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Digestive system of the ox
The mouth
The cavity of the mouth is shorter and wider-the vestibule is more capacious.
The lips are thick,wide and immobile-middle part of upper lip and the surface between the
nostrils is bare-termed muzzle-it is smooth and kept moist by naso-labial glands-form the
subcutaneous layer about 1.5cm thick.It shows irregular lines,mapping out small polygonal
areas –also a narrow bare strip along the edge of the lower lip-free edge and the adjacent
part of the lining membrane bear short,blunt,horny papillae-towards the angles the papillae
become longer and sharp pointed.The labial glands occur only near the angles forming
compact masses.
The cheeks are capacious-mucous membrane present large pointed conical papillae
directed toward the isthmus faucium – covered with horny epithelium.
The buccal glands are very well developed in three parts.The dorsal part extends from
the angle of the mouth to the maxillary tuberosity.The ventral part consist of a compact
brownish mass which reaches from the angle of the mouth a short distance under s the
masseter muscle.The middle part consist of loosely arranged yellow lobules-small ducts
open between the papillae of cheeks.
Linear series of large papillae exist on the floor of the mouth on each side of frenum
linguae.Near these are openings of small ducts of sublingual glands.The caruncula
sublingualis,the papilla on which the mandibular duct opens, is wide,hard and has serrated
The hard palate is wide,usually pigmented.The body of premaxilla is covered with a thick layer of
dense connective tissue-thick horny epithelial covering-called the dental plate/pad.The palatine
ridges extends backward,about two third of the length of the hard palate-15-19 ridges-ridges are
nearly straight and serrated on free edge.A median raphe extends between the ridges.Posterior
third of the palate is smooth.Between the dental plate and the first ridge,is the triangular papilla
incisiva-on either side of this is a deep furrow,which is the opening of the ductus incisivus2inches in length and opens on the floor of the nasal cavity-also communicates by a slit like
opening with the vomero-nasal organ.
The soft palate is shorter but long enough to close the isthmus of faucium.The posterior pillars do
not extend to the origin of the oesophagus.The palatinus muscle is very much developed.The
fibrous aponeurosis is replaced by muscular tissue.
The isthmus faucium is wide and dilatable-on either side,behind the anterior pillar of the soft palate,is
a deep depression-tonsillar sinus ,lateral to this is the bean shaped tonsil,3-4cm in length.The
tonsil does not project into the isthmus faucium,does not occupy the tonsillar sinus and visible
Variably pigmented-root and body are wider-tip is pointed with narrow edge.The posterior part of
dorsum forms an elliptical prominence-define infront by a transverse depression-infront there are
large and horny filiform and conical papillae with sharp points directed backward-impart rasp-like
roughness to the tip and make it efficient in prehension of food.Papillae on prominence are large
,broad and horny-some have blunt,conical forms-others are rounded/flattened-lenticular papillae.
Fungiform papillae are numerous and distinct-scattered over the dorsum and edges of the
free part.
Valate papillae are about 8-17 on each side-small and form a long,narrow group on either
side of the posterior part of prominence of dorsum.Foilate papillae and the lingual
fibrous cord is absent.
There are lingual follicles in the posterior part of the root and on each side of glossoepiglottic fold-muscles are well developed-the hyoglossus arises by additional portions
from the great and middle cornua of hyoid bone.Tongue is highly protractile and chief
organ of prehension.
Permanent teeth 2(I 0/4 C0/0 P3/3 M 3/3)=32
Deciduous teeth 2(Di0/4 Dc0/0 Dp 3/3)=20
Birth – few days
Permanent teeth 2(I 0/4 C0/0 P3/3 M 3/3)=32
Deciduous teeth 2(Di0/4 Dc0/0 Dp 3/3)=20
Birth – 2 weeks
Di 1/2/3/4 Dp 1
Birth – few days Dp 2/3
1.5 – 2 years
2 – 2.5 years
3 years
3.5 – 4 years
2 – 2.5 years
1.5 – 2.5 years
2.5 – 3 years
5 – 6 months
1 – 1.5 years
2 – 2.5 years
Eruption of deciduous teeth varies-75% of well bred calves have all incisors erupted at
Parotid gland is smaller and denser-light brown in color-average weight 115gm-form a very
narrow long triangular-lies on the posterior part of masseter muscle.The dorsal part is
wide and thick-anterior border partly covers the parotid lymph gland.The small ventral
end is bent forward-fits into the angle of union of jugular and external maxillary veins-lies
on the mandibular glands.The parotid duct leaves the ventral part of the deep face and
pierces the cheek-opposite the 5th upper cheek tooth.
