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American History
Chapter Thirteen: The Cold War Begins
Lesson Plans and Homework Assignments
Day One
o Introduction to the Cold War
Day Two
o Read Lesson One: The Origins of the Cold War (pgs. 396-401)
o Complete Guided Reading Questions
Day Three
o Read Lesson Two: The Early Cold War Years (pgs. 402-408)
o Complete Guided Reading Questions
Day Four
o Activity: KWL: Korean War
Day Five
o Activity: The Banning Letter
Day Six
o Read Lesson Three: The Cold War and American Society (pgs. 410-414)
o Complete Guided Reading Questions
Day Seven
o Activity: The Accused
Day Eight
o Read Lesson Three: Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies (pgs. 415-421)
o Complete Guided Reading Questions
Day Nine
o Review Game
Day Ten
o Test
o You will be allowed to use graded homework
Name______________________________________________Class Period______
Chapter Thirteen: Vocab/People
1. charter:
2. satellite nation:
3. Iron Curtain:
4. Containment:
5. Limited war:
6. subversion:
7. loyalty review program:
8. perjury:
9. censure:
10. fallout:
11. Massive retaliation:
12. brinkmanship:
13. covert:
14. Developing nation:
15.Military industrial complex:
16.Harry Truman:
17.George Kennan:
18. George Marshall:
19.Douglas MacArthur:
20.Joseph McCarthy:
21.Dwight Eisenhower:
22.Nikita Khrushchev:
23.Alger Hiss:
24.Julius and Ethel Rosenberg:
25.Gary Powers:
Name______________________________________________Class Period______
Chapter Thirteen Lesson One: The Origins of the Cold War (pgs. 396-401)
1. What did many people worry would happen after the war?
2. What did Truman feel was the best way to generate economic growth?
3. What is the purpose of the World Bank?
4. What is the purpose of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
5. What new currency system was established at Bretton Woods?
6. What were the benefits of the Bretton Woods system?
7. What were the weaknesses of the Bretton Woods system?
8. When and where did delegates meet to discuss a new world organization?
9. Explain the United Nation’s General Assembly.
10. What 5 countries were appointed as permanent members of the Security Council?
11. What is the advantage of the United Nations?
12. What is a weakness of the United Nations?
13. Where and when was the United Nations charter created?
14. What is the responsibility of the Security Council?
15. What compromise was reached about Poland at the Yalta Conference?
16. What was asserted in the Declaration of Liberated Europe?
17. How was Germany divided as a result of the Yalta Conference?
18. In what two countries did the Soviets violate the Declaration of Liberated Europe?
19. What did the Soviets want because of their concern for security?
20. What did FDR believe was key to peace?
21. What resolution was passed by the General Assembly I December 1946?
22. Who chaired the United Nations Commission on Human Rights?
23. What did Truman demand from Soviet foreign minister Molotov?
24. What did Truman view as critical to Germany’s survival?
25. Why did the Soviets feel justified in making Germany pay reparations?
26. What Eastern European countries had a strong Soviet military presence?
27. What did Churchill mean when he used the term “iron curtain”?
Name______________________________________________Class Period______
Chapter Thirteen Lesson Two: The Early Cold War Years (pgs. 402-408)
1. What was explained in the Long Telegram?
2. What American policy was proposed by Kennan?
3. What measures did the U.S. take against the Soviets actions in Iran?
4. Why were the straits of the Dardanelles vital to the Soviet Union?
5. What show of force did America use to protect Turkey?
6. What country did Britain aid in their fight against communism?
7. What is the goal of the Truman Doctrine?
8. What postwar problems were faced by Western Europe?
9. What was proposed in the Marshall Plan?
10.How did the Marshall Plan weaken the appeal of communism in Europe?
11.What was proposed in Truman’s Point Four Program?
12.Why did the U.S., France, and Britain merge their zones in Germany?
13.Why did the Soviets place a blockade around West Berlin?
14.How did Truman respond to the Blockade?
15.What did the airlift symbolize?
16.What was the agreement of the NATO members?
17.Why did the Soviets form the Warsaw Pact?
18.Who led the communist forces in China?
19. How did the U.S. try to help the nationalist government prevent a communist takeover?
20. What happened in China in October 1949?
21. What did the Soviets announce in September 1949?
22. What countries signed a friendship alliance in early 1950?
23. Who was in charge of the occupation of Japan after WWII?
24. How was Korea divided at the end of WWII?
25. What happened on June 25, 1950?
26. How did Truman respond to the invasion?
27. Where did MacArthur order a daring invasion on September 15, 1950?
28. Why did Chinese forces cross the Yalu River?
29.How did MacArthur want to retaliate against the Chinese?
30.On what grounds did Truman fire MacArthur?
31.Where did peace negotiations begin in July 1951?
32.What threat did Eisenhower hint of to China?
33.What was negotiated at the armistice?
34.How many Americans died as a direct result of the Korean War?
35.How did America’s Cold War policy change as a result of the Korean War?
