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 The elements of group 1
 The elements of group 2
 The elements of the D block
 The elements of the F-block
 The elements of the S and P block
 The elements of group 17
 The elements of group 18
 The vertical columns of the periodic table
 The horizontal rows of the periodic table
 An atom with an atomic number larger than 106
 A reaction that affects the nucleus
 Half the distance from center to center of two like
atoms bonded together
The energy required to remove an electron from an
A measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons
in a chemical bond
There is a repeating pattern of physical and chemical
properties when the elements are organized by atomic
An electron found in the outermost energy level of an
The reduction of the attractive force from the nucleus
due to the cancellation of the attraction by the inner
shell electrons.
A solid of liquid mixture of two or more metals
 What was the main organizational pattern for
Mendeleev’s periodic table?
What did he do next in the organization of the
periodic table?
What did he do with his table that helped solidify him
as the father of the modern periodic table?
How reactive are the alkali metals and why do they
react that way?
How reactive are the alkaline earth metals and why do
they react that way?
How reactive are the halogens and why do they react
that way?
How reactive are the noble gases and why do they react
that way?
 What atomic property affects the properties of radius,
ionization energy, and electronegativity most while
going down the group?
Across the period?
What is the trend for Ionization energy down the
group and why?
Across the period and why?
What is the trend for electronegativity down the group
and why?
Across the period and why?
What is the trend for atomic radius down the group
and why?
Across the period and why?
 Where do scientist believe all of the naturally
occurring elements were/are formed?
How have those elements been spread throughout the
What element was the first one to be created
Ho do scientists create new elements?
Why can a cyclotron no longer be used and what
device replaced it?
How do newly formed elements get their names?
Element Group
 Which element in each of the following pairs has the
smallest radius
 Rb or Na
Na or Cl
Rb or Cl
 Which element in each of the following pairs has the
largest ionization energy
 Ba or Mg
Mg or P
Ba or P
 Which element in each of the following pairs has the
smallest electronegativity
 Cs or K
K or Cu
Cs or Cu