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Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
Multiplication Policy
The policy gives an outline of the small steps of progression matched to the expectations for each year group according to the new 2014 National
Curriculum. Some examples are included and further ones can be added to your document.
Concrete objects as models, such as cubes, counters, Dienes blocks, Cuisenaire rods and Numicon need to be used to help children gain conceptual
understanding, supported by images such as number lines and 100 squares to develop mental pictures as a step from counting to calculation. Fluency in
mental strategies and quick recall of facts need to be established before using a formal written method, but informal jottings and a recorded mental
method can help bridge the mental and written methods so that each stage of the chosen written method is understood.
Year 1
Multiplication steps
Group objects in twos and count groups
Count in steps of 1, 2 and 10
Recall the doubles of numbers to 10
Group these counters in twos. How many groups are there?
How many counters are there altogether?
How far can you count in twos?
20, 30, 40... Count on to 50.
Roll this die and double your number. What score do you get?
Look at these domino doubles. How many spots are there altogether?
How many 2p coins make 20p?
Count groups of objects to multiply – repeated addition
How many socks are there altogether in these eight pairs?
How many fingers are there altogether on six hands?
Count in twos, fives and tens and derive the multiples
My sequence has these numbers in it: 10, 15, 20, 25… What numbers come next in the
Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
of these numbers
Multiplication Policy
sequence?Show me the multiples of 2 on this number grid.
Year 2
Multiplication steps
Double numbers to 20
Use arrays to represent multiplication
Roll these two dice and add the numbers together. Now double your number. What score do you
Here are 20 counters. How could you arrange them in equal rows?
How could you use a number sentence to show your arrangement?
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20
Understand the x sign as ‘multiplied by’: 4+4+4 = 4x3
Write this addition fact as a multiplication fact.
Look at these diagrams:
Understand the commutative law for multiplication,
4x5 = 5x4
Is 2 × 4 the same as 4 × 2? How do you know?
Develop quick recall of multiplication facts for 2, 5 and
Write a list of the tables facts you can say quickly.
Can you use any of these to help you learn others?
Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
Multiplication Policy
Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 to the tenth multiple
Which are the multiples of 2 in this list?
13, 4, 12, 8, 19, 16
Calculate the value of a missing number in a number
sentence, such as 3 x _ = 30
What are the missing numbers?
 × 2 = 16
10 ×  = 40
 ×  = 20
How do you know?
Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 beyond the tenth
Draw rings around all the multiples of 5.
55, 60, 54, 67, 80
How do you know they are multiples of 5?
Year 3
Multiplication steps
Write the missing numbers in the boxes.
Develop quick recall of multiplication facts for 3 and 4
6 × 4 = 12 × 
Recognise multiples of 3 and 4 beyond the tenth
Is 82 a multiple of 4? How do you know?
Use practical and informal methods to multiply 2-digit
Rulers are 30 cm long. If you place six of them end to end, how long a line will they make?
Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5
Multiplication Policy
Explain how you solved this problem. Did you write anything down?
What do you notice when you multiply any number by 1?
Understand the effect of multiplying by 0 and by 1
Is it always, sometimes or never true that when you multiply a number by zero, the answer is
How would partitioning help you to calculate 27 × 6?
What is 46 x 5?
200+30 = 230
Use a written method for TUxU
Develop quick recall of multiplication facts for 6 and 8
What is 8  4? Did you know or did you work thorough one of the times tables? Which table did
you use?
Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
Multiplication Policy
Year 4
Multiplication steps
Recognise multiples of 6, 8 and 9 beyond the tenth
Multiply together three single-digit numbers
Develop quick recall of multiplication facts for 11 and
Know all multiplication facts to 12x12
Multiply by multiples of 10 mentally
Use known facts to find unknown facts
Use a written method for HTUxU
Use a venn diagram to show multiples of 6 and multiples 9.
Choose 12 numbers between 80 and 120.
What is 3 x 8 x 4?
How did you work it out?
If you know that 10 x 8 = 80, how can you use this to help learn 12 x 8?
What patterns are there in the 11x table?
Which tables facts up to 12 x 12 do you still need to learn?
What strategies could you use to learn them?
If 4 × 6 = 24, what is 40 × 6 and 400 × 6?
How could you quickly work out the answer to 3 × 80?
How could you calculate 15 x 20?
What about 14 x 12?
3 28 4
Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
Multiplication Policy
Year 5
Multiplication steps
There are 12 pencils in a box. A school buys 24 boxes. How many pencils does the school buy?
Use a written method for TUxTU
x 12
48 (24 x 2)
240 (24 x 10)
What is 584 x 46?
Use a written method for HTUxTU
Solve scaling problems, including those involving rates
Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole
Estimate:  600 x 50  30 000
3 504 (584 x 6)
23 360 (584 x 40)
26 864
How many times bigger is 2400 than 6? How do you know?
A model car is 1/50 of real size. If the model is 47cm long, what is the length of the real car?
Show me how you would work out 12 multiplied by 1 ½
Lindale CE Primary School - Broadbent Maths
Multiplication Policy
Year 6
Multiplication steps
Factorise large numbers to help multiply
How can you use factors to multiply 17 by 12?
Use a written method for ThHTU x TU
Show the method you would use to multiply 4835 by 38.
Answer these:
Know the order of operations to calculate with brackets
(17x4) + (121÷11) =
(8+3) x (7+9) =
Use a written method to multiply numbers with up to
two decimal places
Multiply 0.07 by 0.6.
Use diagrams to help multiply pairs of proper fractions
Show me how you could answer ¾ x ½