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Dietetic Intern Quiz
1. What is considered a standard formula concentration for a full-term infant?
a. 20 calories per ounce
b. 24 calories per ounce
c. 30 calories per ounce
2. Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) have growth charts specific to their diagnosis?
3. Estimated fluid needs for infant are:
a. 100 mL/kg
b. 1500 mL/m2
c. 100mL + 10mL/kg
4. Name 3 functions of the liver:
5. Children with Down’s syndrome have growth charts specific to their diagnosis:
6. Calculate energy, protein and fluid needs for a 5y 3mo female, using Dietary Reference Intakes
Weight: 15kg (5%ile)
Stature: 104.5cm (15%ile)
7. Briefly describe WIC:
8. Choose a preterm transitional formula appropriate for a 3kg former premature infant at home:
a. Similac Sensitive
b. Similac Special Care
c. Similac Neosure
9. Calculate grams of protein per kilogram per day (g/kg/day) for a 4kg infant on Similac Neosure 24kcal/oz
taking 20oz per day.
* Hint: Neosure contains 2.8 grams Protein per 100 kcals.
a. 13 g/kg/day
b. 7 g/kg/day
c. 3.3 g/kg/day
10. If you have an 8 year old child who is 116cm and 28kg, what is his body surface area (BSA)?
* Hint: BSA = [wt (kg) x 4 +7] / [wt (kg) + 90]
11. In assessing a child with chronic renal insufficiency, which biochemical data should be considered first?
12. Complementary solids should be introduced at:
a. 2-3 months old
b. 4-6 months old
c. 8-10 months old
d. 11-12 months old
13. Vitamin D recommendations for breastfed infants are to supplement with:
a. 100 IU Vitamin D per day
b. 400 IU Vitamin D per day
c. 1000 IU Vitamin D per day
d. 1500 IU Vitamin D per day
14. What is the DRI for protein in infants 0-6 months?
15. A pre-term infant formula is:
a. Elecare
b. Similac Sensitive
c. Similac Alimentum
d. Neosure
16. Given the following information, what is the patient’s ideal body weight (IBW)?
• Age: 5 years old male
• Wt: 16.9 kg
• Ht: 103.5 cm
• BMI: 15.8
• BMI-for-age at the 50%tile: 15.4
17. What are the weight loss recommendations for ages 11-18 with a BMI > 95%tile?
18. What is the difference between the Modified Atkins Diet and Ketogenic diet?
19. Ideal weight-for-height is what percentile for child's measured length or height?
a. 25th percentile
b. below 5th percentile
c. above 95th percentile
d. 50th percentile
20. Young children from 24 to 36 months may have either length or stature measured, as long as the
measurement is recorded on the appropriate growth chart
True False
21. Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by:
a. Height (cm) divided by weight (kg)
b. Weight (kg) divided by height2 (m2)
c. Weight (lb) divided by height (in)
d. Height2 (m2) times weight (kg)
e. Weight (kg) times height2 (m2)
22. Infants with mild acute diarrhea should:
a. Continue breast and formula feedings
b. Not eat any solids
c. Replete fluid losses with water or juice
d. Be ignored
e. All of the above
23. Physical growth is characterized by which of the following?
a. Weight
b. Length or height (stature)