The mandibular gland is larger than the parotid-pale yellow in color-average weight abot
140gm-covered to a small extent by the parotid-ventral end is large and rounded-related
laterally to mandibular lymph gland.The duct leaves the middle of the concave border of
the gland-crosses the stylohyoideus and the intermediate tendon of digastricus-ends
at the caruncula sublingualis.
The sublingual gland consist of two parts –dorsal part is long,thin and pale in colorextends from the anterior pillar of soft palate to the symphysis of mandible-has
numerous small long tortuous ducts-open between the papillae under the side of
tongue.Ventral part is shorter and thicker-lies ventral to anterior portion of dorsal partpink in color-has a single duct-either opens alongside or joins the mandibular duct.
Short and wide-vault is divided into two cul-de-sac by a median fold of mucous membranecontinuation of the septum nasi-on the lateral wall is small opening of Eustachian tubecovered by simple of mucous membrane.The posterior nares is small.The entrance of
oesophagus is large.
Shorter,wider and dilatable-average diameter is 5cm-its length is about 90-105cm.Wall is
relatively thin-muscular tissue is striped throughout-consist of two strata spiral fibresexcept near the stomach-longitudinal and circular-fibres continued into the wall of the
stomach for some distance.The mucous membrane forms a prominence on the ventral
side of pharyngeal end of tube which contain gland-elsewhere is non glandular.
Very capacious-the lumbar part of the spine is about ¼ longer than the horse-the transverse
diameter between the last ribs is greater-the costal attachment of the diaphragm rises
very steeply from the 8th rib to the dorsal fourth of the last-the abdomen is increased at the
expense of the thorax.
Narrow and long-inlet is more oblique-elliptical in outline and the transverse diameter is
smaller.Pubic part of the floor is horizontal-the ischiatic part slopes dorsally & deeply
concave transversely.roof is concave in both directions.The peritoneum extends backward
as the 1st coccygeal vertebra-retroperitoneal part of the cavity is short.
The stomach is very large-3/4 of the abdominal cavity-fills the left half of the cavity-extends
over the median plane into the right half-4 parts-rumen,reticulum,omasum & abomasumtakes its form early in life-division indicated by furrows/constrictions.
The first three parts are the proventriculi/oesophageal sacculation-lined with mucous
membrane covered by stratified squamous epithelium and non glandular.The abomasum
has a glandular mucous membrane-true stomach.The oesophagus open into the
stomach – atrium ventriculi .The abomasum joins the small intestine.
Large cattle
40-60 gal.
Medium cattle
30-40 gal.
Small cattle
25-35 gal.
rumen & reticulum half as large as the abomasum
10-12 weeks
ratio is reverse-omasum is contracted & functionless
4 months
rumen & reticulum about 4 times as large as the omasum/abomasum but
collapsed and functionless
1.5 years
omasum & abomasum similar capacity.
Occupies most of the left half of the abdominal cavity-extends over the median plane
ventrally-its long axis reaches from the ventral part of the 7th/8th intercostal space to pelvic
inlet-compressed from side to side-2 surface;2 curvatures & 2 extremities.
Parietal surface is convex-related to diaphragm,left wall of abdomen and spleen.
Visceral surface is irregular-related to the omasum,abomasum,intestines,liver,pancreas,left
kidney,left adrenal,aorta and the posterior vena cava.
Dorsal curvature follows the curve formed by the left part of the crura of the diaphragm and
sublumbar muscles-firmly attached by peritoneum and connective tissue as far as the 4th
lumbar vertebra.
Ventral curvature is convex –lies on the floor of the abdomen-surface are marked by the
right and left grooves-indicate externally the division of rumen into dorsal and ventral
Reticular/anterior extremity is divided ventrally by a transverse anterior groove into two
sacs.The dorsal sac is longer-curves vebtrally over the round,blind end of the ventral sacis continuous over the reticulum-external line of demarcation- rumino-reticular groove
The groove is deep-distinct on part of lateral surface-dorsally no separation exist-rumen
and reticulum forming a dome like vestibule which the oesophagus terminates.
