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Acids, poiy-a-amino, antigenicity of, 381, 388, 393
Actinophage, antibody to, 782
Adrenals, response to sound stress, 17
Adsorption of native antigen, 444
A2G mice, resistance to myxoviruses, 942
Agglutination, leukocyte, 628
- - , mixed, demonstration of human measles antibody by, 908
--of human erythrocytes reacting in immuneadherence, 86
Amnion cell culture, panereatin procedure for, 956
Anaphylaetic reaction, effect of excess antigen
on, 165
Anaphylaxis, cutaneous, 43
Antibacterial action of human saliva, 12
--defense, effect of radiation injury on phagocytic
mechanisms of, 914
Antibodies, "cell-fixed" to tuberculin purified
protein derivative, 52
- - , chicken, temporal synthesis and chromatographic and ultracentrifugal characteristics
of, 399
- - , immunologic specificity to liver ribosomes and
nuclei, 416
- - , insulin binding, in human sera, 760
- - , liver localizing, 424
- - , measles and poliovirus, in human 7-globulin, 81
- - , micromethods for study of, 741
- - , opsonizing, in typhus, 127
- - , purified, from individual rabbits, 318
, , sensitizing properties of, 810
- - , salicylate, detection of, 788
Antibody activity in 7-, ~ - and ~2M-globulins, 760
- - , combination with factor other than NADase,
- - , staphylococcal, in germfree mice, 358
Antibody detection by isotope techniques, 829
determinations, production and effect, 793
excess, formation of soluble complexes in
region of, 935
formation and phagocytosis, 228
- - - - in primary response, 60
- - , human measles, by mixed agglutination, 908
- - i n d u c i n g and anaphylactogenic properties of
Bordetella pertussis cells and Freund's adjuvant, 132
- - , isolation of, 347
- - , p r e c i p i t a t i n g , mitosis and maturation in
formation of, 897
- - , preparation and use of erythrocytes for detection of, 741
-producing cells, absence during unresponsiveness to BSA, 478
by chicken spleen cells, 829, 836
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - p r o d u c t i o n
single cells, 952
- - - - splenic tissues, 672
- - , effect of methotrexate on, 324
thymectomy and bursectomy on, 878
- - , ribonucleoprotein-bound, 734
- - to actinophage, 782
Antigen-antibody complex, coagulated, immunochemistry of, 438, 444
- - - - - i n t e r a c t i o n , test for, 619
- - d o s a g e , role in drug-induced immunologic
tolerance, 703
excess, effect on anaphylactic reaction, 165
- - i n certain strains of group A streptococci,
properties, 595
- - , native, adsorption and subsequent desorption,
- - , preparation and use of erythrocytes for detection of, 741
- - , radioactive, cellular localization in, 561
- - , soluble, effect of bis-diazo benzidine and tannic acid treatment on sensitization by, 663
, , soluble, from Bordetella pertussis, 72
- - , viral and infectious virus in HeLa cells infected with reovirus, 548
Antigenic analysis of poliovirus, 280
of oral poliovaccine progeny,
- - f a c t o r s of cattle erythrocytes, 857
, variation in reactivity of, 857
Antigenicity testing of Salk vaccine, 193
~ , comparison to antibodies produced in individual rabbits, 318
obtained by fractionation of Coxsackie viruses,
serologic reactivity of, 654
- - , soh~ble, competition, 685
- - , streptococcal and tissue, 595
- - , type A S, specificity of, 172
Antiglobulins in normal serum, 238
Antihistamine, relative insusceptibility of cutaneous anaphylaxis to, 43
Antl-ovalbumin specificity of lymph node cells
