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Plant Study Questions
1. What 4 characteristics make a plant a plant?
a. Make their own food (photosynthesis)
b. Has a cuticle
c. Has a cell wall
d. Reproduces using spores or sex cells
2. What is the organelle where photosynthesis occurs?
a. Chloroplast
3. What makes a plant green?
a. chlorophyll
4. What is the purpose of a cuticle?
a. Waxy layer that holds the moisture in the plant and keeps the plant from drying
5. What elements go in to photosynthesis?
a. Carbon Dioxide, Water, Sunlight (CO2, H2O, Sunlight)
6. What comes out of photosynthesis?
a. Glucose and Oxygen (O2 and C6H12O6)
7. What two categories are plants classified into?
a. Vascular
b. Non-Vascular
8. What types of plants are non-vascular?
a. Mosses & Liverworts
9. What does it mean to be a non-vascular plant?
a. Does not have the piping to carry water and nutrients throughout a plant
10.What two types of plants are vascular?
a. Seedless Plants
b. Plants with seeds
11.What does it mean if a plant is vascular?
a. It has the piping to carry water and nutrients throughout a plant
12.What two types of vascular plants have seeds?
a. Angiosperms
b. Gymnosperms
13.What is a gymnosperm?
a. A vascular plant with seeds that DOES NOT have flowers
14.What is an angiosperm?
a. A vascular plant with seeds that HAS flowers
15.Where does a gymnosperm hold its seeds?
a. In its cones
16.Where does an angiosperm hold its seeds?
a. In its fruits
17.What is the purpose of a flower?
a. Attracts pollinators for reproduction
18.What is an example of a gymnosperm?
a. Conifer
b. Gingko
c. Cycad
d. Gnetophyte
19.What is an example of an angiosperm?
a. Any plant that produces fruit (apple tree)
b. Any flowers
c. Grasses
20.How are flowers used for reproduction?
a. Colors and Scents attract the pollinators for reproduction
21.Why are gymnosperms important?
a. Makes wood and paper products
b. Produces resin which is used in soaps and other goods
22.Why are angiosperms important?
a. Makes wood products
b. Makes our food
c. Makes medicines
23.What are the two classes that angiosperms can be broken into?
a. Monocots
b. Dicots
24.What are the four characteristics of monocots?
a. One cotyledon leaf
b. Scattered vascular tissue
c. Parallel leaf veins
d. Flower petals in 3’s
25.What are the four characteristics of dicots?
a. Two cotyledon leaves
b. Vascular tissue in a ring
c. Branching leaf veins
d. Flower petals in 4’s and 5’s
26.What is the name for the male or female sex cell in plants?
a. Gametophyte
27.What are the 4 main parts of a seed?
a. Seed Coat
b. Cotelydon
c. Embryo/Sprophyte
d. Food Supply
28.Which part of the seed stores food for the growing embryo/sporophyte?
a. Food Supply
29.Which part of the seed becomes the seeds first leaves?
a. Cotyledon
30.Which part of the seed is the baby plant?
a. Embryo/Sporophyte
31.Which part of the seed is the outer coat that protects the seed?
a. Seed Coat
32.Which animal is responsible for 80% of the Earth’s pollination of crops?
a. Bees
33.What does it mean when a plant, “germinates?”
a. Seed begins to grow and develop into a plant
34.What are the 5 Ways that a seed can travel?
a. Wind
b. Water
c. Waste
d. Spitting
e. Sticking
35.What makes up the root system?
a. roots
36.What is the root system dependent on?
a. Shoots (stems)
37.What are the two types of vascular tissue?
a. Xylem
b. Phloem
38.What does the xylem do?
a. Carries water and minerals UP through the plant
39.What does the phloem do?
a. Carries glucose (sugar) DOWN through the plant
40.What are the 3 main functions of roots?
a. Anchor the plant
b. Absorbs water and minerals
c. Stores surplus food
41.What do you call the outermost layer that covers the surface of a root?
a. epidermis
42.What do you call the cells of the root epidermis?
a. Root hairs
43.What protects the tip of a root and produces a slimy substance that makes it easier for
the root to grow through the soil?
a. Root cap
44.What are the two types of roots?
a. Tap root
b. Fibrous root
45.Describe a taproot.
a. One thick main root with smaller roots attached (like a carrot)
46.Describe a fibrous root.
a. Many roots of the same size attached
47.What is a simple name for a shoot?
a. stem
48.What are 3 functions of a stem?
a. Supports structure of plant
b. Carries water and minerals through the plant
c. Some store surplus food
49.What are the two main stem structures?
a. Herbaceous
b. Woody
50.Describe an herbaceous stem.
a. Soft, thin, flexible
51.Describe a woody stem.
a. Rigid, hard, made of wood
52.Give an example of an herbaceous stem.
a. flower
53.Give an example of a woody stem.
a. tree
54.Are potatoes considered roots or shoots?
a. shoots
55.Suppose the cross section of a tree reveals 12 light and 12 dark rings. How many years
of growth are represented? Why?
a. 12yrs because one dark ring represents a Winter/Fall season and one light ring
represents a Summer/Spring season. Together, they make one year.
56.Do you think plants with herbaceous stems live longer than plants with woody stems?
Explain why or why not.
a. Woody because they are stronger and last for more than one growing season
57.Why are leaves known as a plants, “food factory?”
a. They use photosynthesis to make food for the plant
58.How do leaves make food for a plant?
a. Photosynthesis (convert sunlight, CO2, H2O into O2 and Glucose)
59.What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis (words or chemicals)?
a. Sunlight +Carbon Dioxide+Water = Oxygen + Glucose
b. Sunlight + CO2 + H2O = O2 + C6H12O6
60.How is the function of stems related to the function of leaves?
a. Vascular tissues relate them (xylem & phloem)
61.What covers the top and bottom surface of a leaf?
a. epidermis
62.What other plant structure has this layer of cells?
a. roots
63.What do you call the tiny pores in the epidermis?
a. Stomata
64.What is the function of the stomata?
a. Allows carbon dioxide into the leaf
65.What type of cells open and close the stomata?
a. Guard cells
66.Why would the stomata open and close?
a. To keep germs out of the plant
67.Which two vascular tissues are found on a leaf?
a. Xylem
b. Phloem
68.Which organism is the ancestor of all plants?
a. Green algae
69.Why do seeds need to travel?
a. To find the right conditions to replant and grow
70.Where are two places that you can find seeds in angiosperms?
a. Flowers
b. fruits
71.What is it called when the sporophyte in a seed begins to grow?
a. germination
72.What is it called when the sporophyte in a seed breaks out of its seed coat?
a. Young plant
73.What is it called when an animal or wind carries pollen from one plant to another?
a. pollination