Pelvic /posterior extremity extends to pubis-related to intestine and bladder-divided into dorsal and ventral
blind sac by a deep transverse posterior groove which connects the longitudinal grooves.The blind
sacs are separated from the rumen by the dorsal and ventral coronary grooves.
Reticulum is the most anterior and the smallest of the four-is opposite to the ribs from 6th – 7th/8th –the
greater part lies on the left f median plane-somewhat piriform but compressed
Parietal/diaphragm surface is convex-lies against the diaphragm and liver.
Visceral/ruminal surface faces backward-flattened by pressure of the compartments-ends dorsally by
joining the wall of the rumen.The lesser curvature faces to the right and dorsally-connected with the
omasum.The greater curvature faces to the left and ventrally-lies against the diaphragm-opposite the
6th and 7th ribs.
The right extremity/fundus reticuli forms a round cul-de-sac in contact with sternal part of
diaphragm,liver,omasum and abomasum-opposite to ventral end of the 6th intercostal space.
Omasum is elipsoidal – compressed between the parietal and visceral surfaces-long axis is nearly verticallies to the right of median plane-opposite the 7th – 11th ribs inclusive.
Parietal surface faces obliquely to the right and forward-related to the diaphragm and liver-below the
liver a small area lies against the lateral wall at the ventral part of ribs from 8th-10th ribs-separated by
lesser omentum and the diaphragm.
Visceral surface faces the opposite direction-in contact with the rumen,reticulum and abomasum.The
greater curvature faces backward and to the right.The lesser curvature is short -faces forward and to
the left-visible from the left after removal of rumen and reticulum-connected in its upper part with
reticulum by a short,narrow neck of the omasum. Below the neck of the omasum- it is crossed by a
deep indentations-immediately below is the extensive junction with the abomasum
Abomasum is an elongated sac-lie s on the abdominal floor-anterior blind end, fundus ,is in
the xiphoid region.The body of the sac extends backward between the ventral sac of
rumen and omasum-turn to the right behind the omasum.The terminal,smaller pyloric
part inclines dorsally-joins the duodenum at the pylorus-usually situated at the ventral
part of 9th /10th rib.The parietal surface is in contact with the abdominal floor-the
visceral surface is related to the rumen and omasum.The greater curvature gives
attachment to superficial part of greater omentum except fundus-adhered to rumen.The
lesser curvature is related to omasum-attached by peritoneum and connective tissue
except at the pyloric part-attached to the liver by lesser omentum.
The rumen is attached by peritoneum and connective tissue to crura of diaphragm and
sublumbar muscles-from hiatus oesophagus backward to 4th /5th lumbar vertebra.A
small area of anterior part of visceral surface of rumen is adhered to surface of
abomasum.The greater part of lesser curvature of omasum is attached by connective
tissue to abomasum.
The lesser omentum attaches the ventral part of parietal surface of omasum and the
pyloric part of abomasum to visceral surface of the liver.
The cavity of the rumen is partially divided into dorsal and ventral sacs pillars-folds of the
wall.The anterior pillar projects obliquely backward and upward from the ventral wallhave a thick concave free edge-opposite to the 11th and 12th ribs.The posterior pillar is
more horizontal than the anterior pillar-separates the large dorsal and ventral blind sacs.
Its concave anterior border is infront of a transverse plane through the tuber coxae-branches
on either side to form the dorsal and ventral coronary pillars –which separate the
posterior blind sacs from the general cavity on the sides and ventrally.The ventral
coronary pillar is complete-the dorsal coronary pillar fades out.Another branch from
the left part of posterior pillar extends forward and upward subsides gradually.The right
pillar have its ventral division fades out about the middle of the surface while the dorsal
division joins the posterior pillar.The left pillar fades out near the posterior dorsal blind
sac.The distance between the middle of anterior and posterior pillars is about 40-45cm
in a medium size cow-in this space the dorsal and ventral sacs communicates freely.
