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Achievements of Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece, a civilization founded thousands of years ago along the
Mediterranean Sea, contributed many great achievements to the world, both in the
past and in the present. Like the Islamic civilizations in the Middle East, Ancient
Greece not only invented new ideas and technology, but also improved upon the
ideas and technology of the past. Below, you will find many of the achievements of
the Ancient Greeks which still have a great impact on the world today.
Greek Myths
The Ancient Greeks were a polytheistic civilization who worshiped many gods
and goddesses. They developed Greek myths, a rich set of myths, or stories, about
their gods and goddesses. According to Greek myths, the gods and goddesses
controlled different parts of the universe. For example, Zeus, the ruler of the
gods, was in charge of the weather. The ancient Greeks believed that when it
thundered, Zeus was at work.
The ancient Greeks also believed that the gods and goddesses were not very
different from humans. They were just like any other family. Zeus was the father
and his wife Hera was the mother. There were many children and relatives. Each
god and goddess had a special role.
What did Ancient Greeks believe was the basic difference between the gods
and humans? Most gods and goddesses were stronger than humans. The main
difference was mortality, or death. Humans died, but the gods never died. Humans
lived temporary lives, but the gods lived forever.
Homer’s Epics
About 3,000 years ago, a blind poet named Homer lived in Ancient Greece.
Homer believed that he had a special purpose. He wished to tell his people the
myths of celebrated gods and goddesses. Homer wrote that “the glorious lessons
of the gods are not to be cast aside.”
Because few Greeks could read or write during Homer’s time, people relied
on the spoken word to pass on knowledge to their children. Homer wrote long,
beautiful poems called epic poems. His epics were so detailed and full of
adventures that they took many evenings to tell.
Homer’s two great epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, both tell of
events connected with the long war between the Greeks and the Trojans. These
epics are among the oldest words of literature. No one knows who finally wrote
them down, but they were the same stories Homer told long ago. Here is an
excerpt from The Iliad which tells ho the Greeks tricked the Trojans and won the
Now the Greeks, with the help of the goddess Athena, decided to play a trick on the
Trojans. They built a gigantic wooden horse and pretended it was an offering to the gods.
But, secretly, under the cover of night, they hid the best of their warriors, fully armed,
inside the wooden horse… The Trojans stood amazed when they found the horse outside
their city gates. They marveled at its tremendous size… They placed wheels under the base
of the horse; ropes were stretched about its neck. And while boys and maidens changed
sacred songs, it rolled onwards, upward, into Troy.
Four times at the gate it halted. And four times the clank of armor could be heard
within. But, headless and blind, the Trojans pressed on and finally set the horse in the city’s
holiest place, where the temples were hung with flowers as if for a feast.
Meanwhile, night rushed over the city and soon the Trojans lay deep in a quiet sleep.
At once, the Greek warriors hidden within the horse rushed out and upon the sleeping city.
Then, with the braying of trumpets and shouting of men, they rushed through the city with
sword and flame.
So fell the ancient city and queenly city for long years. And the bodies of her
children lay scattered in great numbers in the street.
The Olympics
Just as we read Homer’s epics even today, we also value another gift to
modern times from the Greeks. Did you know that the Olympic Games have their
roots in ancient history? The lighting of the Olympic flame, the oat of loyalty to
Olympic ideals, and the release of doves as a symbol of freedom began with Greek
The tradition of the games originated as a festival to Zeus in 776 BCE. In
the green valley of Olympia, a young cook called Corebus of Elis won the 200 yard
dash. Although historians date the Olympic Games from this first recorded
contest, they probably stretch back even farther in history.
Olympic competition was the glory of Ancient Greece. Every four years,
athletes from all over Greece came to compete in the Olympic Games. Victory in an
Olympic event brought the winner a crown of olive leaves. It also brought glory to
their city-state.
Theater Begins
Theater also had its beginnings in ancient Greece. Like the Olympics,
theater grew out of the important religious festivals. Each spring thousands of
Greeks gathered to honor Dionysus, the god of pleasure. As many as 20,000 people
met in an outdoor theater carved into the lope of a mountain called an Acropolis.
Sitting close together on steep rows of stone seats, they watched a festival of
As it is today, the theater of ancient Greece was a magical place. For an
entire week, people returned every morning to t heir seats. They wondered who
had written the best play. Would it be sad or funny? Like the Olympic champion,
the best writer received special honors.