c. Head circumference for less than 2 years old
d. Body composition
e. All of the above
24. Which of the following are positive feeding behaviors?
a. Attention to cues
b. Monotone voice or no vocals
c. Good eye contact
d. Both a and c
e. None of the above
25. Which of the following methods are valid to evaluate carbohydrate tolerance?
a. Analysis of breath hydrogen
b. One-hour xylose tolerance test
c. Stool pH
d. Blood lactase
e. All of the above
26. A BMI-for-age of 95th percentile or above would be classified as which of the following?
a. Overweight
b. At risk for overweight
c. Obese
d. All of the above
27. Mealtime strategies that help the child with failure to thrive include:
a. Using food as a reward
b. Excessive consumption of juices
c. Positive reinforcement and praise and avoiding conflict at mealtimes
d. Denying food for misbehavior
e. None of the above
28. Children with cystic fibrosis should take pancreatic enzymes:
a. Once a day
b. In the morning and evening
c. With all meals and snacks
d. Every 3 hours
e. Once a week
29. A child who receives exclusive breastfeeding would benefit from supplementation with:
a. Folate
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin B12
d. Vitamin A
30. The DRI calorie recommendations are estimated for a healthy population. Appropriate adjustments should be
made for chronically or acutely ill children.
True False
31. Malnutrition present in a 3-month-old infant may be caused by which of the following?
a. HIV
b. Intrauterine drug exposure
c. Fetal alcohol syndrome
d. Oral motor dysfunction
e. Both a and d are correct
32. Which of the following are good reasons to refer a patient to see a feeding therapist?
a. Unexplained food refusal or inability to take adequate nutrition to support growth
b. Disrupted breathing or apnea during feedings
c. Feeding takes longer than 30 minutes for infants or 45 minutes for children
d. All of the above
33. Which of the following is/are essential to performing a feeding assessment?
a. Knowing the normal milestones of feeding skill development
b. Observing the child while feeding or being fed
c. Having a child of your own
d. Both a and b
34. Above the age of 10 years, why do calorie and protein recommendations for boys and girls differ?
a. Differing age of onset of puberty
b. Boys have a bigger appetite than girls
c. Timing and magnitude of the adolescent growth spurt
d. Both a and c
35. Which of the following gestations is classified as premature?
a. 36 weeks
b. 38 weeks
c. 39 weeks
d. 40 weeks
36. If a baby was 34 weeks gestational age and is now 10 weeks chronologically, what is the corrected age?
a. 6 weeks corrected age
b. 8 weeks corrected age
c. 2 weeks corrected age
d. 4 weeks corrected age
37. All of the following would benefit from soy formulas, EXCEPT:
a. Premature infants
b. Babies with galactosemia
c. Infants with primary lactase deficiency
d. Babies of vegetarian families who exclude animal products
38. Why are infants and children with BPD at high risk for growth failure?
a. Increased metabolic demands
b. Over-dilution of enteral formulas
c. Poor oral intake
d. Both a and b are true
e. Both a and c are true
39. Stunting of linear growth is a result of which of the following nutritional causes?
a. Acute malnutrition
b. Iron deficiency
c. Chronic malnutrition
d. Vitamin C deficiency
40. Nutrition problems for children with renal disease include which of the following?
a. Poor weight gain and growth
b. Anemia
c. Inadequate nutrient intake
d. Frequent vomiting
e. All of the above
41. Infants and children with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency are at increased risk of which vitamin
a. Vitamins A, D, E and K
b. Vitamins A, B12, C and D
c. Vitamins E, K, B6 and folate
d. Vitamins C, D, pyridoxine and biotin
42. What is NOT generally a cause for inadequate intake in children with seizure disorders?
a. Vomiting
b. Anorexia due to medications
c. Missed meals or snacks
d. Increased energy needs
e. Malabsorption
43. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of renal disease?
a. Hypertension
b. Osteodystrophy
c. Glucose intolerance
d. Anemia
e. Poor weight gain and growth
44. Common causes of short bowel syndrome in pediatrics include which of the following?
a. Necrotizing enterocolitis
b. Severe intestinal resections
c. Gastroschisis
d. Volvulus
e. All of the above
45. Infants with cystic fibrosis cannot digest breast milk feedings.
46. Long-term EN is indicated for children with which of the following?
a. Type I diabetes
b. Renal transplant
c. Severe neurological impairment
d. Wilson's disease
47. Parenteral nutrition (PN) should be initiated immediately if the medical situation allows for safe initiation of
tube feedings.
True False