The anterior end of the dorsal sac of the rumen is separated in its ventral part from the
reticulumby a vertical fold-rumino-reticular fold is opposite the 7th /8th rib-free dorsal
edge is concave-forms the ventral and lateral margin of the rumino-reticular orifice .
The lateral part of the fold fades out lateral to and behind the cardia.The medial part of
the fold ends behind the reticular groove and about 7-8cm below the level of cardia-no
demarcation of the rumen and reticulum – atrium ventriculi .
The cardia is about 10-12cm ventral to the vertebral end of 8th /9th rib-2.5cm to the left of
median plane-its position varies by the degree of fullness of rumen and reticulum.
The mucous membrane of the rumen is brown-margins of pillars is pale-thickly studded
with large papillae about 1cm long.The edges of the pillars and a large part of the wall of
the middle of the dorsal sac are not papillated.The papillary arrangement is most
developed in the blind sacs-vary much in size and form-largest are foliate-many are
narrow /filiform-others are conical.The mucous membrane on the medial wall of atrium
is wrinkle and non papillated-dorsallyand laterally it is papillated.
Reticular/oesophageal groove begins at the cardia-passes ventrally on the medial wall of
atrium and reticulum-end at the reticulo-omasal orifice –about 18-20cm in lengthdirection is dorso-ventral-the ventral end is about 2.5 – 5cm infront of the plane of the
cardia and to the right of the median plane-groove is twisted spirally to the left lip and
reverse at the ventral end.The mucous membrane on the lips of the reticular groove is
brown and wrinkle-bottom of groove is pale-marked by longitudinal folds-pointed,horny
papillae on ventral part.
Reticulum –mucous membrane is raised into folds-encloses 4-6 sided cells-term
honeycomb –cells are subdivided by smaller folds-bottom are studdedwith pointed,horny
papillae-cells grow smaller and gradually disappear near the reticular groove and the edge
of the rumino-reticular fold.At the reticulo-omasal orifice– situated in the lesser curvature
of the reticulum just to the right of median plane-there are peculiar horny papillae termed
unguliform .
Omasum – cavity is occupied by hundred longitudinal folds-lamina omasi –spring from the
greater curvature and the sides-convex attached edge and a thick,concave free edge
which reaches to within a short distance of the lesser curvature.The food is pressed into
thin layers in the narrow spaces between the laminae-reduced to fine state by being
ground down by numerous rounded,horny papillae which stud the surfaces of the
folds.A groove,sulcus omasi ,extends from the reticulo-omasal opening to the omasoabomasal opening -10cm long-directed ventrally and medially-free from laminae-slight
folds and small papillae-function as a direct path from the reticulum to abomasum for
fluids and finely divided food.
In the neck of omasum – laminae change to thick folds-a number of peculiar unguliform papillae
occur in the lower part of the reticular groove.
The omaso-abomasal orifice is oval-10cm long-bounded infront by thick muscular omasal pillar
.The mucous membrane of the abomasumforms an extensive fold on each side of the
opening-fold may act as valves-prevent regurgitation of the abomasum.
Abomasum – cavity is divided by constriction into two areas-fundus gland region is lined with a
soft glandular mucous membrane-which forms extensive spiral folds.The pyloric region is
much narrower.A small cardiac gland zone surrounds the omaso-abomasal orifice .The
pyloric orifice is small and round.
The lesser omentum leaves the visceral surface of the liver along a line extending from the
oesophageal notch to the portal fissures-passes over the parietal surface of the omasum and
the pyloric part of the abmasum and the first part of the duodenum.
The greater omentum conceals the greater part of the intestines on the right side and covers the
ventral sac of rumen-composed of two parts-each composed of two layers of peritoneum-the
superficial part extend from the left groove of the rumen ventrally around the ventral sacascends on the right side covering the deep part-ends along the second part of the
duodenum and the greater curvature of the abomasum-the deep part is attached along the
visceral surface of the rumen ventral to the right groove-curves around the intestinal mass to
the right side-blends with the medial layer of the mesoduodenum-anteriorly is attached on
the first bend of colon and the visceral surface of the liver along the ventral border of
pancreas.The two parts are continuous at the attachment along the posterior groove of the
rumen-also join at the iliac flexure of the duodenum and at the origin of the colon-the
epiploic foramen ia almost sagittal in direction.
