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Key Verbs and Structures for GCSE
Regular verbs (IR)
(Full verb formation)
(Regular verb infinitives)
(Infinitive) Vivir – to live
Foundation verbs
Aconsejar – to advise
Apagar – to turn off
Arreglar – to tidy
Bailar – to dance
Bajar – to go down
Cambiar – to change
Caminar – to walk
Cenar – to dine
Comprar – to buy
Contestar – to answer
Dejar – to leave
Enseñar – to teach / show
Entrar – to enter
Enviar – to send
Escuchar – to listen to
Esperar – to hope / wait
Estudiar – to study
Evitar – to avoid
Explicar – to explain
Fumar – to smoke
Ganar – to win / earn
Gastar – to spend £
Lavar – to wash
Llamar – to call
Limpiar – to clean
Llegar – to arrive
Llenar – to fill
Llevar – to wear / carry
Nadar – to swim
Necesitar – to need
Obligar – to force
Pasar – to spend time / pass
Pagar – to pay
Higher verbs
Pasear – to walk
Practicar – to practise
Preguntar – to ask
Preparar – to prepare
Regresar – to return
Sacar – to take out
Terminar – to finish
Tocar – to play (instrument)
Tomar – to take / have (food)
Trabajar – to work
Tratar de – to try to
Utilizar – to use
Viajar – to travel
Visitar – to visit
Aprender – to learn
Beber – to drink
Coger – catch
Comer – eat
Correr – to run
Creer – to believe
Deber – to have to
Vender – to sell
Ver – to watch / see
Abrir – to open
Cubrir – to cover
Decidir – to decide
Escribir – to write
Recibir – to receive
Subir – to go up
Vivo – I live
Vives – you live
Vive – he/she/it lives
Vivimos – we live
Vivís – you live (pl)
Viven – they live
(Radical Change verbs (Present tense only))
(Irregular in 1st person only (Present tense))
Conducir – to drive
Conocer – to know
Decir – to say / tell
Estar – to be (state / position)
Hacer – to do / make
Oír – to hear
Poner – to put / set
Salir – to go out
Saber – to know (fact)
Tener – to have
Traer – to bring
Venir – to come
Ir – to go
Ser – to be
voy – I go
vas – you go
Va – he/she/it goes
Vamos – we go
Vais – you go
Van – they go
Soy – I am
Eres – you are
Es – he/she/it is
Somos – we are
Sois – you are
Son – they are
Regular verbs (AR)
Regular Verbs (ER)
(infinitive) Hablar – to speak
(Infinitive) Comer – to eat
Hablo – I speak
Hablas – you speak
Habla – he/she/it speaks
Hablamos – we speak
Habláis – you speak (pl)
Hablan – they speak
Como – I eat
Comes – you eat
Come – he/she/it eats
Comemos – we eat
Coméis – you eat (pl)
Comen – they eat
Cerrar (ie) – to close
Despertarse (ie) – to wake up
Divertirse (ie) – to enjoy o.s
Empezar (ie) – to begin
Encender (ie) – to light
Herirse (ie) – to get injured
Pensar (ie) – to think
Perder (ie) – to lose
Preferir (ie) – to prefer
Querer (ie) – to want
Sentirse (ie) – to feel
Acordarse (ue) de – to
Acostarse (ue) – to go to bed
Almorzar (ue) – to have lunch
Costar (ue) – to cost
Dormir (ue) – to sleep
* Be aware of verbs which are both reflexive and radically changing
Higher verbs
Acordarse (ue) de – to
Acostarse (ue) – to go to bed
Arreglarse – to sort out
Bañarse – to have a bath
Despertarse (ie) – to wake up
Inquietarse de – to worry about
Lavarse – to have a wash
Levantarse – to get up
Olvidarse de – to forget
E – ie
O – ue
(Reflexive Verb Infinitives)
1. Present tense
Foundation verbs
Conduzco – I drive
Conozco – I know
Digo – I say / tell
Estoy – I am
Hago – I do / make
Oigo – I hear
Pongo – I put / set
Salgo – I go out
Sé – I know
Tengo – I have
Traigo – I bring
Vengo – I come
(Irregular completely (Need to learn completely))
Foundation verbs
levanto – I get (myself) up
levantas – you get up
levanta – he/she/it gets up
levantamos – we get up
levantáis – you get up
levantan – they get up
Preocuparse de – to worry
Quedarse / alojarse – to stay
Quejarse de – to complain
Relajarse – to relax
Divertirse (ie) – to enjoy o.s
Dormirse (ue) – to fall asleep
Herirse (ie) – to get injured
Vestirse (i) – to get dressed
Higher verbs
Dormirse (ue) – to fall asleep
Doler (ue) – to hurt
Encontrar (ue) – to find
Llover (ue) – to rain
Poder (ue) – to be able to
Probar (ue) – to try
Soñar (ue) con – to dream of
Soler (ue) – to usually ….