in delayed type hypersensitivity, 337
Anti-Rh~(D), sialic acid specificity of, 518
Anti-S serum, production, 172
Antisera, fluorescent, purification of, 634
- - , sensitizing properties of, 810
- - , sheep, neutralization of visna virus by, 185
- - , specificity to mouse ascites tumor, 24
Antitoxin, diphtheria, disk plate assay for, 201
Arbesman, Carl E., 612, 760
Arboviruses, group A, cross-protection among, 720
Argyris, Bertie F., 29
Arquitla, Edward R., 843
- -
- -
- - c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n
- -
Arthritis, infectious, behavior of Escherichia coli
endotoxin during, 297
Asofsky, R. M., 60
Aspinall, Richard L., 872, 878
Autoantibodies to heart, cardiac lesions associated with, 725
Ayoub, Elia M., 793
Axelrod, Velma, 1
Axtell, S. L., 506
Bacillus subtilis, bactericidal property of rabbit
serum for, 540
Bactericidal property of rabbit serum, 540
Bactericidin, lactobacillus, eofactor requirements, 12
Baer, Harold, 121
Baker, James A., 324
Barrett, James T., 643
Barron, Almen L., 908
Barta, George, 72
Bassett, Emmett W., 318
Batshon, Badi A., 121
Beisaw, Norman E., 532
Beiser, Sam M., 318
Bell, E. John, 770
Benacerraf, Baruz, 466, 751
Benedict, Albert A., 399
Bentonite particles, opsonic effect of complement
on, 607
Benyesh-Melniek, Matilda, 280
~2A-Globulins, 576
- - - - - , antibody activity in, 760
~M-Globulins, antibody activity in, 760
Bigley, Nancy J., 416, 518, 526
Bis-diazo-benzidine, effect on sensitization by
soluble antigen, 663
Bloomfield, Norman, 888
Boche, R. D., 506
Bonstein, Herbert S., 612
Bordetella pertussis cells and Freund's adjuvant,
comparison, 132
- - - - , protective antigen from, 72
Botulinum toxoid, immunologic response to, 697
Bovine serum albumin, acquired tolerance and
immune response after injection of, 217
., unresponsiveness to, absence of antibody-producing cells during, 478
- - - - , normal, eonglutinating system in, 347
Bradley, S. Gaylen, 782
Brady, Roscoe O., 372
Braude, A. I., 297
Brown, Ronald J., 399
Buras, Netty S., 412
Bursectomy, effect on precipitin and hemagglutinin production, 878
- - - - - - survival of skin homografts, 872
Butler, William T., 663
Cabasso, V. J., 81
Campbell, Dan H., 619
Cardella, Matteo A., 697
Cardiac lesions associated with auto antibodies
to heart, 725
Carruthers, E. J., 506
Cashman, Thomas, 393
Catz, Boris, 843
"Cell-fixed" antibodies to tuberculin purified protein derivative, 52
Cells, antibody producing, absence during unresponsiveness to bovine serum albumin, 478
- - , lymph node, anti-ovalbumin specificity in
delayed type hypersensitivity, 337
- - , mononuclear and polymorphonuclear exudate,
phagocytic and enzymatic functions, 448
- - , phagocytic host, and rickettsiae, interaction,
Cellular infiltrate in delayed reactions, 466
Cesium chloride density gradients, serologic reactivity of antigens obtained by fractionation of Coxsaekie viruses in, 654
Chang, Walter W. Y., 35
Cherry, William B., 358
Chin, Jean N., 548
Clarke, F. H., 81
Clostridium botulinum, immunity to toxins of, 697
Cobalt-60 irradiation and immunity to influenza
virus, 506
Cohen, Jay 0., 358
Collins, Nancy M., 238
Complement components, isolation of, 347
- - - - a n d phagocytosis, 607
fixation, antigenic analysis of influenza viruses
by, 172
- - , measurements by agglutination of human
erythroeytes in immune adherence, 86
- - , role in immune clearance of Escherichia coli
and rat erythrocytes, 751
Complex, antigen-antibody, immunoehemistry of,
