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European Exploration
World Civilization
The 3 G’s and the T
• Why do Europeans want to go out and
explore the world?
• God- Europeans see themselves as
superior to others and feel the need to
spread Christianity throughout the
world, especially the “Heathens”
• Glory- What better way to “show off”
than to go out and be the first to discover
something new.
The 3 G’s and the T
• Gold- By controlling trade routes to the
east, Europeans could cut out the middle
men. Also, they could try to find Gold in
the new land. (Europeans believed dark
skin and the sun were a sure sign of
• Technology- New technology such as the
caravel, astrolabe, and compass.
• Fast and popular ship
design during
• Nina and Pinta were
both caravels
• Most had triangular
sails that allowed them
to tack or sail on a zigzag course
If boats were able to sail only before
the wind and off the wind, it would
be impossible to reach a destination
upwind from the starting point. By
sailing on the wind, however, a
sailboat can make a course
approximately 45° away from the
wind direction, as shown in the
diagram in Figure 1. By sailing a
succession of such courses, first to
the left and then to the right of the
wind direction, a maneuver called
tacking, sailboats can zigzag in an
upwind direction, as shown in
Figure 2. A vessel is said to be on the
starboard tack when sailing so that
the wind is blowing from the right
or starboard side, and to be on the
port tack when the wind is blowing
from the left or port side.
Compass, Astrolabe and
• Compass
• Uses the Earth’s magnetic•
field to find direction
• Invented in China about
259 b.c.
• Used by Europeans
during exploration
Instrument used to measure
the altitude of a celestial
Ancient astronomical
Astrolabes are used to show
how the sky looks at a
specific place at a given time
Portugal leads the way
• Located right by the
Atlantic Ocean
• Whole country is within
100 miles of the ocean
• Leader in exploration
under Prince Henry the
• First country to have
trading posts down west
cost of Africa
• Henry wants to get to the
Asia and spread
Portugal Leads the Way
• Portuguese also trade
slaves with Africans
• 1487- Bartolomeau
Dias reaches the tip of
• 1489- Vasco Da Gama
reached India
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus Facts
• Columbus discovered America.
• Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy
• Columbus was the only man who knew that the
earth was round.
• Queen Isabella sold her Jewels to finance the trip.
• Columbus treated the Indians he met as friends.
• Columbus only wanted to spread Christianity.
• Columbus knew he discovered a new continent.
Christopher Columbus- Facts
• Columbus never discovered America, the Vikings did.
• Columbus Day is celebrated by Italian-Americans
everywhere, but Columbus may not even be Italian!
• Columbus wrote in Spanish, not Italian, his entire life!
• Columbus never wanted to prove the Earth was round,
because everyone already knew it!
• Queen Isabella never sold her Jewels to finance the
• Columbus died in 1506 -- never discovering that he'd
discovered a new continent!
Lies My Teacher Told Me
• We tend to "underplay
previous explorers" (39).
There were probably 15 or
more individuals and
groups that "discovered"
and settled America before
• "Columbus claimed
everything he saw right
off the boat. When
textbooks celebrate this
process, they imply that
taking the land and
dominating the indians
was inevitable if not
natural" (44).
"Most important,
[Columbus's] purpose
from the beginning was
not mere exploration or
even trade, but conquest
and exploitation, for
which he used religion as
a rationale. If textbooks
included these facts, they
might induce students to
think intelligently about
why the West dominates
the world today" (45).
• Washington Irving
created the lie that people
thought the earth was flat
until Columbus proved
that it was round (57).
More Lies
"Christopher Columbus introduced two phenomena that
revolutionized race relations and transformed the modern world:
the taking of land, wealth, and labor from indigenous peoples,
leading to their near extermination, and the transatlantic slave
trade, which created a racial underclass" (60).
• "When Columbus and his men returned to Haiti in 1493, they
demanded food, gold, spun cotton--whatever the Indians had that
they wanted, including sex with their women. To ensure
cooperation, Columbus used punishment by example. When an
Indian committed even a minor offense, the Spanish cut off his
ears or nose" (61).
• "..attempts at resistance gave Columbus an excuse to make war...
