanavalin A lectins (Table 4). The activity was strongly
reduced by periodate oxidation, which is a method
to destroy the carbohydrate, and also by trypsin
digestion, which cleaves the protein chain. The
activity was retained after neuraminidase treatment
which results in the cleavage of sialic acids. These
results indicate that a carbohydrate epitope is
involved, but not SA.
Pal et al. [37] purified a breast TAA (BTAA) with
a molecular weight of 85 kDa that may be useful in
diagnosis and prognosis. It was neuraminidase-,
trypsin- and papain-sensitive, thermostable at high
temperatures and stained by periodate/Schiff
reagent for detecting carbohydrates. The authors
concluded that breast TAA is a carbohydrate epitope involving SA. Another useful marker for stage
IV breast cancer (CA549) was also found to recognize an acidic glycoprotein [38]. This study also
tested mAbs raised against human milk fat globule
membranes, which are known to be a rich source of
fucosylated carbohydrate antigens that have also
been characterized by NMR [31, 391. Also easily
identified by NMR [4] is the difference between two
members of the SA family, i.e. N-acetylneuraminic
acid (NeuSAc), which we have been discussing so far
as SA, and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuSGc),
which until recently was thought not to occur in
humans. However, Devine et al. [40] reported the
Table 4. The specificity of several of the lectins used in diagnosis
Peanut agglutinin
Wheat germ agglutinin
Helix pornatia agglutinin
Con A
/l-~-Gal( I-3)~-GalNAc
presence of a mucin carbohydrate epitope defined
by antibody 3E1.2, which recognized an 0-linked
glycan containing NeuSGc. This finding has been
corroborated by Hanisch et al. [41] who have identified specific changes in glycosylation (glycoforms) of
the MUC-1 protein from a breast tumour surgical
resection and from T47D cells. These showed a lack
of fucosylated Le blood-group-related antigens and
the appearance of novel core-type ST antigen,
Glycoprotein antigens in other neoplasms and general
clinical implications
Other studies have addressed changing carbohydrate
structure in a range of tumours, including prostate,
ovary, pancreas and lung. Table 5 shows some of
those for the prostate and pancreas where the
importance of mucin-type carbohydrate has been
characterized [42-SO]. TURP-27 is related to the
neural cell adhesion molecules recognized by the
mAb HNK-1, the epitope for which is known to
involve sulphated and polysialylated oligosaccharides
such as those on neural cell adhesion molecules.
Polysialic acid has also been shown to occur on
0-linked chains in breast cancer and leukaemia cell
lines [51], whereas that on neural cell adhesion
molecules is on N-linked chains. TAAs, which are
glycoproteins where the carbohydrate chains are of
the N-linked type, are found, such as the prostatespecific antigen (PSA) which is a glycosylated serine
protease of the kallikrein family [52, 531. For the
antigen 5T4 [15], a marker of several tumours, the
carbohydrate and protein are involved together in
antigenicity. 5T4 is involved in extravasation of the
placenta, which can be considered as a model for
metastasis and an oncodevelopmental paradigm.
Similarly, oligosaccharides were first discovered as
differentiation/developmental markers, particularly
Lex and L e y [3, 9, 10, 441 and SLe" (CA19-9 [48]). It
was shown that they had specific roles in morphogenesis by interacting with the carbohydrate-binding
proteins, called selectins. Results have been
obtained which indicate that SLex and SLea antigens
Table 5. Glycoprotein markers in the prostate and pancreas. PAC,
prostate carcinoma-associatedglycoprotein complex.
Sialoglycoproteincomplex PAC
Ld, H-type 2
Ley, di-Le" tri-Lex
TAG-72 mucin
Mucin sialylated oligosaccharides
Sialylated mucin
Sialylated mucin
Lea/type I mucin
TUW-2 7
B72.3, CC83, CC89
Span-I, la3, Nd2
E. F. Hounsell et al.
on the surface of colon cancer cells function as
receptors for E and P selectin expressed on vascular
endothelium [54, 551. This may be the initial event
before extravasation of cancer cells from the capillaries [56].
That many of the markers reoccur for different
tumours points to a similar mechanism if they are
involved in pathogenesis. For example, PSA also
appears in lung and breast tumours [57]. Devine et
al. [58] compared PSA with other more highly glycosylated antigens as a TAA in colon, breast, prostate,
pancreas, lung, bladder and ovary. Changes in the
lung have also been correlated with mRNA levels of
several MUC genes [59], and the levels of mRNA of
a number of other MUC genes have been found
increased in different cancer tissues (recently
reviewed in [60]). Elevated serum levels of CA15-3
[35] and other mucins have been reported in
patients with lung, pancreatic, colon, breast and
ovary cancer [61]. MRS studies have looked at ovary
biopsies where the Fuc IIa and IIb cross-peaks, discussed above for colon studies, correlate with
increased tumorigenesis [6]. Compared with NMR
data [4, 8, 621, this pattern may be due to an
increase in the CA19.9 antigen (also implicated in
the pancreas [48]). The presence of SLe" and SLe"
may have a reciprocal presentation with respect to
T" and ST" [56], which is important because ST" can
mediate inhibition to natural killer cell cytotoxicity
These clues as to mechanism are being
approached with respect to new therapeutic regimes.
For example, O'Boyle et al. [64] vaccinated 20
cancer patients with mucin containing T" and ST"
determinants. A significant rise in the corresponding
antibodies was observed, which has prompted further clinical trials. The use of synthetic peptides
corresponding to the protein core of the polymorphic glycosylated epithelial mucin as a vaccine in
cancer patients is being explored [65], and the high
density of carbohydrate moieties peculiar to
tumours has prompted the re-exploration of mAb
directed towards them for use in stimulation of antibody-dependant cellular cytotoxicity [66]. Conjugates with mAb have been extensively investigated
as possible drug-targeting systems. In a recent
example using a radio-immunoconjugate against
mucin antigens, Peterson et al. [67] cured six of
seven mice breast tumours by treatment with tungsten-labelled mAb. The antigens were the major
components of the human milk fat globule membrane, which expresses high levels of fucosylated and
sialylated oligosaccharides [3, 9, 391.
In summary, epithelial cells of the colon, breast,
lung, ovary, prostate and pancreas express cell-surface much antigens that change during malignant
transformation. There is a link between changes in
the structure of cell carbohydrate and the abnormal
properties of cancer cells. The structural changes in
colon cancer are recognized by mAbs and confirmed
by analytical methods. A large amount of attention
has been given to these structural changes for possible utilization in the diagnosis of benign and
malignant tumours, measurement of the effectiveness of treatment, and prognosis based on tumour
maturity and metastatic potential. MRS offers a new
technique with which to access tumour type and
stage. By cross-matching to known oligosaccharide
antigen NMR chemical-shift signatures, this will
provide further knowledge with which to interpret
pathogenic mechanisms in the light of our increasing
understanding of endogenous carbohydrate-binding
proteins and much biosynthesis. The additional
potential outcome is in the design of new therapeutic regimes, which are highly desirable, e.g. drug
targeting with mAbs, vaccination with mucin antigens and manipulation of MUC or glycosyltransferase genes.
The authors are grateful to Mrs Gail Evans for
excellent secretarial assistance.
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