438, 444
Complexes, soluble, formation of, 935
Conglutinin, isolation of, 347
Coons, Albert H., 478, 634
Coxsackie virus antigens, serologic reactivity of,
Craig, John M., 725
Craig, J. P., 43
Cremer, Natalie E., 685
Cross-protection among group A arboviruses, 720
Dameshek, William, 703
Daniel, Thomas M., 741
Dannenberg, Arthur M., Jr., 448
Datta, S. P., 857
Davidsohn, I., 584
DEAE chromatography, fluorescein-labeled ~globulins purified by, 116
Dennis, Juanita, 654
Dermacentor andersoni, rickettsias isolated from,
Dermacentor variabilis, rickettsias isolated from,
Desorption, subsequent, of native antigen, 444
de Vaux St. Cyr, C., 246, 257
de Vries, T., 60
Diphtheria antitoxin, disk plate assay for, 201
Disk neutralization test in antigenic analysis of
poliovirus, 280
- - p l a t e assay for diphtheria antitoxin, 201
Distemper virus, attenuated, effect of methotrexate on production of antibodies against, 324
Diwan, Arwin R., 280, 288
Dodd, Matthew C., 416, 518, 526
Douglas, H., 297
Fish, A. J., 52
Flax, Martin H., 178
Fleming, Diane O., 914
Fluoreseein-labeled ~-globulins, 116
Formaldehyde and poliovirus, reaction in magnesium chloride solution, 429
Forster, Othmar, 935
Fraction, antigenic, responsible for formation of
liver localizing antibodies, 424
Freedman, Samuel O., 52
Freund, Jules, 1890-1960, 331
Freund's adjuvant and Bordetella pertussis cells,
comparison, 132
Frick, O. L., 165
Frommhagen, Laurence H., 116, 654
Fulton, Forrest, 280
Furesz, John, 193
Electrophoretic boundary disturbances, 619
Encephalomyelitis, allergic, and x-irradiation, 532
- - , Pseudomonas organisms as adjuvants in, 512
Endotoxin, effect during primary response, 60
--, Escherichia coli, behavior during infectious
arthritis, 297
- - , group C meningococcal, 312
--, intraperitoneal injection, effects of, 540
Enteroviruses, susceptibility of human amnion
cells to, 956
Enzymatic functions of mononuclear and polymorphonuclear exudate cells and alveolar
maerophages, 448
Erythrocyte serum, effect of prolonged immunization on, 584
Erythroeytes, agglutination of, in immuneadherence, 86
- - , cattle, antigenic factors of, 857
- - , foreign, recognition, 412
- - , formalinized, hemagglutination studies with,
- - , persensitized, effect of ionic strength on, 925
- - , preparation and use for detection of antigen
and antibody, 741
- - , role of complement in immune clearance of, 751
Escherichia coli endotoxin, behavior during infectious arthritis, 297
, role of complement in immune clearance of,
Eseribano, J., 257
Esterases, urinary and mouse serum, 246
- - , - - , - - rat serum, 257
Galasso, G. J., 647
-/-Globulin, aggregated, biologic activities of, 960
- - - - - allotypes, 98
- - - - - and antibody formation in vitro, 60
. . . . coated Bentonite particles, opsonic effect of
complement on, 607
- - - - - , human, measles and poliovirus antibodies
in, 81
- - - - - , rabbit, fragments of, 865
- - - - - , reactivity of rheumatoid arthritis sera with,
- - - - - , x-irradiated, specificity of, 224
~-Globulins, 576
--~--, antibody activity in, 760
- - - - - , fluorescein-labeled, 116
Gangliosides, immunochemistry of, 372
Gauld, John R., 127
Gearinger, Naomi F., 697
Gerulat, Bernard F., 381,388
Geyer, Virginia B., 416, 518, 526
Globulin, see also ~-Globulin and fl-Globulin
Goodman, Joel W., 865
Gordon, Milton, 209
Grabar, P., 246
Graetzer, Mary A., 872, 878
Grayston, J., Thomas, 849
Gregg, Michael B., 368
Gross, Dale, 865
Guthrie, Richard A., 643