For this he chose 200 foot soldiers and 20 cavalry, with many
crossbows and small cannon, lances, and swords, and a still more
terrible weapon against the Indians, in addition to the horses: this
was 20 hunting dogs, who were turned loose and immediately tore
the Indians apart" (61).
More Lies
• "Columbus.. initiated a great slave raid. They rounded up
1,500 Arawaks, then selected the 500 best specimens (of
whom 200 would die en route to Spain. Another 500 were
chosen as slaves for the Spaniards staying on the island"
• "Spaniards hunted Indians for sport and murdered them for
dog food. Columbus, upset because he could not locate the
gold he was certain was on the island, set up a tribute
system... The Indians all promised to pay tribute.. every
three months... With a fresh token, an Indian was safe for
three months, much of which time would be devoted to
collecting more gold... the Spanish punished those whose
tokens had expired: they cut off their hands" (62).
More Lies
• A Spanish observer wrote that "As a result of the sufferings and
hard labor they endured [under this virtual slavery], the Indians
choose and have chosen suicide. Occasionally a hundred have
committed mass suicide. The women, exhausted by labor, have
shunned conception and childbirth... Many, when pregnant, have
taken something to abort and have aborted. Others after delivery
have killed their children with their own hands, so as not to leave
them in such oppressive slavery"" (63).
• "Estimates of Haiti's pre-Columbian population range as high as
8,000,000 people... a census of Indian adults in 1496.. came up
with 1,100,000... "By 1516," according to Benjamin Keen,
"thanks to the sinister Indian slave trade and labor policies
initiated by Columbus, only some 12,000 remained." Las Casas
tells us that fewer than 200 Indians were alive in 1542. By 1555,
they were all gone" (63).
More Lies
• "As soon as the 1493 expedition got to the Caribbean,
before it even reached Haiti, Columbus was rewarding his
lieutenants with native women to rape. On Haiti, sex slaves
were one more perquisite that the Spaniards enjoyed.
Columbus wrote a friend in 1500, "... it is very general and
there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls;
those from nine to ten are now in demand""
• "Columbus is not a hero in Mexico... Why not? Because
Mexico is also much more Indian than the United States,
and Mexicans perceive Columbus as white and European.
"No sensible Indian person," wrote George P. Horse
Capture, "can celebrate the arrival of Columbus."
Cherishing Columbus is a characteristic of white history, not
American history"
More Lies
• Finally, he got down to business: "I was very
attentive to them, and strove to learn if they
had any gold. Seeing some of them with little
bits of metal hanging at their noses, I gathered
from them by signs that by going southward or
steering round the island in that direction, there
would be found a king who possessed great
cups full of gold." At dawn the next day,
Columbus sailed to the other side of the island,
probably one of the Bahamas, and saw two or
three villages. He ended his description of them
with these menacing words: "I could conquer
the whole of them with fifty men and govern
them as I pleased."
Other Explorers
• 1519- Ferdinand Magellan tries to sail around the
• He dies in the Philippines, but his crew makes it
back in 1522.
The Conquistadors
• Spanish explorers following Columbus
became known as conquistadors, or
• The 2 most famous were Hernando Cortez
and Francisco Pizarro.
• Cortez conquered the Aztecs and Pizarro
conquered the Incas.
• These and others helped Spain claim most
of Mexico, the Western U.S. and most of
South America
Hernando Cortez
• Cortez lands in Mexico in
• Soon hears about the
• The Aztec leader
Montezuma II believes
that the Spanish are Gods
• Cortez takes the Aztec’s
gold and makes them
mine more.
• Aztec’s rebel, but Cortez
eventually conquers them
Cortez the Killer
• Cortez was able to conquer the Aztecs for
several reasons
• This was to become a theme.
Francisco Pizarro
• 1532- Marches his
men into Peru and
takes on the Incas
• The Spaniards met the
Incas outside of
• They tricked the Incas
and captured to
Atahualpa, the Inca.
• Incas had to bring the
Spanish a room full of
• After getting their
gold, they killed
• Pizarro then
conquered the entire
Incan Empire pretty