Muscular coat of rumen consist of two layers-fibres of the external layer are longitudinal-the
thick internal layer are largely circular – scattered bundles of striped muscles radiate
from the cardia in wall of atrium and along the reticular groove.
Muscular coat of reticulum consist of two layers-begin and end at the oesophageal groovepass in a circular or oblique around the sac-fibres of the two layers crossing each other
at varying angles.The lip of the reticular groove consist of a thick layer of longitudinal
fibres-largely continuous above the cardia-the right spread out ventrally as internal fibres
of reticulum-the left lip go to the omasum.The bottom of the groove has two layers of
oblique,unstriped muscle-fibres with a variable outer layer of striped-muscle continuous
with the oesophagus.
Muscular coat of omasum consist of a thin external longitudinal layer and a thick internal
circular layer.At the omasal there is an incomplete inner layer of oblique fibres.
Muscular coat of abomasum consist of longitudinal and circular layers-forms the pyloric
sphincter.Mucous membrane is covered with a thick,stratified,squamous epitheliumshed in large patches in rumen and omasum-tunica propria is papillated and
glandular.The mucosa of the fundus gland is very thin and thicker towards the pylorus
Vessels and nerves –blood supply from the coeliac artery and the veins to go to portal veinnerves from vagus and sympathetic.
The Intestines
Caudal of the alimantery canal – commences at the pylorus and continues to the anus.
The small intestine from the pylorus to the caecum .
The large intestine from the caecum to the anus.
Small intestine :
a.the duodunum
b.the jejunum
c.the ileum
Large intestine :
a.the blind caecum
b.the colon
c.the rectum
Generally the length of the intestine :
a.Five times the body length of carnivorous
b.ten times the body length in the horse
c.Twenty times the body length in ruminants
Structure of the intestine walls
c.Muscular layer
The single-epithelium of the mucosa consists of columnar cells-functional in absorption-the
surface mucosa increased by the presence of innumerable intestinal villi-densely
packed,finger-like projections give the luminal surface of the small intestinal its velvety
The mucosa of the large intestine have no villi-the intestinal glands of the large intestine
are longer,straighter and richer in goblet cells-produce the mucus to ensure a smooth
passage-its important function is the re-absorption of water and the hydration of its
faecal contents.The lymphatic tissue of the intestinal wall is the first line of defence
against microorganisms – present as scattered lymphoctyes in the mucosa-single
follicles or may aggregate to form Peyer patches-Peyer patches of the mucosa as
irregularly plaques-In Ox in the ileum and large bowels of the ruminants.
The submucosa consists of loose connective tissue with smaller blood vessels,lymphatics
and lymph follicles.
The muscular layer consists of a thin outer longitudinal layer and a thicker inner circular
The serosal layer of the intestine is provided by the visceral part of the peritoneum.
Duodenum can be subdivided into:
a.Cranial portion
b.Cranial duodenum flexure
c.Descending portion
d.Caudal duodenum flexure
e.Ascending portion
f.Duodenum jujenal flexure
The portion continues from the pylorus of the stomach and passes towards the right
abdominal wall before the deflecting caudally to descend to the pelvic inlet-passes
medially around the cranial root of the mesentery before the ascending cranially ,end
by bending ventrally .The caudal end of the duodenum is marked by the cranial border
of the duodenocolic fold.The duodenum is attached to the abdomen root by the
mesoduodenum,the cranial part of the mesentery.
The cranial part of the duodenum is connected with the liver by the hepatoduodenal
ligament.Within the hepatoduodenal ligament passes the common bile duct from the
liver to the duodenum-mesentery of the descending duodenum includes the right lobe
of the pancreas.
The longest part of the small intestine-the most mobile due long to the mesojejunum whih
supends the jejunum and ileum from the abdominal root.
The mesojejunum is continuous with the mesoileum –form of the large fan hanging from
the abdominal root with the convoluted jejunum and ileum –the very sort,bunched
portion at the aorta as known root of the mesentery – cranial mesentery artery,the
large mesentery plexus of nerves that surround the artery and intestinal lymphatics.
The large rumen occupies the left half of the abdomen-pushing the intestines to the
right.The ascending colon is partly to the right surface of the mesojejunum-Lymphoid
tissue is generously spread throughout the mucosa.
