Download _______By Julia Orchowska_______xx Hi, I`ll tell you some things

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_______By Julia Orchowska_______xx
Hi, I’ll tell you some things about… Ancient Greeks!
First theres a web site to a cool things about Ancient Greeks
About Ancient Grece
(Sparta) A city state in southern Greece.The Spartans were famous for their strict
military training and powerful armies. It ahs two kings.Helol <-A slave who worked
for Spartan master.
(Athens) Athens is a capital of modern day Greece. In ancient times Athens was a
powerful state. (A-tik-a)The religion around Athens.(Parth)A huge temple on the top
of the Actropiss hill in Athens.The patron Godness of Athens is Godness Athena of
wisdom.A huge statue of Athena stood inside Parlhenor in Athens (Democracy).In
Athens a citizen was a person with the right to take part in assembly.
Life in Ancient Greece
Life in Ancient Greece wasn’t good for some people like in Sparta.
Sparta- Boys that were 7 years old had to go to army. (didn’t go to school).
Sparta-Girls had to do loads of sports sothey could produce healty baby <- if the child
was born weak it was killed. 
Sparta-Houses were made of mud and rock.
Athens-Boys were in school and men had to go to army when the war started.
Athens-Girls didn’t go to school they were thought sewing and cooking.
Athens-Houses were nice and well decorated people from Athens liked to live in nice
places and go to Theater.
Ancient Greece had a warm, dry climate, as Greece does today. People lived by farming, fishing, and trade.
Some were soldiers. Others were scholars, scientists or artists. Most Greeks lived in villages or in small cities.
There were beautiful temples with stone columns and statues, and open-air theatres where people sat to
watch plays.
Many Greeks were poor. Life was hard because farmland, water and timber for building were all scarce.
That's why many Greeks sailed off to find new lands to settle.
The Trojan war
What was the Trojan War?
The Trojans lived in the city of Troy, in what is now Turkey. The story of their war with the Greeks is
told in the Iliad, a long poem dating from the 700s BC, and said to be by a storyteller named Homer.
The Odyssey, also by Homer, is the tale of the adventures of a Greek soldier named Odysseus, after the
The Trojan War began when Paris, Prince of Troy, ran away with Helen, wife of King Menelaus of
Sparta. The Greeks sent a fleet of ships, with an army, to get her back. The war lasted for 10 years. In
single combat, the greatest Greek warrior, Achilles, killed the Trojan leader Hector. In the end the
Greeks won, by a clever trick using a wooden horse.
The Greeks believed in Gods and Godness’s
There is a Timeline 