Tragedy and Comedy
Theaters were carved into hillsides all over Ancient Greece. Though
festivals were held in Athens, every Greek city-state had a theater to develop
plays. Many of these theaters are still in use today.
One of the most famous Ancient Greek writers was Aeschylus. He was well
known because he won first prize at the festival 13 times in a row. Aeschylus loved
Athens and wrote plays to honor it. He had fought with his countrymen in many
wars and therefore wrote plays about his experiences. These plays were called
tragedies. A tragedy is a play in which life is treated seriously and usually has a sad
ending. Aeschylus is known as the “father of tragedy”. Tragedies were performed
only in the morning at festivals.
Comedies, or plays that are funny and have a happy ending, were performed
late in the dat. A famous writer of comedies was Aristophanes. His comedies were
loud, happy events. Aristophanes liked it when the crowds at his comedies talked
and roamed around in the theater. Sometimes they would shout at the actors. A
comedy in Ancient Greece was always full of jokes. Comedies were also written to
make fun of famous people.
Love of Wisdom
Like theater, philosophy is part of the Greek legacy. Philosophy is a Greek
word meaning “love of wisdom.” Through philosophy the Greeks searched for
answers about their role in the universe. The Athenians loved ideas as much as
they loved the freedom of democracy.
Athens most famous philosopher was a special man named Socrates.
Socrates was well known in Athens because he dared to raise questions about
Athenian values. He believed it was important to examine the laws, social customs,
and even religious values. His motto was “know thyself.”
Many Athenians were angry that Socrates doubted the “glory of Athens.”
As a result, in 399 BCE, Socrates was accused by the government of “forming an
idea of revolt” among Athens’ young people. A jury decided that Socrates was
guilty and sentenced him to death. But guilty of what? Is it wrong to ask
questions? Later, when Socrates sat talking to his friends, his jailer brought him a
cup of hemlock to drink. The poisonous drink quickly killed Athens first philosopher.
After his death, his student Plato carried on his work. Plato opened the
first university called the Academy in Greece which taught students for 900 years
after Plato died. The ideas of both Plato and Socrates are still studied today
around the world.
Greek Government
Greece is made up of many small islands and a rough terrain which makes it
difficult to travel and communicate, especially in ancient times. Because they were
cut off from each other, the Greeks developed small, separate city-states. Each
city-state loved its freedom and hated outside interference.
Greek city-states, in particular Athens, were the first place where
democracy was used as a form of government. All citizens of Athens participated
in government. Greek democracy stated that the power of the government rested
in the hands of the people and that all citizens were equal before the law.
Athenians believed that all citizens had a right and an obligation to participate in
government. We get our ideas in America from Greek democracy.
Greek Architecture and Art
The Golden Age of Ancient Greece, when the civilization was at its height,
brought marvelous art and architecture that is still enjoyed today. Greek temples
such as the Parthenon in Athens were built in accordance with strict laws of
balance and proportion. This classical style has continued to influence Western
architecture, most notable in such monuments as the Lincoln Memorial in
Washington, D.C.
Greek sculpture was realistic, based on a careful observation of human
anatomy. Yet at the same time it portrayed ideal people rather than real ones.
Sculptors such as Praxiteles and Phidias created beautiful bodies in stone, free of
human flaws. In doing so they celebrated the worth and excellence of human
Achievements of Ancient Greece
Objective: Students will read to be informed about the achievements made by the
Ancient Greek civilization to be able to draw conclusions about their impact on the world
Before you read
1. View the map on the board. What physical characteristics are shared by
both ancient Greece and Rome?
2. What importance do you think the Mediterranean Sea played in the
development of both of these civilizations?
3. What is an achievement? Give an example.
While you read
1. Read the text—do not write on it!
2. When you have finished reading, complete the graphic organizer. You
may bullet.
After you read
1. Which THREE achievements do you feel were the most important
achievements Ancient Greece made to the world? Explain why you feel
this way. Be specific and use details when answering.
Achievements of The Greek Civilization
Directions: Use classroom resources to gather information about the achievements of Ancient Greece.
For each achievement write a brief explanation of why it was important.
Why was it important?
The Arts
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