The short terminal part of the small intestine-the distinction between the jejunum and the
ileum is the ileocaecum fold-it ends at the ileocaecum junction with the ileal opening
on the ileal papilla.
Large intestine
Can be subdivided :
b.Colon – ascending colon
– transverse colon
– descending colon
The first of the large intestine-blind tube and communicates with the ileum through the
ileal orifice and with the colon through the caecocolic orifice.
The ruminant have small caecum and have neither taenia nor haustra-is located in the
right half of the abdomen within the superomental recess with its blind apex pointing
Three parts:
a.Ascending colon
b.Transverse colon
c.Descending colon
The colon is divided into the usual ascending,tranverse and descending parts-the
ascending colon is the far longest and has a characteristic spiral arrangement. After
the caecum the ascending colon forms a sigmoid flexure,first cranially convex and
the second caudally convex-narrows and turns ventrally to form a double spiral – with
the left side of the mesentery-there are four centripedal followed by the same
number of the centrifugal turns-the centrifugal turns of small ruminants have a pearl
string appearance due to the characteristic of the faeces.
After the last centrifugal loop of the spiral the ascending colon continues into a distal
loop and away from the pelvic to join the transverse colon.The short transverse colon
crosses from the midlife cranial to the mesenteric root and caudally as the descending
The descending colon enter the pelvis become the rectum-most of the rectum is
suspended by the mesorectum but the terminaly retroperitoneum-the
retroperitoneum space is filled with soft tissue rich in fat.
Gland associated with the alimentary canal
The largest gland in the body – both the exocrine and endocrine in function.Bile is stored
and concentrated in the gall bladder-bile is responsible for emulsifying the fatty
compound prior to absorption.Endocrine substance are release into the blood stream
and play an important role in the fat,carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
The liver is located in the thoracic part of the abdomen-the bulk of the liver lies to the
median plane-the rumen pushed the liver into the right half of the abdomen.It has a
strongly convex surface towards the diaphragm and a concave surface facing the
towards other abdomens.The visceral surface is marked by the hepatica porta through
which the portal vein,bile duct and the hepatic vessels enter/leave the organ.
The liver of the ruminants has no fissures-consists of a left and right lobe,a quadrate lobe
and caudal lobe.
Bile ducts
The bile is produced by the sheets of hepatocytes and discharged intothe bile canaliculicapillaries unite to form the interlobular ducts-the interlobular ducts to forms the
lobar ducts.
The extrahepatic bile ducts consists of the hepatic ducts from the liver,the cystic duct to
the gall bladder and the bile duct to the duodenum.In the ruminants the labor ducts
unite to form a left and right hepatic duct,which again unite to form the common
hepatic ducts.
Gall bladder
The sac-like gall bladder lies in a fossa on the visceral surface of the liver close to the
hepatic porta-it stores the bile and discharges it into the duodenum-also concentrates
the bile by absorption through the folded mucosa-a gall bladder is not present in the
Pancreas has both an exocrine and endocrine function.Its exocrine pancreatic juice is
conveyed to the dudenum-its three enzymes for the reduction of proteins
carbohdrates and fats.The endocrine part of the pancreas produces insulin,glucogen
and somatostatin.
The pancreas is located in the dorsal part of the abdominal cavity to the proximal part of
the duodenum-divided into three parts :
a.body of the pancreas
b.right lobe of the pancreas
c.left lobe of the pancreas
The pancreas of ruminants consists of a short body and right and left lobes-the right lobe is
larger and follows the mesentery of the descending part of the duodenum-the portal
vein passes over the dorsal border of the organ in the pancreas notch.
A pancreas commonly drains the part of the gland that arises from the ventral primordium
and opens into the duodenum together with the bile duct on the major duodenal
Pancreas duct sytem of the different species
a.Cat :pancreas duct large,small accessory pancreas duct present in some individual
b.Dog :pancreas duct small,missing in some individuals,accessory pancreas duct large.
c.Pig :accessory pancreas duct
d.Ox :pancreas duct extremely rare,accessory pancreas duct
e.Small ruminants :pancreas duct,some sheep with accessory pancreas duct
f.Horse :pancreas duct large,accessory pancreatic duct small.