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Unveiling Islam
Taken from “Unveiling. A Christian Study Guide to Islam”,
In the local Knysna classifieds paper
Islam is a complete way of life social, economic and political, which literally
means ‘surrender’, ‘submission’, obedience to The Only One Absolute True
God Almighty (Allah), so that we are in peace and tranquillity.
One who gives him- or her-self voluntarily, surrendering, submitting in
obedience, with sincerity to God – is called a Muslim.
The name Islam has a universal meaning and is not named after a tribe or
individual. Adam was the first to bring Islam to humanity and continuity of
this just, equitable social order through the Messengers and Prophets of God.
Without the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no hope in this world. Eph 2 calls
the believers to remember the time when they were separated from Christ, …,
having no hope and without God in the world. Even the best meaning people
in the world will be hopelessly without ‘peace and tranquility’. Adam was
indeed the first to bring non-Christianity to humanity. And one of its fruits is
certainly Islam. As the church of Jesus Christ, we need to unveil this Religion,
to see it for what it is, so that those who are submitted (trapped) in it, will find
freedom in the New Adam, Jesus Christ.
The difference between Islam and Muslims
- To distinguish, even as we distinguish between our children and their
false beliefs – we are to pray for our enemies, to be Light in the Dark
World, as Jesus Christ, with His Attitude.
2Co 4:1-6
(1) Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not
lose heart.
(2) But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We
refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the
open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to
everyone's conscience in the sight of God.
Fear? Love.
- Our God is sovereign, and we are His children. ‘Do not fear those…’
- 2 greatest commandments: Love GOD, and NEIGHBOUR (the
Preparation? The Armour of God. Our battle is not…, but is…. We stand firm
by grounding ourselves in salvation, truth, faith, righteousness, the word,
readiness to share, prayer. Understanding Islam is subservient to all these.
(otherwise all you have are academic blobs)
1. Week 1: History
Islam claims that the final revelation from God to Christians and Jews was
given to Muhammad, since the other scriptures have become distorted. Islam
holds the final word on true religion and faith.
The founder is Muhammad – a prophet (* a prophet must be a man, otherwise
not a suitable prophet; hence Jesus had to be only a man). However Muslims
don’t see Muhammad as FOUNDING Islam, but RESTORING it (after Adam
introduced it!)
Of Muhammad
all we know are from Muslim records, 150+ years after death
Read “Muhammad’s Story” – Islam by Malcolm Cunningham, 2008.
Notice the setting of precedent.
o In some ways, feel sympathy for him
o But it highlights the plight of people without the Truth, and the
fruit thereof! The violence seen in Islam clearly germinated here.
- we’re not sure how much of this is historical. But it is their pattern for
- Muhammad sought Peace with intolerance – requires violence!
- Contrast 1Pe 2:21-24
(21) For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for
you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
(22) He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.
(23) When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he
suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him
who judges justly.
(24) He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might
die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been
Of Islam and the Crusades
successors (Caliphs)
o 632-634 Abu Bakr – wanted it to spread beyond Arabia
o 634 – 644 (assassinated) Umar
o 644 – 656 (assassinated) Uthman
o 656 Ali: civil war over his appointment for 5 years. 661
 Minority Supporters: Shia. Main body: Sunni muslims
o = “Golden Age!” the age of the 4 rightly guided Caliphs
Spread seen as holy war. Jihad. As they forced people to submit to
By 750 from Spain/Morocco to India and China. Many killed for not
1100’s through Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. Trade routes became
muslim controlled. Slave traders.
From 14C to 16C, Ottoman Empire expanded from Turkey into Europe,
lasted 400 years. At its strongest, from Austria, Turkey, East
Mediteranean, Algeria. Defeated in WW1.
o 1096 retaliation of Christians. 9 crusades over 200 years.
Success at first, but gradually lost, incl Jerusalem. Very violent
Today, 25% world population = Muslim, less than 15% are Arabs.
o 57 countries members of Organisation of ther Islamic
Conference (OIC) – 2nd largest intergovernmental org in world
after the UN. Extremely powerful, influential, offers political and
economic benefits to its members.
+- 30 muslim majority countries in Africa. 0.5 billion ppl. (half the
The gospel was in Africa before Islam! Simon of Cyrene, Pentecost, the
Ethiopian eunuch.