Fahey, John L., 576
Farr, Richard S., 619
Farrell, Leone N., 201
Fazekas de St. Groth, S., 140, 151
Ferrebee, Joseph W:, 324
Finn, Jack, 843
Fiock, Mary A., 697
H-2 system, isoantigens of, 271
Halpern, Bernard N., 165, 810
Hapten-induced leukoagglutinin, 643
Harter, John G., 634
Hayashi, Hajime, 956
Hearn, Henry J., Jr., 720
Heart, autoantibodies to, induced by immunization with heterologous heart, 725
- - , heterologous, autoantibodies to heart induced
by immunization with, 725
tissue, human, properties of antigen exhibiting
cross-reaction with, 595
- - --, immunologic studies of, 725
HeLa cells infected with reovirus, 548
Hemagglutination studies with formalinized
erythrocytes, 663
--test, tanned cell, inhibition by human cell
derivatives, 888
Hemagglutinin production, effect of thymectomy
and bursectomy on, 878
Hermann, G., 246, 257
Hersh, R. T., 399
Herzenberg, Leonard A., 628
Herzenberg, Leonore A., 628
Hobson, Derek, 942
Homma, J. Yuzuru, 819
Homografts, skin, survival, 872
Howes, Homer A., 788
Hunder, Gene G., 540
Hypersensitivity, delayed, and immunity in
tularemia, 209
type, anti-ovalbumin specificity of lymph
node cells in, 337
delayed, specificity of cellular infiltrate in, 466
- - to ragweed, canine, spontaneous, 35
Immunity and delayed hypersensitivity in tularemia, 209
--, induction in mice with pneumoeoccal polysaceharide, 929
Immunization, prolonged, effect on immunologic
activity of erythrocyte serum, 584
Immunochemistry of antigen-antibody complex,
438, 444
- - of gangliosides, 372
of globulin altotypes, 98
Immunologic relation of streptococcal and tissue
antigens, 595
Infectivity of ribonucleic acid prepared from
influenza-infected cells, 265
Infiltrate, cellular, in delayed reactions, 466
Influenza-infected ribonucleic acid, 265
- - virus-antibody system, 140, 151
, cobalt-60 irradiation and immunity to, 506
antigenic analysis of, 172
Insulin-binding antibodies in human sera, 760
Ionic strength, effect on persensitized erythrocytes, 925
Irradiation and anti-viral immunity, 506
Ishak, Kamel, 711
Ishizaka, Kimishige, 960
Ishizaka, Teruko, 960
Isoantigens, It-2 and non-H-2, detection, 628
--, mouse, phenotypic expression of, 271
Isotope techniques, antibody detection by, 829
Ito, Fumiko, 819
Jacobson, E. B., 60
Jacox, Ralph F., 540
Jankovi6, Branislav D., 178
Jensen, Marcus M., 17, 21
John, A. Charlotte, 554
Johnson, Arthur G., 672
Jones, J. L., 297
Kabat, Elvin A., 810
Kaplan, Melvin H., 595, 725
Kapral, Frank A., 448, 804
Karzon, David T., 908
Kiser, K. H., 81
Klebsiella pneumoniae type 2 polysaccharide, immunologic paralysis produced by, 121
Klein, Esther R., 24
Knight, Charles O., 548
Kochan, Ivan, 711
Kohls, Glen M., 770
Kong, Yi-Chi M., 672
Kormendy, Agnes C., 201
Krueger, Robert G., 952
L cells, serum effect on virus progeny of L cells, 647
Lackman, David B., 770
Lactobacillus bactericidin, cofactor requirements,
Lane, Christine A., 942
Langevoort, H. L., 60
Lazen, Alvin G., 526
Lee, C. L., 584
Lennette, Edwin H., 548, 554, 654
Lenzner, Alfred R., 760
Leon, Myron A., 347
Leonard, M. R., 228
Leskowitz, Sidney, 98
Leukoagglutinin, hapten-induced, 643
Leukocyte agglutination, 628
- - counts, peripheral, response to sound stress, 17
Leukocytes, human blood, dissociation of phagocytosis and intracellular killing of Staphylococcus aureus by, 804
Li, Isabel W., 804
Liacopoulos, Panayotis, 165, 810
Liacopoulos-Briot, Monique, 810
Lief, Florence S., 172
Lindenmann, Jean, 942
