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Ms. Daniel
Ch. 13 Questions
U.S. History
13.1 Origins of the Cold War p. 626
A Clash of Interests p. 627
1. What is your textbook’s definition of the Cold War? “Cold War” is a name given to this period by the
media and politicians. Think of two other terms that can describe this period/relationship and explain
why they fit.
2. Compare and contrast the concerns of the Soviet Union and the U.S. after World War II.
The Yalta Conference p. 628
Describe what the Allies decided at Yalta:
a. Poland
b. Declaration of liberated Europe
c. Dividing Germany
d. Tensions Begin to Rise
Truman Takes Control p. 629
4. Why did Truman want to take a firm stance with Stalin?
5. Describe the disagreement over reparations between the Soviet Union and the U.S. at the Potsdam
6. Describe what satellite nations were. Name at least five Soviet satellite nations in 1948 (use the map
on p. 631)
13.2 The Early Cold War Years p. 632
Containing Communism p. 633
7. What two messages did the Berlin airlift send about the Cold War and U.S. involvement in postwar
8. In Kennan’s Long Telegram…
a. How did he explain Soviet insecurity and hostility?
b. What did he propose as a plan of action for the U.S.?
9. Describe the crises in Iran, Turkey, and Greece. (What did the U.S. do? What did the Soviets do? Why?)
10. How did Truman respond to these crises? What policy was outlined in the Truman Doctrine?
11. What motivation(s) did the U.S. have in providing aid to Europe with the Marshall Plan?
The Berlin Crisis p. 634
12. Why did the Soviet Union blockade West Berlin? (What did they want?) What was the result of the
blockade and airlift?
13. Name six of the 12 original members of NATO. What was NATO created to do?
14. How did the Soviets respond to West Germany being allowed to rearm and join NATO?
The Cold War Spreads to East Asia p. 636
15. What three events in late 1949 and early 1950 shocked Americans and increased fears about the
spread of Soviet influence?
16. How did U.S. policy and attitudes toward Japan change when China became communist?
The Korean War p. 637
17. What were the U.S. and Soviet Union doing in Korea after WWII? Why were two governments set up?
Why did this lead to conflict?
18. Retell the military story of the Korean War using the following terms in your description:
a. United Nations
b. Pusan
c. Incheon
d. 38th Parallel
e. Yalu River
f. Chinese troops
19. Why did President Truman fire General MacArthur if he was seen as a hero to the American people?
20. What are two ways that the Korean War marked a turning point, or change, in the Cold War?
13.3 The Cold War and American Society p. 642
A New Red Scare p. 643
21. How did Igor Gouzenko cause an overall fear of Communist subversion in the United States?
22. In your judgment, was Truman’s federal loyalty review program successful in its aims? Give at least one
piece of evidence to back up your claim.
23. Fill in the following chart with information from pgs. 644-645.
24. What was Project Venona?
“A Conspiracy So Immense” p. 646
25. What seems to have motivated McCarthyism? What exactly did McCarthy do?
26. How did the McCarran Act extend McCarthyism? Why did President Truman veto it?
27. Why did McCarthyism fall out of favor?
Life During the Early Cold War p. 648
28. What did Americans do to prepare and protect from a Soviet atomic attack?
29. Why were the 1950s a time of contrasts?
13.4 Eisenhower’s Policies p. 650
Eisenhower’s “New Look” p. 651
30. What did Eisenhower believe gave “more bang for the buck”? How did this shape his Cold War policy?
(Define the term massive retaliation in your answer.)
a. What did critics call this policy?
31. What did the United States do in response to the launching of Sputnik?
Brinkmanship in Action and Fighting Communism Covertly p. 653-655
32. Record the date of each of the following events and then answer: What did the U.S. do in response to
each of the following events?
a. China threatened to seize Taiwan.
b. Britain and France invade Egypt to take back control of the Suez Canal.
c. Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh goes against Shah of Iran to
attempt an oil deal with the Soviets.
d. Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, president of Guatemala, takes over American-owned
United Fruit Company.
e. Nikita Khrushchev emerges as leader of Soviet Union and makes a secret speech
attacking Stalin’s policies.
33. What strategies did Eisenhower use to prevent Communist revolutions in developing countries?
Continuing Tensions p. 656
34. Describe the relationship between Eisenhower and Khrushchev, including at least two specific
35. Why did Eisenhower warn Americans about the influence of a military-industrial complex in the U.S.?