Mainly through sword
trade – ivory, gold, slavery (E/ W coasts). To avoid slavery, many
converted. Could retain their ATR religion and multiple wives. (and
Muslims may not be slaves)
migration – colonial strategy
mission – ‘dawa’
SA: Ahmed Deedat, Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI),
debating with Josh McDowel, Jimmy Swaggart
In Africa
Christian response
Be aware of how Islam gains strength. Trade, business, politics, legal
changes, mass migration, marriage, conversion, and violence and
terrorism. Economic aid.
Pray for wisdom, strength, protection. Be more involved in business,
education, politics, media to represent Christianity. We cannot be
sitting in the ‘dicky’ seat.
Remember Christ!
Matthew 28:18-20 – the spreading of His Kingdom.
2. Week 2: Belief
The most basic question of any faith is naturally, ‘What do you believe?’.
3 dominant influences at the time. Christianity, Judaism, Paganism
Similarity with Judeo-Christian belief. Shared stories and people
from Bible. Creation, Hell, Judgement – but on closer inspection, very
different. Especially about JESUS: only a man, not God, did not die on
a cross. Some heretical sources floating at time of Muhammad. Note:
mosque design – middle eastern churches at that time.
Zoroastrian sources. Similarities like Muhammad’s visit into Heaven,
paradies, black-eyed virgins, crescent moon and star (scholars think
borrowed from Persians)
Paganism – written in Ancient Arab rhyming style similar to that used
by Arab fortune tellers. Ancient Arabians worshiped stones, spirits,
many gods. Pilgrimage to the Meccan stone. Historians agree Kaaba
was built as stone and wood building only a few decades after
Muhammad’s birth. Beforehand, an open booth of branches where
pagans used to worship and sacrifice. His pagan tribe and others used
the stone as centre of worship. Mecca became new Jerusalem. Other
pagan practices included within Islam. Animals still sacrificed at Mina,
and stand at Arafat and run between 2 mountains as pagans did.
Pagans used to offer sacrifices to their gods at Kabaa. Had to walk
around calling the names of their gods (Muslims do this – the 99
names of Allah). All these traditions included in Islam, except the
‘many gods’.
Influences on
Variations of
many divisions. Began 25 years after Muhammad. Caliph after
Uthman: Ali? (Muhammad’s cousin, son-in-law, husband of Fathima)
versus anyone from Quraysh tribe, elected by elders.
Those who didn’t follow Ali – Sunni Muslims: 90% of Muslims.
“Sharia law can never change”
Those who did follow Ali – Shia Muslims. Majority in Iran, Iraq,
Azerbaijan, Bahrain. “first Imams were sinless – cannot be questioned”
No imam today, waiting for the one to return from 832AD. Sharia can
be changed.
Sufism – mystics (Suni or Shia). Long for personal, loving relationship
with God – to feel close. Done through fasting, chanting, meditation.
Dancing, spinning to enter trance. Follow saints (dead or alove) –
protectors from evil, sources of supernatural power. Missionaries.
Large impact on West.
Folk Islam – dominated by fear of evil spirits. Witchcraft, sorcery,
spells, charms, curses. Some worship ancestors. Visit fortune tellers etc
Progressive – seek change, to be unpolitical. Human-rights, equality,
freedom of religion – often threatened with violence by traditional
Radical Islam – within last 50 years growing movement to restore
Islam to glory days. Seek to purify Islam, return to roots and
power.Aim for every country to be Muslim, under Sharia law. Jihad,
terrorism, violence, coups. Mission, Aid. When peaceful dawa (mission)
fails, violent jihad may be used.
“Theology” and Salvation
Theology – 6 pillars of Faith.1
Belief in:
1. God
a. is One (Tawhid. “There is no true deity deserving worship but
b. no equals or lesser gods
c. 99 names to describe him (Father is not one of them (nor Son))
d. alone to be worshiped
e. Sovereign control over all things – arbitrary fatalism. Men do
not really have free will.
i. The Holy Trinity. Jesus, Divine and Human. The Son of
ii. Sovereign control over all things – not the author of evil.
Free will in bondage to sin through Adam. God
predestines, calls, justifies, glorifies.
2. Angels
a. All good & obedient, eventually die. Unseen.
b. Not fallen – Those are Jinn – a separate creation of God
c. Greatest = Gabriel – delivered revelation to Muhammad.
d. 2They carry the throne of God, “I have been given permission to
speak about one of the angels of God who carry the Throne.