Lipid-adsorbed virus vaccines, 1
Lipton, Murray M., 512
Liver localizing antibodies, 424
--, recognition of foreign erythrocytes by, 412
--, response to sound stress, 17
Lo Grippo, Gerald A., 956
Luzzio, Anthony J., 224
Lymph node cells, anti-ovalbumin specificity in
delayed type hypersensitivity, 337
Obituary: Jules Freund, 1890-1960, 331
Oreskes, Irwin, 107
Ozaki, Yoshikatsu, 280, 288, 429
Panczyszyn, O., 584
Papain fragments of myeloma proteins, 576
Paralysis, immunologic, produced by Klebsiella
pneumoniae type 2 polysaccharide, 121
Paterson, Philip Y., 532, 929
Patterson, Roy, 35, 829, 836
Patton, Charlotte, 711
Perkins, Eugene H., 228
Peters, John H., 634
Phagocytic functions of mononuclear and polymorphonuclear exudate cells and alveolar
maerophages, 448
host cells and rickettsiae, interaction, 127
--mechanisms and radiation injury, 914
Phagocytosis and antibody formation, 228
killing of Staphylococcus aureus, dissociation, 804
--, in vitro, 448
of Bentonite particles, opsonic effect of complement on, 607
Pinchuck, Paul, 381,388
Plotz, Charles M., 107
Pneumococcal polysaecharide, response of mice
to, 929
Poliomyelitis vaccine, Salk, antigenicity test for,
Poliovaceine progeny, antigenic characterization
of, 288
Poliovirus and formaldehyde reaction in magnesium chloride solution, 429
antibodies in human -y-globulin, 81
--, antigenic analysis of, 280
Pollard, Leonard W., 634
Poly-~-amino acids, antigenicity of, 381,388, 393,
Polypeptides, antigenicity of, 381,388, 393, 493
Polysaccharide, pneumococcal, response of mice
to, 929
PPD, "cell-fixed" antibodies to, 52
Precipitin production, effect of thymectomy and
bursectomy on, 878
Pressman, David, 424, 760
Protein antigens, formation of soluble complexes
with, 935
---sensitized erythrocytes, preparation and use for
detection of antigen and antibody, 741
Proteins, micromethods for study of, 741
--, purified, immunologic unresponsiveness to, in
guinea pigs, 368
--, serum, aggregated products of, 960
Pruzansky, Jacob J., 35, 829
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, surface structure of, 819
Pseudomonas organisms as adjuvants in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, 512
--polysaccharide, Rho(D) specificity of, 526
Pancreatin procedure for amnion cell culture, 956
Quilligan, J. J., Jr., 506
Maassab, Hunein F., 265
Maerophages, alveolar, 448
Mage, Michael, 318
Magnesium chloride solution, reaction of poliovirus and formaldehyde in, 429
Maier, Patricia, 760
Makinodan, T., 897
Martin, G. R., 312
Martins, Mary J., 116
Maturation in antibody synthesis, 897
Maurer, Paul H., 381, 388, 393,493
McBride, W. David, 288
McCluskey, Jean W., 466
McClnskey, Robert T., 466
McDevitt, Hugh O., 634
McDuffie, Norman M., 438, 444
McVety, Lora M., 24
Measles antibodies in human ~-globulin, 81
antibody, human, by mixed agglutination, 908
Melnick, Joseph L., 238, 429
Meningococcal endotoxin, group C, 312
Mergenhagen, S. E., 312
Metcalfe, David S., 643
Methotrexate, effect on antibody production, 324
Meyer, Roland K., 872, 878
Mieseher, P. A., 751
Milgrom, Felix, 908
Mishell, Robert I., 628
Mitosis in antibody synthesis, 897
Mitotic apparatus, role in intracellular location of
reovirus antigen, 554
MSller, G6ran, 271
Mononuclear and polymorphonuclear exudate
cells, phagocytic and enzymatic functions of,
Moreau, Pierre, 193
Mudd, Stuart, 804
Munoz, J., 132
Myeloma proteins, papain fragments of, 576
Myxoviruses, resistance of A2G mice to, 942
