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Gaius Octavius Thurinus
(Caesar Augustus)
Made By: Hannah Durynski & Tori
Table of Contents
Early Life and Childhood
Time Line
Intersecting Facts
Character Traits with Examples
Accomplishments and Achievements
Family Tree
EU: Did they use or abuse power?
EU: Contributions to Rome or history of the world
Early Life and Childhood
• Born on September 23, 63 B.C with name of
Gaius Octavius.
• Adopted by Julius Caesar
• Birthplace is Rome, Roman Republic.
• He died August 19th 14 A.D (age 75)
• Place of death-Nola, Italia,Roman Empire.
• Buried- Mausoleum of Augustus, Caesar,
Time Line
63: Octavian born September 23rd at Rome to Gaius Octavius and Atia, niece of Julius Caesar
53: Crassus defeated and killed by the Parthians at Carrhae
50: Octavian delivers the funeral oration for his grandmother Julia
49: Caesar crosses the Rubicon in Italy, precipitating civil war; Pompey and the Senate flee to Greece
Battle of Pharsalus: Caesar victorious; Pompey murdered in Egypt
October 18: Octavian assumes the toga virilis and legally enters into manhood
45: Octavian campaigns (at 17) in Spain with Julius Caesar: Battle of Munda
March 15: assassination of Caesar; Caesar’s will names Octavian as principal heir and adopted son
Early May: meets with Antony in Rome and attempts to collect his legacy from Antony (who has seized Caesarʹs papers and fortune).
April 14: Battle at Forum Gallorum (Octavian defeats Antony)
April 14‐27: Octavian, invested with propraetorian imperium, leads legions in Battle at Mutina, along with consuls Hirtius and Pansa
April 21: Antony defeated at Mutina
May 24: Antony and Lepidus join forces
August 19: Octavian and his cousin (Caesarʹs nephew) Quintus Pedius become suffect consuls; Octavian recognized as Julius Caesarʹs adoptive son
under name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
October: Octavian meets with Antony and Lepidus near Bononia and form the Second Triumvirate (triumviri, or “three men”)
November 27: Second Triumvirate legislated at Rome, for 5 years via the lex Titia. Beginning of the proscriptions; the ancient sources provide figures for
the numbers who were executed and whose property was seized:
o 130+ senators (Livy)
o 200 senators + 2000 equites (Appian)
o 300 senators + 3000 equites (Plutarch)
o Only one ex‐consul known (Cicero), out of nearly 100 known names
Interesting facts
• When Octavius was young when he came into
his inheritance after Caesar's assassination in
44 BC.
• Augustus’s reorganization of the provincial
Roman system created a stable environment
for collecting the taxes and the administrating
government throughout the empire.
Character Traits and Accomplishments
and Achievements
Character Traits With Examples
• Brave-because he always
fought in wars.
• Grateful-because he was
never selfish for not getting
• Confident-because he did
many things for many
people and he never
messes up on anything.
Accomplishments and
• A Accomplishment would
be that he fought in the war.
• A Achievement would be
that he helped many people
that needed help.
Family Tree
Mother- Atia Balba Caesonia
Father- Gaius Octavius
Never Married and never had kids
Great Uncle- Julius Caesar
Did they use or abuse power?
• They Abused power
because they made people
fight in the war and they
stabbed Julius Caesar 23
times and he bleed to
Contributions to Rome or history
of the world?
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