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Name: _____________________________________Period:______
ELAGSE8W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Poetry Portfolio Project
Checklist & Instructions
Part I Instructions:
 Create a portfolio that contains eight original poems and one poem you’ve selected
to analyze.
 The eight original poems must follow the forms listed below.
 Use the checklist to track which poems you will include.
 Five different types of figurative language must be incorporated into at least five
of the poems. (For example, you may use metaphors in all your poems but it only
counts as one in the total.)
 A draft must be written for all poems (use the attached templates)
 Once a draft has been written for each poem, correct for errors, make any revisions
and publish them all together in a self-designed poetry portfolio.
 Poems must be accompanied by illustrations or symbolic images and the portfolio
should have an illustrated cover with a title.
 When writing your poems, think about an overarching theme or strand that relates
to all the poems in some way. (For example, poems centered around trust, family,
overcoming challenges, etc)
Poem Types:
 acrostic (minimum 5 letters)
 shape/concrete
 imagery
 found
 diamonte
 spoken word
 haiku
 collage
 cinquain
 free verse
Part II Instructions:
 Find a poem or song that is appealing to you. Print or copy the poem on a sheet of
paper. Note: lyrics must be school appropriate!
 Complete the template for analyzing a poem.
 Write a minimum of one paragraph on its importance to you.
Poetry Foundation
Famous Poets & Poems
Types of Poems
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
Template 1 (if you’re writing about yourself)
Physical Characteristics:
Family and/or Friends:
Things I treasure:
Template 2 (if you’re writing about an idea or thing)
What it is:
What it is not:
What it means to me:
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
Imagery evokes an emotional response from the reader through descriptive language, and it appeals to
one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste or smell. If you’re struggling to think of a topic,
choose a photograph or a picture that depicts a scene of some sort and base your poem on it.
Topic: ___________________________________
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
Adjectives that describe it
(at least four):
Words ending in –ing that
relate to the topic (at least
Phrases that describe or
relate to the topic:
Synonyms for the topic:
Now place the words into the template below:
topic (a noun)
__________________________ __________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
verb (-ing)
verb (-ing)
verb (-ing)
verb (-ing)
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
verb (-ing)
verb (-ing)
verb (-ing)
verb (-ing)
__________________________ __________________________
synonym for topic
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
Cinquain Pattern #1
Cinquain Pattern #2
Line 1: one word
Line 2: two words
Line 3: three words
Line 4: four words
Line 5: one word
Line 1: a noun
Line 2: two adjectives
Line 3: three –ing words
Line 4: a phrase
Line 5: a synonym for line 1
Pattern #1 Example
Pattern #2 Example
Lived once,
Long ago, but
Only dust and dreams
Messy, spicy
Slurping, sliding, falling
Between my plate and mouth
Adjectives that describe it (at least four):
Words ending in –ing that relate to the
topic (at least six):
Phrases that describe or relate to the topic:
Synonyms for the topic:
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
A haiku consists of three lines following a 5-7-5 syllable count. It is often about nature but
does not have to be.
Brainstorm ideas/thoughts
about the topic:
Line 1 (5 syllables):
Line 2 (7 syllables):
Line 3 (5 syllables):
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
A shape or concrete poem is one that is shaped like its subject matter.
Step 1: Make a list of objects that have distinctive but simple shapes.
Step 2: Sketch the shape in the box below.
Step 3: List as many words and phrases as you associate with this object.
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
Step 1: Think of a general topic (love, peace, conflict, heroism)
Step 1: Find a piece of prose text (from a novel, an article, a speech, etc)
Step 2: Highlight or underline details, words, and phrases that you find powerful, moving
or interesting. Look for at least 50 words that stand out in the passage.
Step 3: Look back over your list and cut out any words that are dull or unnecessary or
doesn’t fit in with the theme of your poem.
Step 4: Keeping the words in the order you found them, add punctuation or make little
changes to words to make them flow better.
Step 5: Arrange the words so they make a rhythm you like. Test possible line breaks. You
can space words
out for
visual effect.
You can also put
on lines by themselves.
Step 6: At the bottom of the poem, tell where the words came from.
Collage poetry is when you take words or phrases from newspapers and magazines and
turn them into a poem.
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
Step 1: Select a topic in which you have a strong and expressive opinion. Remember that
you are going to have to incorporate a good deal of passion and feeling into reading a
spoken word poem.
Step 2: Brainstorm ideas about your topic. Write them down!
Step 3: Go ahead and start writing your poem. Spoken word poetry is very free flowing,
and you can use any and all different types of punctuation to get your point across.
Remember, your audience will hear your poem, not see it.
5 Tips for Writing Spoken Word Poetry
Tip 1: Use Concrete Language
Spoken word poetry should incorporate certain words and phrases that can create vivid images, sounds,
actions, and other feelings and sensations in your readers. If your spoken poetry is strong and rich with
imagery, your audience will be able to feel, smell, and taste along with your poem.
Tip 2: Use Repetition
In any type of poetry, repetition is a simple, yet powerful poetic device. The repetition of a phrase or
imagine will help to extend that particular thought or image beyond its original meaning. This can help
the writer get a point across or exaggerate a point that they want to make.
Tip 3: Incorporate Rhyme
The use of rhyming in your poem can add to your performance and make it more entertaining and fun to
follow for your audience. Use elements of surprise and moderation when incorporating rhyme into your
spoken word poetry.
Tip 4: Attitude
Every poet’s poem will be unique, and they will also have their own unique perspective of the subject or
topic that they choose to write and speak about. It is essential that a spoken word poem is able to
capture the feelings that the poet has and covey them to their audience and the rest of the world. Be
sure that your poem incorporates a certain attitude or feeling to your audience.
Tip 5: Persona
As a poet, you can portray anyone and any feelings that you want to in your poetry. Be creative and
have fun with the subject you choose.
Poem Types Graphic Organizers
 Free verse is one of the simplest, and yet most difficult, type of poetry to write.
While it doesn’t constrict the poet with rules about form, it requires him or her to
work hard at creating a piece that is beautiful and meaningful without any specific
guidelines about rhyme and meter.
 Carefully chosen words can help you create a poem that sounds like the situation,
emotion, or object you are trying to portray. Figurative language and imagery is
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