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Chapter 4 Review
The earliest explorers[explorer: a person who travels in search of new geographical
information. For example, the Europeans who sailed unknown seas in the 1500s
looking for new routes to Asia were explorers.] did not set out to find new continents.
They sailed unknown seas, looking for routes to Asia.
Underwater Archaeology
Underwater archaeologists[archaeologist: a scientist who studies artifacts to learn
about past cultures] study sunken ships.
After studying hundreds of artifacts, archaeologists may learn the name of the ship,
where it was going, and why.
Ocean Crossing
Explorers in the late 1400s and in the 1500s used
astrolabes to find their position.
European explorers used another tool for figuring
out direction—a compass.
Mapmakers in Europe got new information
from sailors, explorers, and scientists.
For centuries after Columbus’s trip, maps of
the Americas[the Americas: the land masses
of North America, Central America, and South
America] still had many blank spots.
Claimed Lands
During the Age of Exploration, rulers wanted to spread their power to the New World.
Religious Beliefs
Catholic rulers sent priests and armies to
other lands. They wanted to believe in the
Catholic Church.
In the late 1400s, Spain had just fought a war costing a lot of money. So its king
and queen wanted to build up their country’s supply of gold and silver. They
hoped that the explorers they sent to the New World would find GOLD and SILVER.
Cacao beans make Chocolate
New Foods
New foods from the Americas changed what people ate around the world.
American Indians showed the explorers CORN and Cacao or Chocolate
Cash Crops
Explorers took tobacco back to Europe.