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Chapter 2-European Exploration of the Americas
Section 1-Spain Claims an Empire
Treaty of Tordesillas-a treaty between Spain and Portugal that decided where the
Line of Demarcation should be
Missionaries-people sent to convert the native people to Christianity
Mercantilism-a way of making money for a country
Colony-an area of people controlled by another country
Amerigo Vespucci-a sailor from Italy who wanted to find a sea route to Asia
Vasco Nunez de Balboa-a Spanish sailor who reached the Pacific Ocean
Conquistadors-Spanish soldiers who explored the Americas and claimed anything
they found for Spain
Hernando Cortes-one of the conquistadors;
Montezuma-ruler of the Aztecs
Alliances-agreements between people
Siege-when a city is surrounded by their enemy
Francisco Pizarro-explored Peru
Overview of Section 1
The kings of Spain and Portugal were upset with where Pope Alexander
drew the dividing line for claimed lands.
European countries wanted to explore different lands to spread
Christianity and make their empires bigger. They also wanted to become
Important Explorers were Americo Vespucci, Vasco de Balboa and
Ferdinand Magellan
Spanish soldiers came to explore the Americas and claim the land for Spain.
Hernando Cortez and his men found the Aztecs, native people of Mexico
The leader of the Aztecs, Montezuma, was afraid that one of his gods had
sent Cortez to rule over the Aztecs.
Chapter 2-European Exploration of the Americas
Cortez took Montezuma hostage and tried to tell the Aztec people what to
do, which they didn’t like.
The Aztecs and Spanish soldiers got onto a big fight.
The next year Cortez and more soldiers came back to take over the Aztec
empire and they succeeded.
In Peru lived a people called the Incas. Francisco Pizarro led a trip to find
the Incas. He and his men captured the Incan leader and killed him.
Why did the Spanish soldiers succeed?
The Spanish brought new diseases that the native people did not have,
killing lots of them.
The Spanish were excellent soldiers and had better weapons (guns).
Spanish soldiers made friends with Native Americans who were glad to
fight against the Aztecs and the Incas.
The Spanish soldiers were very mean to their Native American friends.
Francisco de Coronado and Hernando de Soto both tried to find cities of
gold but neither found one.
Section 2- European Competition in North America
John Cabot- explorer from Italy who crossed the Atlantic Ocean to claim land for
Giovanni da Verrazano-explorer from Italy who tried to claim land for France
Jacques Cartier-A French explorer who explored what is now parts of Canada
Armada-a lot of warships
Samuel de Champlain- explorer from France who explored what are parts of
Quebec Canada today
New France-the colony started in Quebec
Overview of Section 2
Henry Hudson sailed for England trying to find a way to China-he did not
Chapter 2-European Exploration of the Americas
John Cabot sailed for England. He landed in what is now part of Canada but
thought he was in China.
Giovanni de Verrazano sailed for France. He explored the Atlantic coastline
of North America.
Jacques Cartier sailed for France and sailed near Canada.
Spain, England and France all claimed land in North America and started
fighting each other.
France and Spain fought over Florida-Spain won.
England and Spain also fought.
The Spanish king sent a lot of ships (armada) to conquer England but it
didn’t work.
Samuel de Champlain sailed for France and started the first permanent
French settlement in North America in what is now Canada.
The Dutch built a colony called New Netherlands which is now New York
Section 3-The Spanish and Native Americans
Viceroyalty-a province rules by someone called a viceroy
Encomienda-a grant of Native American labor
Hacienda-Spanish word for house
Pope-led the Pueblo Indians in a rebellion against the Spanish
Plantations-large farms that raised crops
Bartolome de Las Casas-fought for better treatment of the Native American
Columbian Exchange- the movement of animals, people and diseases from the
Eastern hemisphere to the Western hemisphere
Overview of Section 3
Spain controlled much of the Americas. They built roads to transport
people and items (gold and silver) between the areas.
The Spanish used Native Americans to do the work.
Chapter 2-European Exploration of the Americas
Missions were set up to teach Christianity and convert people into believing
what Christians believe (one god, Jesus, the bible, etc.).
Not all Native Americans wanted to convert to Christianity.
Pope was a Native American who led others in a rebellion against the
The Spanish forced Native Americans to work on plantations and treated
them like slaves.
De Las Casas tried to help the Native Americans get better treatment.
When the settlers came over from Europe, they brought many animals and
plants the Native Americans had never seen but also brought new diseases.
Section 4-Beginnings of Slavery in the Americas
Slavery-holding a person against their will and making them do your work
Depopulated-to lose people in your population
Diaspora-the removal of people from their homeland and moving them
someplace else
African Diaspora-when people were removed from Africa to be slaves
Middle passage-the trip by enslaved people from Africa to the Americas
Racism-the belief that some people are worse than you because of their race
Slave codes-laws created to control the treatment of slaves
Overview of Section 4
In the 1600’s, slaves are being used in America.
People were often captured in battle or sold to pay off someone’s debts.
Some were treated with respect but most were not.
The Spanish and Portuguese used Native Americans as slaves but then
captured men and women from Africa.
Slave codes were made to create better treatment of the slaves but the
slave holders did not also follow these rules.