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Sargon: Conquered Sumeria around 2330 BC.
Menes: First Pharaoh to unite Upper and Lower Egypt (2930 BC)
Akhenaton & Nefertiti: Established monotheistic religion based on solar disk (Aton)
1380 BC
Tutankhamen: 1325 BC – 1320 BC Restores traditional religion in Egypt
King Menuhotep: reunites Egypt (Dynasty XI)
King Djoser: Built step pyramids (Dynasty III)
Queen Hatshepsut: First female Pharaoh, declared herself Pharaoh in 1485 BC,
famous builder of temples.
Ramses II :Lived for 90 years and had 400 children, commissioned many buildings and
projects. (Good Pharaoh in Prince of Egypt)
Ramses III: repels dislocated tribes from Asia Minor (Bad Pharaoh from Prince of
Egypt) (Dynasty XX)
WHO? (continued)
Thutmose III: Conquered Syria, Palestine in 1485 BC .
Ptolemy I: Greek general under Alexander the Great who ruled Egypt and founded
the Ptolemaic dynasty (304 BC), also ruled Syria, Asia Minor, Cyprus, Libya,
Cleopatra: Last Pharaoh of independent Egypt – killed brother (Ptolemy XIII), ran
around with Julius Caesar and later Marc Antony. Fled to India after the Battle of
Actium (31 BC)
Who? (Hebrews)
Abraham: Traditional Patriarch of Jewish people. Left Ur in Sumeria and moved his
family into what is the modern state of Israel today (1850 BC).
Isaac: Had 12 grandchildren, who founded the 12 tribes of Israel
Jacob: Took family to Egypt because of famine in Israel (1700 BC)
Joseph: Son of Jacob, became Prime Minister of Egypt
Moses: Leads the Jews out of slavery in Egypt, receives 10 commandments (12801250 BC)
Joshua: takes over as leader of Jews who resettle in Israel after defeating Canaanites
(1250-1200 BC)
Saul: 1st Hebrew King, makes Jerusalem capital of Hebrews
David: Wrote Psalms praising God 1000-961 BC
Solomon: Built the First Temple in Jerusalem (961-922 BC)
Who? (Greeks)
King Minos: Legendary King of Minoans on island of Crete
Homer: Supposed blind originator of Iliad and Odyssey (written down in 700 BC)
Draco: Lawgiver in Athens (621 BC) Infamous for “Draconian” laws.
Solon: Archon of Athens who cancelled debts of poor (594 BC)
Cleisthenes: founder of Athenian democracy (507 BC)
Socrates: 1st famous Athenian philosopher. Founder of the “Socratic Method” –
questioning everything. “The only thing I know is that I don’t know anything.” Accused
of corrupting youth, convicted, forced to drink hemlock (470-399 BC)
Plato: Socrates’ student, wrote Aplogy, founded Academy of philosophy, taught
Aristotle. Believed that everything in the real world was only a reflection of ideal things
in a world of ideas (Allegory of the Cave) Nothing material lasts, only ideas. (428-347
Aristotle: Developed the idea of aristocracy (rule of reason). Disagreed with Plato –
the real world is what matters, ideas derive from real things. Studied nature / biology
as a result. (384-322 BC)
Philip II: Macedonian King who conquered Greece. Alexader the Great’s father.
Alexander the Great: Macedonian king, conquered Greece, Asia Minor, India, Egypt,
Persia. Founded Alexandria, spread Hellenistic culture (332-305 BC)
Darius I: Persian King who conquered Thrace and Macedonia, put down Greek
rebellion in Asia Minor (Peloponnesian War – 499-494 BC).
Xerxes I: Invades Greece (480 BC)
Pericles: Athenian General. Led Athens over the Delian League. 461-429 BC
Pythagoras: Pythagorean theorem
Hippocrates: Hippocratic Oath
Aristophenes: Writer of Comedies
Archimedes: Inventor of Archimedes screw, pulleys, calculated Pi?
Thucydides: History Peloponnesian War
Who? Rome
Romulus and Remus: Traditional founders of Rome. According to story, raised by
she-wolf. Romulus supposedly killed Remus. 753 BC.
Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud): Last Etruscan King of Rome, overthrown in
509 BC)
Hannibal: Carthaginian who invaded Roman Republic overland with elephants in the
Punic Wars.
Scipio: Roman general who defeated Hannibal (181 BC)
Pompey: Conquered the Eastern Mediterranean, member of first triumvirate.
Represented Senate in civil War. Fled to Egypt, beheaded by Ptolemy XIII.
Gracchi Brothers: Helped the poor (133 BC)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla: Roman general who became dictator (82-79 BC)
Julius Caesar: Roman general who conquered Gaul, part of first Triumvirate. declared
public enemy by Senate. Crossed Rubicon river to return to Rome and fight civil war
against Pompey and Senate. Allied to Cleopatra. Became dictator for life (48 BC)
Assassinated by Senate March 15, 44 BC.
Crassus: Third member of 1st Triumvirate. Died in battle.
Spartacus: Led slave rebellion against Rome.
Octavian: Adopted son of Julius Caesar. Formed Second Triumvirate with Marc
Antony and Lepidus. Defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra in Battle of Actium (31
BC). Became first Roman Emperor (Augustus). Beginning of Pax Romana.
Marc Antony: Caesar’s right-hand man in Gallic Wars. Member of Second
Triumvirate. Ran off with Cleopatra. Lost to Octavian in Battle of Actium (31 BC)
Tiberius: Roman Emperor after Augustus.
Marcus Aurelius:
Antonnius Pius:
Marcus Aurelius:
Theodosius I:
Romulus Augustus:
Constantine I: Ruled in 306 AD, Founded Constantinople over the ruins of Byzantium in
330 AD, Edict of Milan made Christianity equal to other religions in 313 AD, converted to
Christianity in 337 AD.
Jesus: Founder of Christianity
Maori: Built a densely populated farming community, acquired technology and
weapons and followed strong leaders (until 1800s)
Moriori: Remained weak, isolated, disorganized hunter gatherers with little or no
technology (Until 1800s)