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Physics Samples
E&M Unit
Name ____________________
Per ___ Date ___________
1. Two metal spheres having charges of +4.0 x 10–6
coulomb and +2.0 x 10–5 coulomb, respectively, are
brought into contact and then separated. After
separation, the charge on each sphere is
(A) 8.0 x 10–11 C
(B) 8.0 x 10
(C) 2.1 x 10–6 C
(D) 1.2 x 10
2. The charge-to-mass ratio of an electron is
(A) 9.1 x 10
(B) 1.6 x 10
(C) 5.7 x 10
(D) 1.8 x 10 C/kg
3. An electron is located 1.0 meter from a
+2.0-coulomb charge, as shown in the diagram
6. Twenty-four joules of energy is expended in
moving 2 coulombs of charge a distance of 3
meters in an electric field. What is the potential
difference through which the charge is moved?
(A) 48 V
(C) 12 V
(B) 16 V
(D) 4.0 V
7. Most metals are good electrical conductors
(A) their molecules are close together
(B) they have high melting points
(C) they have many intermolecular spaces through
which the current can flow
(D) they have a large number of free electrons
8. As the value of a variable resistor is increased,
while voltage is held constant, the current flow in
the resistor will
(A) decrease
(C) remain the same
(B) increase
9. A lightning bolt transfers 6.0 coulombs of charge
from a cloud to the ground in 2.0 × 10-3 second.
What is the average current during this event?
The electrostatic force acting on the electron is
directed toward point
(A) A
(C) C
(B) B
(D) D
4. Two charges that are 2 meters apart repel each
other with a force of 2 x 10–5 Newton. If the
distance between the charges is decreased to 1
meter, the force of repulsion will be
(A) 1 x 10–5 N
(C) 8 x 10–5 N
(B) 5 x 10–6 N
(D) 4 x 10–5 N
5. A point charge of +3.0 x 10-7 coulomb is placed 2.0
x 10-2 meter from a second point charge of +4.0 x
10-7 coulomb. The magnitude of the electrostatic
force between the charges is
(A) 2.7 N
(C) 3.0 x 10-10 N
(B) 5.4 x 10-2 N
(D) 6.0 x 10-12 N
(A) 1.2 × 10-2 A
(C) 3.0 × 103 A
(B) 3.0 × 102 A
(D) 1.2 × 104 A
10. A piece of wire has a resistance of 8 ohms. A
second piece of wire of the same composition,
diameter, and temperature, but one-half as long as
the first wire, has a resistance of
(A) 8 Ω
(C) 16 Ω
(B) 2 Ω
(D) 4 Ω
11. The resistance of a copper wire is measured to be
4 ohms at 20ºC. If the wire is heated to 30ºC, the
resistance of the wire will be
(A) zero ohms
(C) more than 4 ohms
(B) less than 4 ohms
(D) 4 ohms
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12. The graph below represents the relationship
between potential difference and current for four
different resistors. Which resistor has the
greatest resistance?
16. In the circuit shown below, voltmeter V2 reads 80.
What is the reading of voltmeter V1?
(A) A
(C) C
(B) B
(D) D
13. If the current in a wire is 2.0 amperes and the
potential difference across the wire is 10. volts,
what is the resistance of the wire?
(A) 5.0 Ω
(C) 12 Ω
(B) 8.0 Ω
(D) 20 Ω
14. If the potential difference across a 30.-ohm
resistor is 10. volts, what is the current through
the resistor?
(A) 0.25 A
(C) 3.0 A
(B) 0.33 A
(D) 0.50 A
15. Which voltage would cause a current of 0.5
ampere in a circuit that has a resistance of 24
(A) 6.0 V
(C) 24 V
(B) 12 V
(D) 48 V
(A) 160 V
(C) 40. V
(B) 80. V
(D) 20. V
17. Which circuit segment
below has the same total
resistance as the circuit
segment shown in the
diagram to the right?
Page 2
18. Ammeters A1, A2 and A3 are placed in a circuit as
shown below.
23. The diagram below represents lines of magnetic
flux within a region of space.
What is the reading on ammeter A3?
(A) 1.0 A
(C) 3.0 A
(B) 2.0 A
(D) 5.0 A
19. Two resistors are connected in
parallel to a 12-volt battery as
shown in the diagram.
The magnetic field strength is greatest at point
(A) A
(C) C
(B) B
(D) D
24. The diagram below shows the magnetic field that
results when a piece of iron is placed between
unlike magnetic poles.
If the current in resistance R is 3.0 amperes, the
rate at which R consumes electrical energy is
(A) 1.1 x 102 W
(C) 24 W
(B) 36 W
(D) 4.0 W
20. An electric motor draws 150 amperes of current
while operating at 240 volts. What is the power
rating of this motor?
(A) 1.6 W
(C) 3.6 × 104 W
(B) 3.8 × 102 W
(D) 5.4 × 106 W
21. The heating element on an electric stove
dissipates 4.0 × 102 watts of power when
connected to a 120-volt source. What is the
electrical resistance of this heating element?
