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The Solar System
1 List the planets in order from;
A. Largest to smallest
; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus,
Mars and Mercury.
B. Closest too most distant from the Sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune the furthest
C. Lowest to highest gravity; Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Earth, Venus,
Mars and Mercury
2. Name the planets known as the gas giants.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
3. Name three spacecraft, and at least one planet visited by each.
Mars, Phoenix, Mercury, Mariner, Messenger
A) Name the body in the solar system that lost its status as a planet in 2006.
Pluto was named a “dwarf” planet in 2006 and is no longer a normal planet
B) Explain why it is now regarded as a dwarf planet. c Name two other dwarf
Dwarf planets such as, Ceres and Eris and Pluto are named dwarf planets
because they do not have enough gravitational force to put them in a circular
orbit around the sun and they don't have enough gravity to be clear of debris.
5 Clarify what is meant by a terrestrial planet?
Terrestrial planets are planet that can be seen without telescopes and just
with the naked eye.
6 Explain why there is less information available about the outer planets than
the inner ones. The outer planets are the gas giants, these are very far away
and are separated by an asteroid belt, these planets are made of gases and
cannot being approved with spacecraft because it is either to hot to cold, and
there is nothing stable for them to land on.
7 Identify the following planets by unscrambling their names:
b SUNEV Venus
c ARMS Mars
d RATUNS Uranus
f SUNRAU Uranus
h RECYRUM Mercury