The distance between his ear-lobes and his shoulders is
equivalent to a seven-hundred-year journey”
e. How many angels there are? Only God knows. The MuchFrequented House is a sacred heavenly sanctuary above the
Kaaba, the black cube in the city of Mecca. Every day seventy
thousand angels visit it and leave, never returning to it again,
followed by another group
3. Holy Books
It always comes down to an argument of authority. We will visit this
question next week, so we mustn’t spend too much time here today.
a. The Quran itself, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
b. The Torah (Tawrah in Arabic) revealed to the Prophet Moses
(different from the Old Testament read today).
c. The Gospel (Injeel in Arabic) revealed to Prophet Jesus
(different from the New Testament read in churches today).
d. The Psalms (Zaboor in Arabic) of David.
Quotes about their beliefs are from – this website might differ from
other Islamic teachings
e. The Scrolls (Suhuf in Arabic) of Moses and Abraham.
f. Important to note: the Quran confirms whatever is true in
previous scriptures and rejects whatever alterations and changes
human hands have made to them. “If we were to assume the
law, that is the lawful and the prohibited, contained in the
previous books did not suffer corruption, the Quran still
abrogates those rulings, it cancels the old law which was
suitable for its time and is no longer applicable today”
g. CONTRAST: Is the NT corrupted? Impossibility!
i. The power of God to protect His word to generations of
ii. The evidence of manuscripts:
- The New Testament has been preserved in more
than 5,800 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin
manuscripts and 9,300 manuscripts in various
other ancient languages including Syriac, Slavic,
Ethiopic and Armenian.” Therefore more and
more manuscripts are discovered as
archaeologists have been digging up ancient ruins
in search of their treasures. One amazing
discovery led archaeologists to uncover 900
manuscripts, including OT texts, between 1947
and 1956. They were found in clay jars, hidden in
eleven caves in and around the NW shore of the
Dead Sea. These were composed between 150BC
and 70AD, making them the oldest known existing
manuscripts of the bible.3 Remember that the
‘visions’ to Muhammad were given in the 7th
iii. Islam attacks the various versions of English Bibles and
says “The Quran, on the other hand, is the only scripture
in existence today in its original language and words”.
BUT, Muhammad never wrote down his visions – he was
illiterate. After his death, his followers wrote down his
revelations. In truth, after committing his sayings to
writing, there were conflicting teachings. One version was
kept and the rest were burned. However, even the Muslim
groups today have differing versions of the Quran
- One incident that shed’s light is when Muhammad
received a revelation that idol worship was OK,
and then an update, which cancelled it. The claim
was that Satan deceived him and inserted the
verses without him knowing!
iv. Actually a very poorly written book. Unintelligible,
incomplete sentences, unfamiliar Arabic words, illogically
Bible Translations, Malcolm Cunningham
used pronouns, awkward grammar – toilsome and
wearying to read, crude.
v. One man! Versus 40 very different authors over 1500
years. Unified revelation. Impenetrable to discredit.
vi. Conveniently, “ After the Quran, no more scriptures will
be revealed by God. Just as the Prophet Muhammad is
the last prophet, the Quran is the last scripture.”
4. Prophets (only Muhammad to be followed today)
a. “We make no distinction between one another of His prophets”,
i.e. Jesus no better than Muhammad.
b. “God chose morally upright men to bear His message and pass
it to humanity”…” They were the best in morals and they were
mentally and physically fit, protected by God from falling into
cardinal, major sins” (CONTRAST – David and Solomon)
c. Muslims firmly believe the final prophet was the Prophet of
Islam, Muhammad, and there will be no prophet or messenger
after him
d. Regarding prophets - CONTRAST
i. they were fully human with no divine attributes or
power. …They did not have the power … to forgive sins
[cf Lk 5:20-25]
ii. They had no part in running the affairs of the universe.
[cf Heb 1:1-3]
iii. if one does follow their example, they would live a life in
accordance to the Will of God, earning His Love and
5. Day of Judgement
“Everyone is scared of dying and rightly so”
Interesting – salvation only a future-life concept. No doctrine of
‘salvation’ apart from Paradise.
Everything is about earning entry to Paradise. A religion of works.
Credit through these 6 pillars of faith, and 5(6) pillars of duties:
- Declaring “I testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad
is the apostle of God”
- Prayer. Must be clean first, hands, head, face, teeth, beard, feet, toes.
