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The main terms of the Treaty of Versailles were:
1. War Guilt Clause - Germany should accept the blame for starting World War One
2. Reparations - Germany had to pay billions for the damage caused by the war
3. Disarmament - Germany was only allowed to have a small army and six naval
ships. No tanks, no air force and no submarines were allowed. The Rhineland area
was to be de-militarized.
4. Territorial Clauses - Land was taken away from Germany and given to other
5. Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria
Inflation: – Increase in prices of goods/services over time (the quantity of an item can go down as the
price stays the same).
Communism: political and economic system in which government owns all property and makes all
economic decisions, obedience, discipline, economic security, equality – have dictators: the workers rise
Fascism: a political system that stresses nationalism, militarism, and the belief that the government is
more important than the individual – have dictators: Italy under Mussolini; uses propaganda and
violence to achieve goals
*While communism is based around a theory of economic equality, fascism is based around the glory of
the state and strength displayed through violence and conquest.
Nazism: anti-Semitism - against Jewish people, hated communism, extreme nationalism – superiority of the
Germany race (Aryans)
German people were attracted to the Nazi party because they made the economy better. They had the same
ideas to bring back this great German nation (Nationalism).
Hitler: harsh childhood, born in Austria, he wanted to be an artist, couldn’t get into art school, moves into
Germany and hangs out with anti-Semitists (against Jewish people), living in Germany and enlisted in the
German army during WWI, earns 2 Iron Cross awards, after the war he becomes involved in politics and
becomes the leader of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers Party), In 1923 he attempts to take
over German government, writes Mein Kampf (My struggle) in jail. Nickname : Der Führer ("The Leader")
(Nazi beliefs – fascism)
Joseph Stalin: leader of the Soviet Union, (communism)
Benito Mussolini: Italian politician, leader of National Fascist Party, fought in WWI, did not get the Adriatic
coast as promised from WWI, (fascism)
Hideki Tojo: leader of Japan, there was an emperor who didn’t have much power, 1931 they invade China to
gain more land and resources. (dictator)
Winston Churchill: leader of England, (constitutional monarchy/democracy)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR): leader of the United States, elected 4 times, had Polio/in a wheelchair but
rarely depicted that way, led the US through Great Depression and WWII, (democracy)
1932 – height of the Great Depression, beginning of Hitler’s power
World War II (WWII): 1939-1945 second major global conflict
Britain and France declared war on Germany for invading Poland
Germany thought the Treaty was too harsh and voted Hitler to power because he said he would ignore
the conditions
Rise of communism- Hammer and sickle on Soviet flag represent working class
Appeasement: Leaders gave in agreeing that their demands were reasonable; didn’t do anything to
stop Germany and Italy from gaining military and imperial power.
Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles: Hitler created jobs by building up the military (violating Treaty
of Versailles), created tanks (violating Treaty of Versailles), stopped paying reparations (violating Treaty
of Versailles), 1938 forces army in Austria and annexes it (takes control without fire)/merges Germany
and Austria (violating Treaty of Versailles), moves to Czechoslovakia to annex Sudetenland (area prior
to WWI was Germany).
Holocaust: the mass murder of Jews, Handicapped, Homosexuals, Gypsies and others by the Nazis during
Causes of WWII: Treaty of Versailles, Militarism, Nationalism, failure of League of Nations (Group of European
nations (Britain, France, etc.) in charge of monitoring aggression/tension to keep peace in Europe), Policy of