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Science vocab words – can be used to make flashcards.
Variables – things that can change in an experiment
Independent variable – the one part of an an experiment which is changed/different on purpose in an
Is recorded in the first column on a data table
Goes on the x-axis on a graph
Dependent variable – the one thing that is measured/recorded at the end of an experiment
Is listed in the 2nd column on a data table
goes on the y axis on a graph
Controlled variables – the many parts of an experiment that must remain the same in order to have a
valid experiment
Valid experiment – an experiment in which one variable is changed, one variable is recorded and all
other things remain the same
Hypothesis: An educated guess as to what you think will happen. Written in the
IF…..(change)….THEN……(results) format…
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solids: state of matter with a definite size and shape
Liquid: state of matter with a definite size but no definite shape
Gas: state of matter with no definite size or shape
Matter: has a mass and volume
Volume: takes up space
Mass—amount of “stuff” an object
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elements –PURE—made of only one kind of atom/lego
Compounds – made of 2 different atoms combined together (2 different colors of legos connected)
Mixture – made of different substances which are not connected (different colors of legos not
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Triple beam balance – measures mass of an object
Unit used: grams
Ruler -- used to measure length
Unit used: cm for big items - centimeters
Mm for small items – millimeters
Length – distance between 2 points
Volume – amount of space an object occupies
Measured with the graduated cylinder
Unit used: mL
Graduated cylinder – measures volume in mL (for liquids)
Amount of matter in a given space
Units used g/ml OR g/cc
Formula for density
Mass/volume OR mass divided by volume
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metals – left side of periodic table
Shiny – conductors – high density – melt at high temperatures – corrode/rust—
NONMETALS – right side of periodic table
Dull – poor conductors – low density – melt at low temperatures – brittle/break easily
METALLOIDS – located on staircase on periodic table
Have characteristics of both metals and nonmetals – shiny OR dull – shape changes easily – are
conductors but not as good as metals
Malleable – ability to be hammered into a thin sheet (aluminum)
Ductile – ability to be stretched into a thin wire. (copper)
Conductor – lets electricity/heat flow thru
Insulator – stops the flow of heat/electricity
Shiny luster – reflects a lot of light from the surface
Dull luster – reflects little light from the surface
BRITTLE—breaks and shatter easily
High melting point – requires high temperatures to melt
Low melting point – requires a low temperature before it will melt
Physical Properties – characteristics easily observed with your five senses and without changing the
identity of a substance
Examples: Conductivity; malleability; melting point; state of matter; color; size; shape; mass;
volume; length; density
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical properties – characteristics only seen when 2 different substances react and cause a change
in the identities of the original substances
Examples: reactivity with oxygen, air, water; flammability
Physical Change: any change in the appearance of a substance – start with substance Y and end with
substance Y but it’s appearance has changed – change in the physical properties of a substance
Indicators of a physical change: change in size; change in shape; change in state of matter;
Chemical indicators of a chemical change: unexpected change in color; formation of a precipitate;
unexpected release of heat/cold; formation of an unexpected gas (bubbling)
Precipitate: New solid substance formed when 2 liquids react and chemically form a new solid
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crust – outer most layer of the Earth
Continental crust – thicker crust – made of granite
Oceanic Crust – thinner crust – made of basalt
Mantle – Middle layer—Largest layer –made of magnesium; silicon, oxygen; not a solid; not a liquid;
plastic-like; thick and gooey
Inner core – solid layer made of iron and nickel
Outer core – liquid layer made of iron and nickel
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfred Wegener – scientist who came up with the idea of Pangaea
Pangaea – supercontinent that existed millions of years ago when all land masses were joined together
Convergent Boundary – created when compression forces 2 plates into each other resulting in
uplift(mountains) OR subduction (one plate forced under the other causing volcanoes or trenches)
Divergent Boundary – created when tension pulls plates apart causing magma to rise and create new
sea floor or stretches land thin causing a rift valley
Transform Boundary – created when shearing causes plates to slide past each other causing rocks to
break, resulting in earthquakes
Plate Tectonics – theory that says the crust is broken into plates and the plates move on top of the
mantle due to convection currents
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Organic – living
Inorganic – Nonliving
MINERAL – any solid, occurring naturally with a crystal structure and definite chemical composition and
made from a geologic source
How can minerals form? 1. From molten rock (magma or lava) cooling
2. from solution evaporating leaving behind molecules which crystallize
3. from metamorphism
Metamorphism – means to change from one thing to another
Magma – molten rock remaining below the surface
Lava – molten rock which makes it way
to Earth’s surface
What is Streak? The color of a powder created by rubbing the mineral on a streak plate
Hardness – ability of the mineral to resist scratching by known objects
Crystal structure – arrangement of organized and repeating atoms joined together in a mineral
Moh’s Hardness Scale – an accepted scale that state the hardness of key minerals which are tested using
items such as fingernail, nail, glass and penny
Goes from 1-10
Softest mineral on Moh’s hardness - hardness of 1-- talc
Hardest mineral on Moh’s hardness -- hardness of 10 -- diamond
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cementation – process of nature using a natural glue to make sediments stick together
Compaction – when layers of rock squeeze on rock layers underneath them squeezing out excess water
Deposition – when sediments are left behind in new places
Erosion – process of sediments moving from one place to another such as by wind or water
Extrusive Igneous rock – rock formed from the fast cooling of lava with very small or no mineral grains
Foliated – metamorphic rock with bands of crystals
Igneous rock – formed from the cooling of lava or magma
Lava – hot molten rock on the Earth’s surface
Magma – hot molten rock under the Earth’s surface
Intrusive Igneous Rock – rock formed from the slow cooling of magma under the Earth’s surface with
large mineral grains present
Lithification – all the steps involved in the formation of sedimentary rocks
Metamorphic rocks – rocks formed from heat and pressure
Nonfoliated – metamorphic rock with no evidence of bands of mineral grains or crystals
Rocks – may be inorganic (nonliving) or organic (made from once living things); can be made from other
rocks or minerals OR dead plants and animals
Sediments – small pieces of rocks
Sedimentary rock – rocks from when small pieces of rocks get cemented together
Weathering – process of breaking apart rocks in to smaller pieces
Rock Cycle – steps involved in constantly changing rocks from one type of rock to another