NADase, other factor, with antibody, 793
Neisseria meningitidis, endotoxin of group C, 312
Nelson, Eric L., 412
Neutralization kinetics, antigenic characterization of oral poliovaccine progeny by, 288
- - o f animal viruses, 140, 151
Newton, Walter L., 358
Nishioka, Kusuya, 86
Novelli, G. David, 734
Nuclei, immunologic specificity of antibodies to,
Radiation injury and phagocytic mechanisms, 914
Ragweed hypersensitivity, canine, spontaneous,
- - pollen, "purified" fraction of, 612
Rainey, Cullen T., 720
Rana pipiens, cellular demonstration of antibody
production in, 952
Randles, Chester I., 526
Ransby, Arnold, 347
Rasmussen, A. F., 17, 21
Reactions, hypersensitivity, specificity of cellular
infiltrate in, 466
Reid, D. B. W., 201
Reif, Arnold E., 24
Reisman, Robert E., 612, 760
Relyveld, Edgar H., 810
Reovirus antigen, 548, 554
Response, immune, after injection of bovine serum
albumin, 217
--, primary, antibody formation in, 60
Reticuloendothelial system, clearance of Escherichia coli and rat erythrocytes by, 751
Rheumatoid arthritis reactions, inhibition of, 888
- - - - sera, reactivity with ~,-globulin, 107
Rho(D) specificity of Pseudomonas polysaccharide, 526
Ribonucleic acid, influenza-infected, 265
Ribonucleoprotein-bound antibody, 734
Ribosomes, liver, immunologic specificity of antibodies to, 416
Rickettsia prowazekii, opsonizing antibodies in, 127
Rickettsiae and phagocytic host cells, interaction,
Rickettsias from Dermacentor, 770
Rigney, Mary M., 643
Rivanol, fluorescein-labeled ~-globulins purified
by, 116
Rosak, Michael, 337
Rose, Noel R., 612
Rosenblatt, Melvyn, 788
Rytel, Michael W., 607
Sage, Harvey J., 347
Salicylates, detection of humoral antibodies
against, 788
Salk vaccine, rooster antigenicity test for, 193
Salv~n, S. B., 368
Schiffmann, E., 312
Schmidt, Nathalie J., 654
Schwartz, Robert S., 703
Sehon, A. H., 52
Sensitivity, skin, bronchial and anaphylactic, 35
Sensitization and acquired tolerance in mice, 217
- - by soluble antigen, effect of bis-diazo-benzidine
and tannic acid treatment on, 663
Sera, human, insulin binding antibodies in, 760
--, normal human, tuberculostatie activity of, 711
--, rheumatoid arthritis, reactivity with ~--globulin, 107
Sercarz, Eli E., 478
Serum, bovine, nolanal, conglutinating system in,
--derivatives, human, that inhibit rheumatoid
and other reactions, 888
--, effect on virus progeny of L cells, 647
--, erythrocyte, effect of prolonged immunization
on, 584
transferring skin, bronchial and anaphylactic sensitivity, 35
~ , immune platelet, intravenous administration
of, effects, 540
--, mouse, and urinary esterases, 246
--, normal, antiglobulins in, 238
- - proteins, rabbit, aggregated products of, 960
--, rabbit, bactericidal property of, 540
--, rat, and urinary esterases, 257
Shaffer, Morris F., 121
Sharp, D. G., 647
Sialic acid specificity of anti-Rho (D), 518
Singer, Jacques M., 107
Siskind, Gregory W., 929
Smith, Mary Ruth, 914
Sorem, Gail L., 217
Specificity, anti-ovalbumin, of lymph node cells in
delayed type hypersensitivity, 337
--, immunologic, of antibodies to liver ribosomes
and nuclei, 416
Speirs, E. E., 561
Speirs, R. S., 561
Spendlove, Rex S , 548, 554
Spiegelberg, H. L., 751
Spleen, response to sound stress, 17
Staphylococcal antibodies in germfree mice, 358
Staphylococcus aureus, intracellular killing of, by
human blood leukocytes, 804
Stavitsky, Abram B., 741
Stebbins, M. R., 81
Steffen, Carl, 337
Steigman, Alex J., 512
Stoenner, Herbert G., 770
