Download Unit 2 Vocabulary Odd NumberнаAny whole number that does not

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October 27, 2014
Unit 2 Vocabulary
1. Factor­ a whole number that divides evenly into another whole number
a whole number that can be multiplied by another whole number to result in a given product
Prime Number­ has only 2 factors, 1 and itself ex. 17 ­ 1,17
Composite Number­ has 3 or more factors ex. 12­ 1,2,3,4,6,12
2. Product­ the result of multiplication
Odd Number­ Any whole number that does not have 2 as a factor
­will have 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 in ones' place
Even Number­ any whole number that is divisible by 2
­any whole number that has 2 as a factor
­will have 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 in ones' place
Multiple the product of a whole number and any other whole number
Ex. The multiples of 6­6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60...
Greatest Common Factor (GCF) the largest factor that 2 or more numbers have in common
ex. To find the GCF of 20 and 36 1. list the factors of each number
2. Circle or underline the common factors
3. the GCF is the common factor with the greatest value
20­1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20
36­ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36
GCF= 4
Least Common Multiple (LCM) the smallest multiple that 2 or more numbers have in common
ex. To find the LCM of 6 and 8
1. list the 1st ten multiples of the each number
2. cirlcle or underline all of the common multiples
3. the LCM is the common multiple with the least value
6­ 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60...
8­ 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80... LCM=24
October 27, 2014
Unit 2 Vocabulary
12. Positive numbers‐ numbers that are more than zero and located to the right of a zero on a number line
13. Negative numbers‐ numbers that are less than zero and located to the left of zero on a number line
14. Signed number‐ positive and negative whole numbers
15. Opposite numbers‐ numbers that are the same distance from zero but in opposite directions
16. Integers‐ all whole numbers and their opposites
17. Absolute Value‐ a numbers distance from zero on the number line
October 27, 2014
Unit 2 Vocabulary
18 .Quadrants‐ four spaces of the coordinate plane that are created when the x‐axis and y‐axis intersect at the origin
19. Geometric Reflection‐ a transformation creating a mirror image of a figure on the opposite side of a line.
October 27, 2014
Fraction Benchmarks
October 27, 2014
Unit 2 Vocabulary
7. Dividend­ a quantity to be divided
8. Divisor­ the quantity by which another is divided
9. Quotient­ the result of division
10. Multiplicative Inverse‐ a number which when multiplied by X yields 1
11. Reciprocal‐ multiplicative inverse of a number with fractions the numerator and denominator are switched
October 27, 2014
Unit 1 Vocabulary
1. Ratio‐ a way to compare 2 different quantities
2. Rate‐ equivalent ratio that compares the first quantity in a ratio to only one of the second quantity
3. Unit Rate‐ the part of the rate that is being compared to 1
4. Equivalent Ratio‐ two or more ratios that are equal to one another
5. Unit Price‐ the price for 1 unit
6. Percent‐ a rate for “every 100” or “per 100”
October 27, 2014
Unit 3 Vocabulary
1. Power‐ the entire power is the entire expression which includes the base and the exponent
2. Base‐ the number that is multiplied by itself when it is raised to a certain place
3. Exponent‐ a number that shows how many times a base is multiplied by itself
4. Exponential Form‐ expressions written with exponents
October 27, 2014
Unit 3 Vocabulary
5. Variable‐ a letter that stands for an unkown number
6. Term‐ a known number, a variable, or the product of a known number and variable
7. Variable Term‐ a term that includes variables
8. Constant‐ a term that is a known number without variables
9. Coefficient‐ the known number that is a factor of a variable term
October 27, 2014
Unit 3 Vocabulary
10. Commutative Property of Addition‐ reordering the terms does not change the value of the expression
a + b = b + a
11. Associative Property of Addition‐ regrouping the terms does not change the value of the expression
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
12. Distributive Property‐ distributing the common factor does not change the value
October 27, 2014
Unit 3 Vocabulary
13. Like terms‐ 2 or more terms in a variable expression that have the same variable factors
14. Equation‐ statement that shows 2 equivalent expressions
15. Inequality‐ 2 unequal values that are compared using less than < and greater than > signs
16. Dependent Variable‐ variable whose value depends on the values of one or more independent variables
17. Independent Variable‐ variable whose value determines the value of other variables
October 27, 2014
Unit 4 Vocabulary
1. Polygon‐ closed plane figure whose sides are line segments that intersect only at their endpoints
2. Base‐ the face of a geometric figure from which the height can be measured
3. Net‐ a flat “unfolded” representation of a prism or pyramid
4. Surface Area‐ the sum of the areas of the faces of a figure
5. Triangular Prism‐ 3 dimensional figure that has 2 parallel triangular faces that are the same size and Shape
6. Pyramid‐ a 3 dimensional figure whose base is a polygon and whose other faces are triangles
October 27, 2014
Unit 5 Vocabulary
1. Statistical Questions‐ questions with answers involving a mass of numerical data
2. Cluster‐ a group of data points that crowd near each other
3. Skewed Left‐ when most of the data points on a graph are clustered near the higher values
4. Skewed Right‐ when most of the data points on a graph are clustered near lower values
5. Symmetrical Graphs‐ graphs that show the same number of data points above and below a middle point
6. Peak‐ What forms when many data points are one value
7. Outlier‐ a data point far away from the other data points, it doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the data points
October 27, 2014
Unit 5 Vocabulary
8. Median‐ middle number in an ordered set of numbers
9. Mode‐ most common number in a set of numbers
11. Range‐ the variation of data points between the least and greatest values
12. Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)‐ the average distance of each data point from the mean
October 27, 2014
Unit 5 Vocabulary
13. Lower Quartile‐ the middle number between the minimum and the median in an ordered set of numbers
14. Upper Quartile‐ the middle number between the median and the maximum in an ordered set of numbers
15. Box Plot‐ a 5 number summary that includes the minimum, the lower quartile, the median,
the upper quartile, and the maximum
16. Interquartile Range (IQR)‐ the difference between the upper quartile and lower quartile
October 27, 2014