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Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Improper Fractions: Pg. 179 โ€“ 180
Mixed Number 3
Proper Fraction
Improper Fraction
Changing a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction:
Use the โ€œMagic Cโ€
Step 1: Multiply the __________________
by the whole number.
Step 2: Add the product to the
Step 3: The ______________________
stays the same.
Practice: Change to an improper fraction:
Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number:
Divide the numerator by the denominator
Equivalent Fractions and Simplest Form: Pg. 199-202; 205
Equivalent Fractions
There are 3 ways to find an equivalent fraction:
Way 1: Use fraction number lines or fraction bars.
Way 2: You can multiply.
Way 3: You can divide.
Unknown Parts
2 14
Simplest Form: Pg. 201
There are two ways to find the simplest form of a fraction:
Way 1: Divide by the GCF.
Way 2: Cancel common factors.
Comparing Fractions & Mixed Numbers: Pg 183-184; 195-196
Comparing Fractions and Mixed Numbers with LIKE denominators:
Way 1: Use fraction bars
Way 2:
Step 1: Compare the whole numbers
Step 2: Compare the numerators
Comparing Fractions and Mixed Numbers with UNLIKE Denominators
Way 1: Use fraction bars
Way 2:
Step 1: Compare the
_______________ numbers.
Step 2: Find a ____________
Step 3: Find an
_________________ fraction.
Compare the numerators.
Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators Pg. 185-188
Example 1:
Step 1: Add the
Step 2: The denominator
stays the same.
Step 3: Simplify
Example 1:
Step 1: Subtract the
Step 2: Denominator stays Step 3: Simplify.
the same.
Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators Pg. 207-208
There are two ways you can add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators. The key is to
Ways to find a ___________________________________________
Multiply the denominators
Find the Least Common Denominator
The LCD is the LCM of the denominators.
Use the new denominator to find an equivalent fraction:
After you make the denominators the same, you can then add or subtract:
Make sure to try to simplify your fraction if you can!
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers Checklist
1. What operation are you performing?
2. Are the denominators the same?
3. Do you need to borrow? (Remember that when borrowing
fractions to borrow from the whole number and rename
the mixed number.)
4. Add or subtract the fractions first.
5. Add or subtract the whole numbers.
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers: Pg. 191-193; 209-212
3 +2 =n
Step 1: Write equivalent fractions for and
Step 2: Add. Simplify the sum if possible.
by using the LCD, which is ______
9 -8 =n
Step 1: Find the LCD of the fractions.
Step 2: Write equivalent fractions.
Step 3: Rename mixed numbers if necessary.
Step 4: Subtract and simplify.
Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Multiplying Fractions
Way 1: Multiply first, then simplify
Step 1: Multiply numerators. Multiply denominators.
Way 2: Simplify first
1. Rewrite using factors.
Step 2: Simplify.
2. Divide common factors.
3. Multiply.
Multiplying Mixed Numbers
1. Write the mixed numbers as
an improper fraction.
Two Mixed Numbers
2. Multiply
3. Simplify. Write fraction as
mixed numbers.
Mixed Number and Whole Number
Divide Fractions
1. Rewrite the division as a multiplication by the
reciprocal of the divisor.
Divide by a whole number
Divide whole numbers
Divide Fractions
2. Multiply and simplify.
Divide Mixed Numbers
1. Write the mixed numbers as improper fractions.
2. Rewrite as a multiplication problem using the
reciprocal of the divisor.
3. Multiply.
4. Simplify.
Dividend is a whole number
Divisor is a Fraction
Dividend is a fraction