Rinse their nostrils out – for when they sleep, the devil lives in their
nose. If they don’t their prayers will not be answered.
o Face Mecca
o 5 times a day.
o In Arabic – many do not know what they’re saying
o Friday prayers at Mosque accompanied by Imam’s teaching
o Loudspeaker – declaration of faith, plus “come to prayer, come
to success” and “prayer is better than sleep”
- Fasting during Ramadan (9th month)– to remember Muhammads
vision from Gabriel. No eating drinking smoking sex while the sun is
up. At night – feasting, even until 2AM, rising early to eat before
sunrise. (in some countries, fines or beating/imprisonment for
Giving – must at least give 2.5%
Pilgrimage – if affordable. (12th month) – cubic structure, Kaaba.
Pilgrimms circle 7 times, hopefully they can touch or kiss the black
stone – worshipped by pagans before Muhammad’s time. (A Hajji is
one who has made the pilgrimage)
Jihad? Many scriptures glorify fighting for God and Islam (jihad) –
growing number believe it is such an NB duty, therefore 6th pillar. The
world divided into 2 – where Muslims rule (House of Islam), and
where they do not rule (House of War). The Caliph was required to
lead a war at least once a year.
a. Intermediate: The grave is a garden of paradise or a pit of
hell; angels of mercy visit the souls of believers and angels of
punishment come for the unbelievers.
b. Afterwards, a resurrection and judgement based on deeds/
belief treated as such. The bridge over hell to paradise is religion
(the Islamic one of course)
i. Heaven: “eternal garden of physical pleasures and
spiritual delights. Suffering will be absent and bodily
desires will be satisfied. All wishes will be met. Palaces,
servants, riches, streams of wine, milk and honey,
pleasant fragrances, soothing voices, pure partners for
intimacy; a person will never get bored or have enough”
ii. Hell: “its inhabitants will remain in it forever. No one
will come out of Hell except sinful believers who believed
in the Oneness of God in this life and believed in the
specific prophet sent to them (before the coming of
Muhammad). The polytheists and unbelievers will
reside in it forever.”
6. Divine Decree (fatalism)
- God’s sovereign decree.
- In Islamic doctrine every human act both in material and spiritual life
is predestined
o 4Man is hardly at all the cause of his own acts
o Fatalism part and parcel of Arab religion before Muhammad –
inevitable necessity, arbitrary sovereign power
o Difference: predestination of ends, regardless of means.
Illustration: A ship crowded with Englishmen and
Mohammedans was ploughing through the waves. Accidentally
one of the passengers fell overboard. The Mohammedans
looked after him with indifference, saying, "If it is written in the
book of destiny that he shall be saved, he shall be saved without
us; and if it is written that he shall perish, we can do nothing";
and with that they left him. But the Englishmen said, "Perhaps
it is written that we should save him." They threw him a rope
and he was saved.
Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, Boettner, CH26, compares Christian with Islamic
o Remember that Islam borrowed from Judaism and Christianity.
And BTW they also have their ‘Arminians!’
o For a contrast, see,
paragraph 4. Overall, Islam is lacking w.r.t. God’s fatherhood,
love, the election in Christ. When Christ is removed,
Predestination really is ugly.
Ultimately, however, no assurance, even if these duties are perfectly
kept – though they have good reason to think Allah will be pleased.
Some do believe that dying in Jihad go straight to Paradise.
Contrast to True Faith
o We are saved apart from the law, by righteousness credited by
God through faith in Christ’s sacrifice.
o We have assurance of this inheritance because of God’s
sovereign election through Christ.
o Eph 2:8-9
3. Authority
Question from last week: Where was Muhammad buried?
Medina – Saudi Arabia, in the “Mosque of the Prophet”
“Muhammad's grave lies within the confines of what used to be his wife
Aisha's and his house. During his lifetime it adjoined the mosque, which was
expanded during the reign of Caliph al-Walid I to include his tomb.[3]
Muhammad is buried next to the first two caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar.
Umar was gifted a spot next to Muhammad by his wife Aisha, which she had
intended for herself.
Muhammad's grave itself cannot be seen as the area is cordoned off by a
gold mesh and black curtains. As per Islamic tradition, the grave itself is not
embellished or decorated and is two cubits high. The grave is marked by an
austere green dome above it, built by the Ottoman Turks. This dome has
become universally emblematic of both the Muhammad himself, as well as
the city of Medina.