Name______________________________________________Class Period______
Chapter Thirteen Lesson Three: The Cold War and American Society (pgs. 410-414)
1. What started the Red Scare in September 1945?
2. What was the purpose of the loyalty review program?
3. What might cause a person’s loyalty to be suspect?
4. Who did Hoover urge HUAC to investigate?
5. Why did HUAC focus on the film industry?
6. Who testified that there were communists in Hollywood?
7. What roles had Hiss played as a diplomat?
8. Where were secret documents hidden in the Hiss case?
9. What were the Rosenbergs charged with, and what was their punishment?
10.What was the Verona Project?
11.What did the Taft-Hartley Act require?
12.What two major events happened in 1949 that intensified the Red Scare?
13.What surprising statement did McCarthy make in in February 1950?
14.Who did McCarthy attack in in his booklet?
15.What was required by the McCarran Act?
16.What is “McCarthyism”?
17.Where did McCarthy look for spies in 1954?
18.What caused his popular support to fade?
19.What shocked Americans in 1953?
20.What did experts note would have killed more people than a nuclear blast?
21.What play is a cautionary tale of hysteria leading to false accusation?
22.What nonfiction book provides firsthand accounts of the atomic bomb
dropped in Japan?
Name______________________________________________Class Period______
Chapter Thirteen Lesson Four: Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies (pgs. 415-421)
1. What events caused many Americans to believe Truman’s policies were not
2. What advantage did Eisenhower over Stevenson?
3. What did Eisenhower believe was key to winning the Cold War?
4. What did Eisenhower advocate gave more “bang for the buck”?
5. What new policy was introduced by Eisenhower as a result of the Korean War?
6. What made up America’s nuclear triad?
7. What plane was developed to drop nuclear bombs?
8. What was the name of America’s first ICBM?
9. What was the name of the first submarine capable of launching nuclear
10. By how much did Eisenhower cut military spending?
11.Who controlled Taiwan in 1954?
12.What did Eisenhower warn China would happen if they attacked Taiwan?
13.Why did the U.S. offer to help finance a dam in Egypt?
14.Why did the Egyptians seize the Suez Canal?
15.Where did many of the CIA’s operations take place?
16.What was a way to stop developing nations from turning to communism?
17.How did the CIA intervene in Iran?
18.How did the CIA intervene in Guatemala?
19.Who became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1956?
20.Where did a full scale uprising against communism occur in October 1956?
21.How did the Soviets stun the Americans on October 4, 1957?
22.When did America launch our first artificial satellite?
23.What organization was established by Eisenhower to beat the Soviets in the
Space Race?
24.What purpose did satellites serve in the Cold War?
25. What are satellites used for today?
26.Who promoted the idea of pan-Arabism?
27.What is the Eisenhower Doctrine?
28.Where were American troops sent in July 1958?
29.Of what did Khrushchev begin to accuse the capitalist countries of starting?
30.What did Khrushchev demand in 1957?
31.What event caused heightened tension between the U.S. and the Soviets in
32.What did Eisenhower warn the American people of in his farewell speech?
33.Why had American troops been sent to South Viet Nam?
34.Who established a communist regime in Cuba?
Chapter Thirteen: The Cold War Begins Study Guide
*****VOCAB SHEET*****AND****32 STATES***
What is the purpose of the World Bank?
What is the purpose of the IMF?
What 5 countries were appointed as members of the Security Council?
Where and when was the United Nations charter created?
What was asserted in the Declaration of Liberated Europe?
How was Germany divided as a result of the Yalta Conference?
Who chaired the United Nations Commission on Human Rights?
Why did the Soviets feel justified in making Germany pay reparations?
What Eastern European countries had a strong Soviet military presence?
What did Churchill mean when he used the term “iron curtain”?
What was explained in the Long Telegram?
What American policy was proposed by Kennan?
What was the goal of the Truman Doctrine?
What was proposed in the Marshall Plan?
What was Truman’s Point Four Program?
What was the agreement of the NATO members?
Why did the Soviets form the Warsaw Pact?
Who led the communist forces in China?
What happened on June 25, 1950?
On what grounds did Truman fire MacArthur?
Where were secret documents found in the Hiss case?
What were the Rosenbergs charged with, and what was their punishment?
What was the Verona Project?
What did the Taft-Hartley Act require?
What two major events happened in 1949 that intensified the Red Scare?
What was required by the McCarran Act?
What shocked Americans in 1953?
What did experts note would have killed more people than a nuclear blast?
What play is a cautionary tale of hysteria leading to false accusations?
What nonfiction book provides firsthand accounts of the atomic bomb dropped in Japan?
What did Eisenhower believe was key to winning the Cold War?
What did Eisenhower advocate gave more “bang for the buck”?
What new policy was introduced by Eisenhower as a result of the Korean War?
What made up American’s nuclear triad?
What was a way to stop developing nations from turning to communism?
Who became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1956?
How did the Soviets stun the Americans on October 4, 1957?
What organization was established by Eisenhower to beat the Soviets in the space race?
What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?
What did Eisenhower warn the American people of in his farewell address?
 Describe the creation, purpose, and structure of the United Nations.
 Explain the cause and effect of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift.
 Explain the causes of the Korean War, the reasons the U.S. became involved, and the outcome of
U.S. involvement.
 Chronicle Joseph McCarthy’s role in the Red Scare.