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1. Cannot be just a number. Must have a unit with the quantity.
2. Dimension - Description of what kind of quantity is represented by a measurement
a. Three Fundamental or Basic dimensions
1. Length
2. Mass
3. Time
The SI System of Measurement
International - It can be used to communicate results to anyone throughout the world.
The 3 Fundamental units in the SI system are:
1. Meter
2. Kilogram
3. Second
Get definitions from the book
Scientific Notation
Definition Writing numbers using powers of ten such as 3.5 x 104
104 = 10*10*10*10
103 = 10*10*10
102 = 10*10
10-1 = 1/10
10-2 = 1/(10*10)
10-3 = 1/(10*10*10)
= 10,000
= 1,000
= 100
= 10
= 0.1
= 0.01
= 0.001
3,000 = 3x103
0.005 = 5x10-3
45,000 =4.5x104
= 3 x 103
= 5 x 10-3
= 4.5 x 104
= 6.78 x 10-4
=3.45 x 108
Proper Notation - There is only 1 number to the left of the
decimal in the coefficient
Use this drawing to change
exponents in Sci. Not.
3.58 x 105 = ? x 103 The exponent goes down by 2 so the
decimal moves to the right by 2 places. Answer 358. x 103
4674 x 10-4 = ? x 10-1
The exponent goes up by 3 so the
decimal moves to the left by 3 places.
Answer 4.674 x 10-1
359.4 x 104 = 3.594 x 10? The decimal moves to the left 2 places
so the exponent goes up by 2.
Answer 3.594 x 106
0.468 x 10-6 =4.68 x 10? The decimal moves to the right 1 place
so the exponent goes down by 1.
Answer 4.689 x 10-7
Mathematical Operations with Scientific Notation
Addition and Subtraction Rules Multiplication and Division Rules
1. Make exponents the same
1. Multiply or Divide the coefficients
2. Add or Subtract coefficients
2. Add or Subtract the exponents
3. Keep the same exponent
3. Proper Notation
4. Proper Notation
1. 4.5 x 10-3
+3.4 x 10-4
4.5 x 10-3
+ 0.34 x 10-3
4.84 x
2. 6.9 x
- 4.8 x 104
6.9 x 105
- 0.48 x 105
6.42 x
3. 6.9 x 105 4. 5.0 x 104 5. 9.0 x 107
- 4.8 x 107
x 3.0 x 10-6
3.0 x 10-3
6.9 x 105
-480.0 x 105
-473.1 x 105
-4.731 x 107
15.0 x 10-2
1.5 x 10-1
3.0 x 1010
Mathematical Operations with Scientific Notation
Addition and Subtraction Rules Multiplication and Division Rules
1. Make exponents the same
1. Multiply or Divide the coefficients
2. Add or Subtract coefficients
2. Add or Subtract the exponents
3. Keep the same exponent
3. Proper Notation
4. Proper Notation
1. 4.5 x 10-3
+3.4 x 10-4
2. 6.9 x
- 4.8 x 104
3. 6.9 x 105 4. 5.0 x 104 5. 9.0 x 107
- 4.8 x 107
x 3.0 x 10-6
3.0 x 10-3