(A) .028 Ω
(C) 3.3 Ω
(B) .60 Ω
(D) 36 Ω
At which point is the magnetic field strength
(A) A
(C) C
(B) B
(D) D
25. Which diagram best illustrates the direction of
the magnetic field between the unlike poles of two
bar magnets?
22. An electric dryer consumes 6.0 x 106 joules of
energy when operating at 220 volts for 30.
minutes (1800 seconds). During operation, the
dryer draws a current of approximately
(A) 10. A
(C) 20. A
(B) 15 A
(D) 25 A
Page 3
26. An electron current (e–) moving upward through a
straight conductor creates a magnetic field.
Which diagram below correctly represents this
magnetic field?
29. The diagram to the right
represents a conductor
carrying a current in which
the electron flow is from
left to right. The conductor
is located in a magnetic
field which is directed into
the page.
The direction of the magnetic force on the
conductor will be
27. Electrons flow in a loop of wire as shown in the
diagram. What is the direction of the magnetic
field at point A?
(A) into the paper
(C) toward the left
(B) out of the paper
(D) toward the right
28. The accompanying diagram shows an electron
moving through a magnetic field.
into the page
out of the page
toward the top of the page
toward the bottom of the page
Base your answers to questions 30 through 33 on the
diagram below. The reading of voltmeter V1 is 26 volts,
and the reading of ammeter A1 is 2 amperes.
30. What is the reading of voltmeter V2?
(A) 52 V
(C) 13 V
(B) 26 V
(D) 8 V
31. What is the total resistance of the circuit?
If the electron is moving out of the page, in which
direction will it be deflected by the magnetic
toward the top of the page
toward the bottom of the page
to the left
to the right
(A) ¾ Ω
(C) 10 Ω
(B) 4/3 Ω
(D) 13 Ω
32. The reading of ammeter A2 is
(A) 6 A
(C) 3 A
(B) 2 A
(D) 52 A
Page 4
33. If additional resistances are added in series and
the applied voltage is kept constant, the reading
of voltmeter V3 will
(A) decrease
Base your answers to questions 39 through 43 on the
electric circuit below. The switch is in the open position.
(C) remain the same
(B) increase
Base your answers to questions 34 through 38 on the
diagram below which represents an electrical circuit.
39. What is the reading of ammeter A1?
(A) 1/6 ampere
(C) 60. amperes
(B) 6.0 amperes
(D) 600 amperes
40. What is the reading of ammeter A2?
34. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is
(A) 25 Ω
(C) 5.0 Ω
(B) 6.0 Ω
(D) 0.17 Ω
35. The potential difference across R2 is
(A) 1.0 V
(C) 10. V
(B) 2.0 V
(D) 12 V
36. The magnitude of the current in ammeter A1 is
(A) 120 A
(C) 1.2 A
(B) 2.0 A
(D) 0.83 A
37. Compared to the current in A1, the current in A2 is
(A) less
(C) the same
(B) greater
38. If another resistance were added to the circuit in
parallel, the equivalent resistance of the circuit
(A) decrease
(C) remain the same
(A) 9.0 amperes
(C) 12 amperes
(B) 2.0 amperes
(D) 18 amperes
41. What power is developed in the 10.-ohm resistor?
(A) 600 watts
(C) 60. watts
(B) 360 watts
(D) 6.0 watts
42. Compared to the potential drop across the 10.-ohm
resistor, the potential drop across the 20.-ohm
resistor is
(A) less
(C) the same
(B) greater
43. Compared to the current passing through ammeter
A1 when the switch is open, the current passing
through ammeter A1 when the switch is closed will
(A) less
(C) the same
(B) greater
(B) increase
44. Which segment of copper wire has the highest
resistance at room temperature?
(A) 1.0 m length,
(B) 2.0 m length,
(C) 1.0 m length,
(D) 2.0 m length,
Page 5
1.0 x 10–6 m cross-sectional
1.0 x 10–6 m cross-sectional
3.0 x 10–6 m cross-sectional
3.0 x 10–6 m
45. If both the cross-sectional area and the length of
a metallic conductor were doubled, the resistance
of the conductor would be
(A) halved
(C) unchanged
(B) doubled
(D) quadrupled
50. the diagram below.
46. The ratio of the potential difference across a
metallic conductor to the current in the conductor
is known as
(A) potential drop
(C) resistance
(B) conductivity
(D) electromagnetic
47. A wire carries a current of 6.0 amperes. How much
charge passes a point in the wire in 120 seconds?
(A) 6.0 C
(C) 360 C
(B) 20. C
(D) 720 C
The total resistance in the circuit is
(A) 9 Ω
(C) 3 Ω
(B) 6 Ω
(D) less than 3 Ω
48. Base your answer to the following question on the
diagram below.
What is the total resistance of the circuit?
(A) 6.6 Ω
(C) 20 Ω
(B) 10 Ω
(D) 30 Ω
49. When the circuit shown below is completed what
will be the reading on the ammeter at B?
(A) less than the reading at A
(B) greater than the reading at A
(C) the same as the reading at A
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Physics Samples
E&M Unit
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Name ____________________
Per ___ Date ___________
Answer Key
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