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The following data for the Sun and the four inner planets of the Solar System have been observed.
Mean Distance
from the Sun
In a simplified model of the Solar System, the planets revolve around the Sun in circular orbits, all in
the same plane. Each planet has a different period of revolution. Also, each planet is a sphere that
rotates about an axis through its center, but with a different period of rotation. In this model the axis
of rotation of each planet is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit.
NAEP released item, grade 12
1. In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
the Sun and each planet.
NAEP released item, grade 12
Scoring Guide
Score & Description
Student demonstrates an understanding of a simple model of the Solar System by translating a
description of a conceptual model to a representation in the form of a picture.
Student response shows all of the following:
The Sun and the four inner planets.
All 5 components properly labeled and in the correct order in terms of distance from the
Non-intersecting orbits that are approximately circular with the Sun at their centers.
Student response shows one of the following:
The Sun and 2 to 3 planets with 3 or more of the components properly labeled, and the
orbits shown will be approximately circular, non-intersecting, and encircling the Sun.
The Sun and 3 to 4 planets, all components properly labeled, placed in correct order with
no orbits shown.
The Sun and 4 planets, with no labels, with circular orbits shown.
The diagram is missing essential parts such as the Sun or several planets, or shows unlabeled or
incorrectly placed planets with no orbits, intersecting orbits or orbits not encircling the Sun.
NAEP released item, grade 12
Complete - Student Response
1 In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
the Sun and each planet.
Scorer Comments:
Student response shows the Sun and the four inner planets with labels and in correct order with
non-intersecting orbits.
1 In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
the Sun and each planet.
NAEP released item, grade 12
Scorer Comments:
Student response shows the Sun and the four inner planets in correct order with non-intersecting
orbits. The planets are represented by their properly labeled orbits.
Partial - Student Response
1 In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
the Sun and each planet.
Scorer Comments:
Student response shows the Sun, and the four inner planets, labeled and in correct order. The
response shows no orbits.
1 In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
the Sun and each planet.
NAEP released item, grade 12
Scorer Comments:
Student response shows the Sun, and the four inner planets with non-intersecting orbits. The Sun
and planets are not labeled.
Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student Response
In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
the Sun and each planet.
Scorer Comments:
Student response shows the Sun and six planets, only three of which are the inner planets. The
planets are not in the correct order, and there are no orbits shown.
In the space below, draw a rough sketch (not necessarily to scale) illustrating the simplified model
of the Solar System by showing the Sun and the four inner planets with their orbits. Be sure to label
NAEP released item, grade 12
the Sun and each planet.
Scorer Comments:
Student response shows the Sun and the four planets, labeled and placed at various distances
from the Sun. Earth appears closer to the Sun than Venus, so the order is incorrect. There are no
orbits drawn.
NAEP released item, grade 12
2000 National Performance Results
Percentage of Students
Off task
These results are for public and nonpublic school students.
Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.
The Fields of Science: Earth & Space Sciences (Sub content classification: Earth in Space)
Knowing and Doing Science : Conceptual Understanding
NAEP released item, grade 12
The Fields of Science
Earth & Space Sciences
This question measures basic knowledge and understanding of the following:
Earth in Space
setting of the Earth in the solar system;
setting and evolution of the solar system in the universe (not in grade 4);
tools and technology that are used to gather information about space;
apparent daily motions of the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars;
rotation of the Earth about its axis, and the Earth's revolution around the Sun;
tilt of the Earth's axis that produces seasonal variations in climate; and
earth as a unique member of the solar system that may be approximated in other galaxies in
the universe, and that evolved at least 4.5 billion years ago.
Knowing and Doing Science
Conceptual Understanding
Conceptual understanding includes the body of scientific knowledge that students draw upon when
conducting a scientific investigation or engaging in practical reasoning. Essential scientific concepts
involve a variety of information, including facts and events the student learns from both science
instruction and experiences with natural environment; and scientific concepts, principles, laws, and
theories that scientists use to explain and predict observations of the natural world.
NAEP released item, grade 12