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The Endocrine System
By: Cristian Aguilar, Jorge Peinado,
Esdras Perez
Major Functions
• The endocrine system is made up of a network
of glands.
• These glands secrete hormones to regulate
many bodily functions including growth and
• Endocrine dieses are common and usually
occur when glands produce an incorrect
amount of hormones.
Describe Hormones and what they do
• The chemical product of an endocrine gland.
• They turn on, turn off, seed up, or slow down
the activities of different organs an tissues.
• Thyroid Glands- Release of energy from food
molecules inside cells.
• Parathyroid Glands- Regulate the amount of
calcium in the blood.
• Pancreas- Controls the level of glucose in the
• Ovaries- The ovaries release female sex
• Testes- The testes release the sex hormone
testosterone which controls changes in a male
• Adrenal Glands- Adrenaline triggers the body’s
response to emergency situations.
• Thymus Glands- Helps the immune system
develop during childhood.
• Pituitary Glands- Regulates growth, blood
pressure, and water balance
• Hypothalamus- Links the nervous and endocrine
system and controls the pituitary
The way body system works
• Nervous system- The endocrine works with
this system by sending hormones to cell and
thereby causing a physical reaction.
• Digestive System- The endocrine system works
with this system through the pancreas, which
produces the hormone insulin.
• Circulatory system- The endocrine work is
with this system because it works as the
transport system for endocrine information.
• The endocrine system controls many body
processes by means of chemicals.
• The endocrine glands produce and release their
chemical products directly into the bloodstream.
• The endocrine glands include the hypothalamus,
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, thymus,
and pancreas.
• The endocrine glands also include the ovaries in
females and tests in males.