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Europe History Test Study Guide
1. What were the effects of WWII?
1. The war led to the allies dividing Germany into 4 sections to prevent them from becoming
too powerful again.
2. The rise of the Superpowers! US and Soviets. The US allied with west Europe to create
NATO while the Soviets took control of many smaller Eastern European countries who were
weakened by the war and set up a communist puppet government. This alliance was the
Warsaw Pact.
Eventually led to the Cold War.
3. Creation of the United Nations to promote Justice and World peace
2. What were the conditions in the Treaty of Versailles?
The treaty of Versailles ended WWI in 1919. It was designed to punish Germany for WWI and
it punished them by placing the blame on them, making them pay 33 billion $$ in reparations,
reducing the size of their military, and giving up lands gained in the war.
3. Describe (specifically) why life was especially difficult for Germans after WW1.
1. World-wide depression-- with the stockmarket crash of 1929. The depression hit the whole
world hard, especially Germany.
2. The treaty of Versailles left Germany in shambles and looking for someone to blame. They
were without money, jobs, or hope.
3. With Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in power, they placed blame on the Jews (led to the
Holocaust) and banks, and promised to fix things. The Nazis ended up breaking the terms of
the Treaty by invading Poland and other countries, which led to the actual outbreak of WWII.
4. Describe the following empires : Portugal, Great Britain, France, and Spain. Include
area(s) where their empires were located and any other important information (route they
sailed, largest empires, famous explorers…)
 Earliest E. explorers
 Prince Henry- created a
school for exploration
 Dias
 Da Gama
 By 1571: trading posts in
Africa, India, South Pacific
and Japan
 Brazil was the most
successful outpost
 Columbus searched for
India by sailing west
 Thought New World was
 Conquered civilizations in
New World
 Built largest empire in world
 Sun never sets on the British
 By 1920, ¼ of world was
under British control
 Canada, Australia, India,
Africa and many islands
 Only British Empire was
 By 1812: controlled
Germany, Italy, Spain,
islands in the Caribbean,
India, South Pacific, North
Pacific and N. Atlantic
5. How do the Crusades fit into this unit (why did we talk about them)?
The Crusades led to the Age of Exploration. The Muslims had kept Christians from traveling
the trade routes from Europe to Asia therefore causing explorers to find new ways of traveling
and exploring.
6. Describe the scramble to Africa (Who? When? Why? What is the term to describe the
taking over of other countries?)
European Countries scrambled to colonize land in Africa
for econonmic, political, and military motivations. There was also a lot of natural resources
located there.
7. Describe the spark that was the immediate cause of WW1.
The spark that started WWI was the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
8. How did Hitler rise to power (what happened after WW1 that led to him as the leader?)
Hitler rose to power because he had a plan that would fix many issues happening in Germany.
Germany had to take the blame for WWI as a condition of the Treaty of Versailles. He blamed a
lot of Germany’s problems on the Treaty of Versailles. He had plans to restore Germany and
make it powerful again.
9. How did Prince Henry change Europe?
Prince Henry created a naval observatory that would teach explorers about exploration, sea life,
and how to navigate. New technologies were also taught that would further advance
10. Name and describe the three G’s.
Gold ( Gold and anything that would make them money i.e spices), Glory (fame and
fortune), God (spread Christianity)
11. What all contributed to the outbreak of World War I (not the immediate cause)?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism (MAIN)
12. Complete the phrase “the sun never set on ….” and explain.
The sun never set on the British Empire because it was so vast that at any given time of the
day…. somewhere there would be sun.
13. What was the Cold War?
The two main superpowers (Soviet Union and the United States) did not trust each other. The
United States feared that the Soviet Union was trying to spread communism which was very
different than our beliefs. The main causes were the differences in beliefs. Soviets believed in
Communism and a strong government rule on the businesses/economy, while the United States
believed in Democracy and privately owned businesses/economy. The Cold War continued
through the Arms Race and building up of Nuclear Weapons. It never turned “hot” as it never
included actual physical combat between the two superpowers. It did have Proxy wars where
they supported other countries war efforts if it served their interests.
Important Terms
Arms Race- The building up of nuclear weapons between the Soviet Union and
United States.
Berlin Wall- The wall built in Germany that divided East/West Berlin. 103 miles
long. 1961-1989.
Communism- A government system where the government owns/controls most
farms and businesses and all means of production. Found in most of Eastern Europe
and Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Fascism- A government system where one supreme dictator holds all power.
Suppresses criticism and opposition through force, nationalism and racist views.
(Think Nazis)
Holocaust- The genocide or mass killing of 6 million+ Jews and other groups of
people by the Nazis before and during WWII.
Iron Curtain- The invisible wall that divided East/West Europe during the Cold
War. This idea was put in place by Winston Churchill.
Militarism- The building up of a country’s military using strong armies and threats
of war.
Alliances- agreement or promise to help defend and help another country.
Imperialism- country takes over new land and controls their government,
economy, and culture
Nationalism- strong pride in one’s country and willing to defend it at any cost.
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The countries of Western Europe and
The United States formed this to protect democracy, prevent spread of communism,
and fight against the Warsaw Pact.
Nazism- The building of power by the Nazi Party or National Socialist Party in
Germany. Ruled by Adolf Hitler.
Reunification- Reunification is when two things which were formerly divided,
come back together.
Soviet Union- A large and powerful communist country made up of 15 smaller
republics. Russia was the largest. Existed from 1922-1991.
Warsaw Pact- The countries of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union formed this
alliance to support the spread of communism and fight the countries in NATO.
Stalin- The second communist leader of The Soviet Union following Vladimir
Lenin. Sentenced people to Siberia/Labor camps if they spoke against the
government. Had 5 year plans for The Soviet Union.
Hitler- The dictator/chancellor/leader of the Nazi Party in Germany before and
during WWII. “Promised” to fix Germany’s problems following WWI and the
Treaty of Versailles.
Reunification of Germany- In 1989 the Berlin wall came down and Germany, East
and West, were reunified. This also symbolized the lifting of the Iron curtain and
the end of Communist rule in most of Eastern Europe.