Stollerman, Gene H., 607
Stone, W. H., 857
Streptococcal and tissue antigens, 595
- - NADase, 793
Streptococci, group A, properties of antigen in
certain strains of, 595
Stress and susceptibility to viral infection, 17, 21
Sugahara, Takao, 960
Sulitzeanu, Dov, 424
Suszko, Irena M., 829, 836
Sutherland, G. Bonar, 438, 444
Suzuki, Nachiko, 819
Synthesis, temporal, of chicken antibodies, 399
Talal, N., 246, 257
Tanenbaum, Stuart W., 318
Tannic-acid treated erythrocytes, preparation and
use for detection of antigen and antibody, 741
- - treatment, effect on sensitization by soluble
antigen, 663
Terres, Geronimo, 217
Thomas, E. Donnall, 324
Thomas, Lewis, 929
Thorbecke, G. J., 60
Thormar, Halld6r, 185
Thorotrast, intravenous administration of, effects,
Thymectomy, effect on precipitin and hemagglutinin production, 878
-- - survival of skin homografts, 872
Thymus, response to sound stress, 17
Thyroid extract, alterations in thyroiditis induced
by, 178
Thyroiditis, allergic, suppression of, 178
Tissue culture assay, competition of soluble antigens by, 685
- - p r e p a r a t i o n s ,
immunofluorescent studies of,
heart, immunologic studies of, 725
Tissues, splenic, factors affecting primary and
secondary antibody production by, 672
Tolerance, acquired, and sensitization in mice, 217
--, adoptive, 29
--, immunologic, antigen dosage in, 703
Toxins of Clostridium botutinum, immunity to, 697
Toxoid, botulinum, immunologic response to, 697
Trachoma virus strains, classification, 849
Trams, Eberhard G., 372
Triose phosphate dehydrogenase, ribonueleoprotein-bound antibody to, 734
Trivedi, J. C., 506
TSH, partially purified, 843
Tuberculin purified protein derivative, "cellfixed" antibodies to, 52
Tuberculostatic activity of normal human sera, 711
Tularemia, delayed by hypersensitivity and immunity in, 209
Tumor, mouse ascites, specificity of antisera to,
Tureotte, R., 52
Twedt, Robert M., 952
Typhus, opsonizing antibodies in, 127
Unresponsiveness, immunologic, to purified proteins in guinea pigs, 368
--, induction in mice with pneumococcal polysacchaxide, 929
- - t o bovine serum albumin, absence of antibody
producing cells during, 478
Updyke, Elaine L., 358
Urso, Paul, 897
Vaccine, killed virus, enhanced potency of, 429
--, Salk, rooster antigenicity test for, 193
Vaccines, virus, lipid-adsorbed, 1
Vaccinia virus, effect of horse serum on quality of,
Vesicular stomatitis virus, sound stress and susceptibility to, 21
Vinograd, Jerome, 619
Viral infection, stress and susceptibility to, 17, 21
Virus, infectious, development in HeLa cells infected with reovirus, 548
--vaccines, lipid-adsorbed, 1
--, vaccinia, effect of horse serum on quality of,
--, visna, neutralization of, 185
Viruses, animal, neutralization, 140, 151
--, influenza, antigenic analysis of, 172
Visna virus, neutralization by sheep antisera, 185
Walker, Harold G., 925
Walter, Paul C., 448
Wang, San-pin, 849
Wannamaker, Lewis W., 793
Wardlaw, Alastair C., 925
Watson, Dennis W., 782
Watson, R. Glenn, 238
Webster, R. G., 140,151
Weigle, William O., 935
Weiner, Lawrence M., 788
Weyand, James G. M., Jr., 741
Wilhelm, D. L., 43
Wisseman, Charles L., Jr., 127
Witebsky, Ernest, 908
Wolfe, Harold R., 872, 878
Wood, Jane G., 127
Wood, W. Barry, Jr., 914
Wust, Carl J., 734
X-irradiation and allergic encephalomyelitis, 532
-----, total body, effects, 540
Yagi, Yasuo, 424, 760
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 372
Youngner, J. S., 1
Zeldow, Bernard J., 12