Muhammad's grave is an important reason for the particularly high sanctity
of the mosque. Millions of visitors come to visit it every year because it is
traditional to visit the mosque when going on the pilgrimage to Mecca.” Wikipedia
Most sacred book
God’s final revelation
to Muhammad – the “Messenger of God” (note Jesus – the Word of
Message brought piece by piece over last 23 years. Repeated to
followers – written down on leather, camel bone, stone, leaves, wood,
bark. Only after death, collected into a single book.
o When Uthman was Caliph – decided to collect into one book
650-656AD. All other version and bits destroyed. Distributed in
kufic script – no vowels or punctuation.
What they believe:
- it is an exact copy, has existed forever. physical book holds power. a
holy book – be sensitive when talking to Muslims about it.
- never carried below waiste, placed on ground. special place in home set
aside, never written in. wrapped in a cloth.
Understanding it
- Arabic – other translations ‘not true Quran’. Muslims memorise
sections without knowing what it means.
- 114 chapters = “Suras”, arranged by length, not order of reception
- very directed towards the situations they found themselves in – for
guidance – hard to apply to other circumstances.
- contradictions: “Abrogation” – later revelations cancelled out earlier
ones. – but 1) which ones came later? Muslim scholars argue over this.
and 2) as years passed Muhammad became less tolerant and more warlike. therefore ‘peaceful’ parts are superceded by violent parts – if
peaceful parts are quoted – are they still relevant?
- 10 -
What it says about
- genuine, but changed by Christians and Jews (scientifically there is
more support for validity of Bible than Quran)
Jesus Christ
- “Isa” – prophet, born of virgin, miracles, sinless!
- did not die on a cross, not the Son of God, not God
- (Muhammad and miracles – none, except the Quran itself) Further
Traditions and Laws
His Sunna
- Muhammad’s way of life, words, actions – the perfect example of living.
Trousers put on sitting down. Shoes put on – Right one first. Left off
The Hadith
- "Hadith" is a record of Mohammed's words and deeds according to his
wives, relatives, and companions.
- around 150years afterwards, gathered. Each scholar his own recorded –
into a collection. long list of those who had passed the stories on. some
considered more reliable than others. Sunni and Shia traditions are
- second only to Quran. easier to understand.
- see
- used for legal rulings and to interpret the Quran. Much law found in
Hadith rather than Quran. e.g. Quran tells Muslims to pray. Hadith tell
Muslims how often, what time, how to pray.
- End times in the Haddith.
o End times tribulations
o Antichrist (Dajjal) will appear and cause corruption/oppression.
Helped by Jews. A saviour, Mahdi, will appear to fight Dajjal,
Jews and Christians, and restore Islam to glory.
o Jesus will return as a muslim to help Mahdi. He breaks the
cross, kills all pigs, converts Christians to Islam. All Jews are
killed, no non-Muslims are left. Islamic world kingdom.
o After victory, Jesus reigns with Mahdi for 40 years, marries, has
children, dies, is buried as a Muslim next tp Muhammad.
o Then a terrible beast ceomes from the earth and destroys the
o Then the day of judgement where everyone is weighed for
Heaven or Hell. Most Muslims will have to spend some time in
hell to be purged.
- the laws from the Quran and Hadith are the Sharia – explains what
they can do/ is allowed (Halal) or forbidden (Haram)
- Sunni’s – 4 versions of Sharia.
- 11 -
Shia’s – 1 version of Sharia
all of life directed: what to eat, marriage, treatment of women,
education, business, medicine, inheritance, war, worship. It may have
been ‘quite fair’ at the time in contrast to surrounding pagans, but it
hasn’t changed for 12 centuries. against basic ‘human rights’, ;freedom’.
death penalty for adultery and apostasy. hand removed for stealing.
whipped for alcohol.
Sharia and non-mulsims
- heavy pressure on govts to add parts of sharia law. non-muslim
majorities allowing muslim minorities to live by different legal system
– Canada, Kenya, Uganda, UK, RSA. In Nigeria, provinces with
majority Muslim rule have Sharia.
- oppression of non-muslims in muslim countries. hard to get
examination passes, jobs, promotions. second class citizens. permits for
churches, repairs difficult. no Christian worship allowed (compare the
complaint if they are not allowed to worship in non-Muslim countries)
- allowed to lie for several reasons. first used when their lives were in
danger – to save their lives. later it became acceptable to lie to protect
not just life but property and honour. It is especially permitted if it is
good for Muslims and Islam.
