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Social Studies Study Guide:
Blue Ridge-Mountains, forests, streams, and waterfalls
Piedmont-Foothills of the mountains and has rolling hills, not good for farming
Sandhills-Old Seacoast and sandy soil
Inner and Outer Coastal Plain-2/3 of the state, best soil
Coastal Zone-Coast of South Carolina and also includes marshes
River Systems:
Savannah River-Border between South Carolina and Georgia
Edisto River
Santee River
Pee Dee River
Native American Tribes:
Cherokee-Lived in Blue Ridge Region and hilly part of Piedmont, settled near rivers, lived in longhouses
and wattle and daub houses, villages were rub by councils where different leaders made the decisions,
and the Cherokee were traders
Catawba-Lived in Piedmont, hunters and farmers, traveled the rivers in dugout canoes and were known as
the “river people,” lived in wigwams, and were also governed by councils
Yemassee-Lived in Coastal Zone near the Georgia Border, lived in wigwams and wattle and daub houses,
they hunted, fished, farmed, and gathered clams and oysters,
European Explorers:
European explorers wanted a shorter route to find the spices, gold, silver, and other precious metals of
Asia. The Spanish, French, and English rulers also wanted to obtain new land. Explorers were sent to
claim the land for “king and country.”
English Explorers:
Henry Woodward-Established the first English settlement in South Carolina and named it Charles Fort.
Traded with the Native Americans and tried to have honest, friendly relations with them.
William Hilton-Hired in Barbados to explore the coast of S.C. He claimed the area now known as Hilton
Head Island
Spanish Explorers:
Hernando de Soto-explored for gold and slaves. He traveled north from Florida and through South
Carolina. He did not establish a permanent settlement instead he kept traveling to the Mississippi River.
Juan Pardo-arrived at Parris Island and renamed it Santa Elena. He tried to make friends with the
Native Americans because the Spanish were beginning to see the benefit.
French Explorers:
Jean Ribault-arrived in Port Royal Harbor and built a fort. Charlesfort provided protection to the
colonists but eventually it failed