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Religion Compare and Contrast Chart
Name: KEY
World History – Mrs. Schenck
Followers are called…
Supreme Power ?
Origin of the religion
(country)/years ago
# of followers in the
(% and #)
Describe the religion in
one sentence.
Supreme force, Brahman, is universal soul – all other gods
are incarnations of him (forms of him – shape shifter)
≈ 8,000 ya
≈ 2,500 ya
None – origins with the Indus and Aryan peoples
Siddhartha Gautama - Buddha
≈ 14% of the world
≈ 900 million people
≈ 6%
≈ 376 million
A religion where follows live by the example of…
… the gods, ancient readings, and ancient rituals of India
passed down over time to achieve moksha.
… the Buddha and the Eightfold Path to achieve
Cycle of birth, death, and rebirth governed by karma
Karma = consequences of your past life determine how your soul will be reborn
What causes suffering
in life?
Karma – your personal choices and not fulfilling your duty
Desires (wants) – to eliminate desires you must
eliminate your attachment to things
Famous People
Holy Books/
Places of Worship
Holy Days/
Other groups
Moksha – freedom from the cycle of reincarnation,
become one with the universe (Brahman)
Nirvana – union with the ultimate spiritual reality,
freedom from the cycle of rebirth
Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) – “the enlightened
Choose a god to describe here: Vishnu – preserver, Shiva – one”, born a prince then gave everything up,
destroyer, Brahma – creator, etc.
determined the cause of suffering in life is desire
and through meditation reached Nirvana
MANY – Ex: The Vedas, written in Sanskrit
Connections between
Temples – no strict rules about when you visit, usually
dedicated to a god/goddess, may bring an offering
shrines in homes are dedicated with pictures and statues
– perform puja
Ganges River – holiest site in Hinduism, washes away sin
Diwali - celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over
darkness, and knowledge over ignorance
Holi – celebrate arrival of Spring, throw colored powders
to ward off disease
Brahmins – priestly caste
Many different branches in India
Jainism and Sikhism are closely related to Hinduism
Atman – all living beings have souls
Other Important
Temples/pagodas, shrines, monasteries
Dharma Day - marks the beginning of the Buddha's
Monks, bodhisattvas – wise beings close to
nirvana, Dalai Lama
Theravada – monastic life, Mahayana - largest
group, Tibetan – Dalai Lama, Zen - meditation
Caste System – ANCIENT social classes determined by
birth/family and karma (illegal in India today)
Four Noble Truths: there is suffering in the world,
the cause of suffering is our desires, eliminate
desires, follow the eightfold path
Meditation and yoga – paths and exercises that can help
lead to moksha
8-fold Path: suggestions on how to reach nirvana
and eliminate desires
Polytheistic and monotheistic
Both founded in India, Reincarnation = bad, want to be one with the universe and to stop reincarnating
Nirvana (Buddhism) = Moksha (Hinduism), karma, “stuff” is bad = material things, meditation is good
Hindu Crossword Puzzle
1. Indus
2. karma
3. Vedas
4. Ganges
5. ascetic
6. sarasvati
7. moksha
8. untouchables
9. snakes
10. Kali
1. Upanishads
2. Lakshmi
3. Shiva
4. dharma
5. Aryan
6. reincarnation
7. creator
8. brahmin
9. caste
10. Vishnu
The Eightfold Path - Examples of ways to exhibit the ideas of the Eightfold Path in your own life….there are many!
1. RIGHT UNDERSTANDING: making the most of your learning in school, reading/writing
2. RIGHT THOUGHT: forgiveness/not holding a grudge, no gossiping, positive thinking
3. RIGHT SPEECH: honesty/no lying, refraining from gossiping
4. RIGHT ACTION: be kind to animals, vegetarian, respect/save the environment
5. RIGHT WORK: vocation = job, donate food to the food drive, donate time to a charity, support a cause you believe in
6. RIGHT EFFORT: mediate, focus on the task at hand, refrain from things that distract your mind like TV and video games
7. RIGHT MINDFULNESS: think about others before you act/don’t be selfish, no drugs or alcohol
8. RIGHT CONCENTRATION: use yoga/physical activity to focus, focus on your breath or heartbeat, find a mantra