- Quran: says it’s allowed
- Hadith says it’s allowed for
o a man to lie to please his wife
o to bring peace between quarrelling groups
o in war
 Muslims feel it is OK to lie to non-Muslims about things
like Islam, its history, their plans to spread islam.,
statements that it is a religion of peace, all faiths treated
Lying – encouraged. 2:58 on follow up 1
- 12 -
4. Culture
Enter into the world of Islam and Give thanks for your Liberty in Christ, and
Grow concern and pity for your Muslim neighbour.
Just as with Christianity – Islam is intended to affect all aspects of life.
Difference: a code of written law (Sharia); versus the law of God written on
Christianity, then, is also multi-cultural; whereas Islam is restricted to a
culture: what to eat, how to be educated, how to slaughter animals, treat
women (possessive), bank money, dress. seen in that even ‘non-religious’
muslims still enact Islamic customs as part of their culture.
Islam – combined religion, civilisation, nationality, culture, identity. Govt &
Religion inseparable. All or nothing. Muslims feel that they belong to a wider
‘Islamic nation’ (remember, ‘house of peace’ vs ‘house of war’) – also quick to
come to the aid of other muslims around the world. Their identity as Muslims
is tied up in their dress, speaking, rituals etc (Contrast Christianity – what is
our identity?)
Honour and Shame
- HONOUR, DIGNITY, REPUTATION – the most important things in
their lives.
- criticism is an insult, esp before others.
- gain respect through: generosity, 5 pillars, obedient & modest wife,
obedient children, avenged insults on family or Islam. If not, have
failed, worthy of public shame.
o (may not be truly there, but vital to be portrayed on the outside,
in order to be acceptable)
- Honour can be more important than logic, facts, life itself – therefore
will do anything, go any length, to guard that honour. If honour is lost,
it must be avenged at all costs, otherwise they will be dishonoured
o explains why family members will be killed even though loved –
so that the family will not be disgraced
 e.g. a muslim woman who runs away to refuse arranged
marriage will be pursued and killed, to punish and avenge
the shame that they suffer for her disobedience ( all it
takes is one person in the family to resent this and make
it known to the community – community which feeds
honour – Joh_12:43 for they loved the glory that
comes from man more than the glory that comes from
o family honour very much based on behaviour of the women – to
dress and behave properly. hence heavily controlled by men. any
disobedience must be punished to save honour.
o see how hard it is to become converted to any other religion –
the greatest possible shame on a family! A traitor ti the Islamic
- 13 -
(Contrast: how is a Christian different – liberated from this? Rom
12:19, 1 Pet 2:23)
Constant Fear
- Do not believe in a personal, loving, faithful God who will protect and
care for them. He is ‘merciful’ – at arms length, and He will not
guarantee His love. Distant and Unpredictable. Therefore there is much
ground for constant fear. Fatalistic, don’t believe they have any control
over their lives. Fear death, evil spirits, shame, hell, curses,
- (Contrast Christianity – God’s love drives out fear. 1 John 4:18, There is
no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with
punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. )
Blaming Non-Muslims
- many claim that non-Muslims everywhere in the world are plotting to
humiliate, dominate, exploit and manipulate them. Irony is that this is
exactly what their religion has done to them.
o cf Tim’s testimony: Local Imam claiming the missionaries were
there to make them Christians (western colonialism, and
immorality). The local chief wrote a letter saying, impossible: the
one thing we are convinced of – they love God and their
- on one hand blaming others for all troubles, on the other hand very
sensitive about their own. special treatment/ compensation, e.g.
apologies for Crusades, though it was centuries ago, insitgated by the
Muslims, and won by the Muslims.
o from roots of Islam – distrust of anyone who isn’t a Muslim.
Victim mentality inculcated from young age.
- (discuss: How sensitive should Christians be about their religion?)
Islamic Nation (Umma)
- more loyal to Umma than own country – to be defended at all costs –
even by Jihad.
- Men feel the necessity to get involved with Islamic wars in conflicts
around the world.
