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Study Guide
Terms to know:
Soil- a loose mixture of rock fragments, organic material, water, and air that can support the
growth of vegetation.
Parent rock- a rock formation that is the source of soil
Bedrock- the layer of rock beneath the soil
Soil texture- the soil quality that is based on the proportions of soil particles
Soil structure- the arrangement of soil particles
Humus- the dark, organic material formed in soil from decayed remains of plants and animals
Leaching-the removal of substances that can be dissolved from rock due to the passing of water
Erosion- the process of which wind, water, ice, or gravity move soil and sediment from one
location to another
Soil conservation- a method to maintain the fertility of the soil by protecting the soil from
erosion and nutrient loss
Residual Soil- soil that remains above the parent rock
Transported Soil- soil that is blown or washed away from the parent rock
Top Soil- top layer of soil rich in nutrients
No-Till Farming- leaving old stalks, provides cover from rain, reduces water runoff and erosion
Terracing- changing a steep field into a series of smaller, flatter fields
Contour Plowing- rows that act as a series of dams to prevent erosion from heavy rains
Short Answer/Essay (2 of these questions will be selected for the
summative….STUDY STUDY STUDY 
1. What are the five(5) soil conservation techniques? How does each
technique help prevent the loss of soil? EXPLAIN
2. Choose a climate. How is the soil different from the other climates?
Describe the climate (types of plants, animals, water, no water, hot, cold,
3. Why do animals depend on the soil to survive? What do they eat? Where
do they live? What other benefits do animals get from soil? Explain and
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G2 Lessons 3 and 4 Study Guide
Lesson 3
1. Residual soils form from______________________________________.
2. ______________________________ is the organic material formed in soil
from the decayed remains of plants and animals.
3. The proportion of different-sized particles in soil determines the soil’s
4. _____________________________ is the arrangement of soil particles.
5. What are three (3) benefits of soil? (USE NOTES)
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. _________________________________________
6. _________________________________areas get some water
underground, but when it evaporates it leaves behind salt that can kill
7. Frequent changes in temperature in this climate can lead to frost action,
and has the most productive soil in the world.
8. This climate has low soil temperatures and very little rain. Decomposition
of plants and animals occurs slowly.
9. In this climate heavy rain leaches nutrients from the topsoil. Crops can
grow year round because of warm soil temperatures.
Lesson 4
1. __________________________ is a soil conservation technique that
prevents erosion on STEEP hill by heavy rains.
2. __________________________is the process by which wind, water, and
gravity transports soil and sediment from one location to another.
3. __________________________is a soil conservation technique that helps
resort nutrients to the soil.
4. _________________________ is a soil conservation technique that helps
prevent erosion of SLOPING hills by heavy rains.
5. _________________________ is a soil conservation technique that
prevents erosion by providing cover that reduces water runoff.
Short Answer/Essay (complete on a separate sheet of paper)(2 of these questions
will be selected for the summative….STUDY STUDY STUDY 
4. What are the five(5) soil conservation techniques? How does each
technique help prevent the loss of soil? EXPLAIN
5. Choose a climate. How is the soil different from the other climates?
Describe the climate (types of plants, animals, water, no water, hot, cold,
6. Why do animals depend on the soil to survive? What do they eat? Where
do they live? What other benefits do animals get from soil? Explain and
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