Volar (ue) – to fly
Volver (ue) – to return
Elegir (i) – to choose
Medir (i) – to measure
Pedir (i) – to ask for
Reír (i) – to laugh
Repetir (i) – to repeat
Seguir (i) – to continue
Servir (i) – to serve
Vestirse (i) – to get dressed
Radical change verbs (E-ie)
Empiezo – I begin
Empiezas – you begin
Empieza – he/she it begins
Empezamos – we begin
Empezáis – you begin (pl)
Empiezan – they begin
Vuelvo – I return
Vuelves – you return
Vuelve – he/she/it returns
Volvemos – we return
Volvéis – you return (pl)
Vuelven – they return
(e – i)
Sirvo – I serve
Sirves – You serve
Sirve – He/she/it serves
Servimos – We serve
Servís – You serve (pl)
Sirven – They serve
* Notice no change from infinitive in these persons
Era – he was /used to be
2. Two past tenses
2) Ir – to go
Preterite (Finished action/ once)
Iba – I used to go (etc)
(use same endings as SER)
Regular verbs (AR)
Regular Verbs (ER) + (IR)
(infinitive) Hablar – to speak
(Infinitive) Comer – to eat
Hablé – I spoke
Hablaste – you spoke
Habló – he/she/it spoke
Hablamos – we spoke
Hablasteis – you spoke (pl)
Hablaron – they spoke
Comí – I ate
Comiste – you ate
Comío – he/she/it ate
Comimos – we ate
Comisteis – you ate (pl)
Comieron – they ate
(Irregular preterites)
Ir – to go
Hacer – to do
Fui – I went
Fuiste – You went
Fue – he went
Fuimos – we went
Fuistéis – you went
Fueron – they went
Hice – I did
Hiciste – you did
Hizo – he/she/it dd
Hicimos – we did
Hicisteis – you did (pl)
Hicieron – they did
Follow hacer endings for following
Puse – I put
Pude – I could
Tuve – I had
Quise – I wanted
Estuve – I was
Anduve – I walked
Dije – I said
Supe – I knew
Eran – they were / used to be
4. Future and conditional tenses
3. The perfect and pluperfect tense
* Both tenses are made up of a helper and a past participle
(Perfect tense)
Past participle (AR) (ER + IR)
He – I have
Has – You have
Ha – He/she/it has
Hemos – we have
Habéis – you have
Han – they have
Infinitive – (Hablar)
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Infinitive – (Comer)
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
He hablado – I have spoken
He comido – I have eaten
(Irregular past participles)
Hecho – done/ made
Dicho – said
Visto – seen
Puesto – put
Escrito – written
Roto – broken
Ejemplo: He hecho – I have done
(Imperfect tense (ongoing action/ description / was doing))
(Plu-Perfect tense)
Regular verbs (AR)
Regular Verbs (ER) + (IR)
Past participle (AR) (ER + IR)
(infinitive) Hablar – to speak
(Infinitive) Comer – to eat
Hablaba – I used to speak
Hablabas – you used to speak
Hablaba – he/she/it used to
Hablábamos – we used to
Hablabsteis – you used to
speak (pl)
Hablaban – they used to speak
Comía – I used to eat
Comías – you used to eat
Comía – he/she/it used to eat
Había – I had
Habías – You had
Había – He/she/it had
Habíamos – we had
Habiáis – you had
Habían – they had
Infinitive – (Hablar)
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Hablado – spoken
Comíamos – we used to eat
Comíais – you used to eat
Comían – they used to eat
Infinitive – (Comer)
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Comido – eaten
Había hablado – I had spoken
Había comido – I had eaten
(* 2 Irregulars only)
Había hecho – I had done
1) Ser – to be (Important**)
(Irregular past participles are same as above)
Era – I was / used to be
Eramos – we were/ used to be
Eras – you were / used to be Eráis – you were/ used to be
Future (All endings same for AR,ER,IR)
Conditional (All endings same for AR,ER,IR)
Regular verbs (Future)
Regular Verbs (Conditional)
(infinitive) Hablar – to speak
(Infinitive) Comer – to eat
Hablaré – I will speak
Hablarás – you will speak
Hablará – he/she/it will speak
Hablaremos – we will speak
Hablaréis – you will speak (pl)
Hablarán – they will speak
Comería – I would eat
Comerías – You would eat
Comería – He/she/it would eat
Comeríamos – We would eat
Comeríais – You would eat (pl)
Comerían – They would eat
(Irregular stems (Work for both Future and Conditional))
Saldré – I will go out
Sabrás – you will know
Habrá – there will be
Tendremos – we will have
Podremos – we will be able to
Pondréis – you will put (pl)
Vendrán – they will come
Saldría – I would go out
Sabrías – You would know
Habría – there would be
Tendríamos – there would be
Pondríamos – We would be able to
Pondríais – you would put (pl)
Vendrían – they would come
(Compound verbs (Contain part of a familiar verb))
Contener (ie) – to contain
Contiene – it contains
Obtener (ie) – to obtain
Obtengo – I obtain
Mantener (ie) – to maintain
Mantienen – they
Tener lugar (ie) – to take place
Tiene lugar – it takes
Tener en cuenta (ie) – to take into account
Reconocer – to recognise
Reconozco – I recognise
Sonreir (i) – to smile
Sonrío – I smile
Descubrir – To discover
Descubro – I discover
Aprobar (ue) – to pass (exam)
Apruebo – I pass
(Families of words (Verbs / nouns / adjectives)
Volar (ue) – to fly
Llenar – to fill
Vender – to sell
Viajar – to travel
Elegir – to choose
Aconsejar – to
Vuelo - Flight
Venta - sale
Viaje – journey
Elección – choice
Consejo - advice
Lleno – full