Reverence for Muhammad
- though a man, disrespect for Muhammad is as blasphemy. “may Allah
bless him and grant him peace”
- (Pakistan: death penalty for disrespect of Muhammad)
- Danish cartoon, 2005 – Christian minorities in Muslim countries
injured, even killed. (cf issue of honour)
- place in the home. produce sons for husband, care for them, do
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under protection and control of male relative
strict families: needs permission to visit mother or sisters. may not go
on her own.
- may not talk/ toucha male not a relative (never greet or handshake with
an unknown man)
- in socials, often gather in different rooms
- reason: lacking in intelligence, morals, religion
- a source of sexual temptation
- muhammad said, “most people in hell are women”
- covered from neck to ankle, wrists. hair too. some cultures include face,
hands, feet.
- inferior to men, few rights and freedoms
- sharia gives them half value of men (2 female witnesses = 1 male
witness; inherit only half what the brother does; compensation for
injury half of what man gets)
- a god-given duty. singleness means punishment for sin
- a contract – dowry paid for exclusive rights to woman’s body.
- concerns joining 2 families together, not just 2 people – hence
arrangement. they may refuse, but it brings great shame – hardly ever
happens. often related famlies – second cousins etc.
- 4 wives at a time. must treat all 4 the same. may beat them if they are
- Muhammad, their perfect example, married a 6 year old, and
consummated the marriage at 9 years.
- A Muslim man may marry a Christian woman! very encouraged as a
way to spread Islam – sometimes even rewarded with money. (pastors
daughters are worth more!)
- Rape disallowed, but some justify it as Jihad if it is a Christian woman/
non-muslim woman.
- a disgrace for an unhappy or abused Muslim wife to leave her husband.
to retain honour, the family will do all they can to make her rejoin the
husband. Honour more important than happiness. Increases the
number of trapped abused women.
- it is easy for a man to divorce the woman (Sharia law) “I divorce you” –
3 times before a witness. harder for a woman to divorce her husband –
will probably be rejected by her family (dishonour) and have nowhere
to go. The children belong to the husband. On divorce, children given to
ex husband. On death, widow gives children to his relatives. Some
cultures have temporary marriages, muta. (1 hour to 99 years) –
therefore he can sleep with a prostitute without breaking any laws,
because she is his wife for a few hours. then he divorces her.
Spiritual duties
- 5 pillars of Islam
- few to mosque – should pray at home (or pray in a separate place in the
mosque – not seen or heard by men
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little knowledge of Quran, though well versed with judgement day and
that more women will be in hell. Live in fear.
Contrast: Gal 3:27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have
put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave
nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Non Muslims
Types of non-Muslims: People-of-the-book (Judeo-Christian), Pagans
(many gods), Apostates
- Conquered non-muslims were treated differently based on what type
they were
o pagans had to be wiped out by conversion or killing.
o people-of-the-book allowed to continue their faith as long as
submitting to Muslim rule, paying special tax (jizya). treated
harshly, inferior. ‘dhimmis’
o apostates killed.
and Now
- disadvantaged, like under Sharia in earlier times
- Sometimes govt restrict Christians – public worship, or even private.
(Saudi Arabia). If not govt, then personal authorities: arrested,
tortured, even killed – for no law breaking but just because the police
and judges are against them. main targets: church leaders, evangelists,
converts from Islam.
- sometimes extremists stir up hatred and bring false claims against
Christians. Even in places like Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia,
Uganda, Kenya, extremists have urged mobs to attack Christians.
Why it is so
- the later more violent verses cancel out the earlier peaceful verses
(abrogation). Muhammad said the Christians and Jews must’ve
changed their scriptures, otherwise they would’ve accepted him as the
final prophet.
- 17 times a day, praying to god to not let them be like those who have
earned God’s anger, or those who have gone astray. Many are taught
that those who earned his anger are Jews, and those who have gone
astray are Christians. No surprise they begin to depise.
- contrast: Luk 18:11-14
- (11) The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: 'God, I thank you
that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even
like this tax collector.(12) I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I
get.'(13) But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up
his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me,
a sinner!'(14) I tell you, this man went down to his house justified,
rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be
humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."
- Quran and hadith forbit friendship/ greeting with Christians
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Impose their understanding of culture/religion on West and
Christianity – equate Hollywood with Christianity, and war on terror as
Christianity violently against Islam
5. Conclusion
Eyes opened?
Enter into the world of Islam and Give thanks for your Liberty in Christ, and
Grow concern and pity for your Muslim neighbour.
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