Download Hinduism Buddhism

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1500 BCE
Siddhartha Gautama
6th Century BCE
one God in many forms
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
Krishna—most commonly worshipped
Buddha did not teach a personal deity
Many followers consider Buddha a god
God is everyone’s desire for personal
Jiva, the individual soul
No concept of heaven or hell
Reincarnation—Transmigration of the soul
Karma—total of good and bad deeds
Ultimate goal is moksha “oneness with god”
Atman—“hidden center”—Brahma
Nirvana—when finite self disappears
Humans have no atta or soul
Final goal of enlightenment is to bring others to
No actual belief in heaven or hell—nirvana is
the closest thing to heaven
Four types of yoga
Hindu doctrine of the human self
o Bodies
o conscious layer of the mind
o individual subconscious
o underlying subconscious
Four paths to god
o knowledge
o work
o love
o psychophysical exercises (yoga)
Four Aims of Hinduism
o Dharma (virtue)
o artha (material prosperity)
o kama (sensual pleasures)
o moksha (salvation)
Bhagava Gita, Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads
Ganges River is sacred
puja—most common form of Hindu worship
japam—practice of repeating God’s name
“The Middle Way”
Four Noble Truths
o All life is pain and suffering
o Suffering is caused by desire for
o To end suffering you must overcome
o To overcome desire you must follow
the Eightfold Path
Eightfold Path
o Right speech, knowledge, aspiration,
behavior, livelihood, effort,
mindfulness, absorption
Tripitaka—Buddhist cannon of scriptures
Four main denominations
jnana (merger w/god), bhakti (relationship
Mahayana, Hinaya, Theraveda
Zen Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism
Caste system (Brahmins, kshatriya, vaishya,
Untouchables are excluded from the caste
Dharma (student, householder, retirement, and
tolerant of other religions
people desire pleasure—kama sutra
5 Precepts
o Do not kill. Strict B’s are vegetarians
o Do not steal.
o Do not lie.
o Do not be unchaste
o Do not take drugs or drink intoxicants
Women could reach enlightenment
No defined class system
Orders of Buddhist monks
750 million
India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka
300+ million
Mostly in Asia