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Document related concepts
-large molecules of
living things
Chapter 6
 Fold book as shown and cut flaps as shown
 Label the top of each flap 1 with the following:
Monomer) Monosaccaride
(Monomer) Glycerol and 3 fatty acid
(Monomer) Amino acid
(Monomer) Nucleotide
Macromolecules – Flap 3
Polymer) Carbohydrate
(Polymer) Lipid
(Polymer) Protein
(Polymer)Nucleic Acid - DNA & RNA
Front Flap #1 Draw Glucose
Write on the left hand side flap #2
 Contain Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
 Carbs have a 1:2:1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen to oxygen
 C6H12O6
 Carbohydrates function as cellular fuel
3 types of carbohydrates
1)Monosaccharides –
Simple Sugars, 1 sugar
a) can be used to form more complex carbohydrates
- quick energy
b) examples
1) Glucose- blood sugar used as fuel for plants &
2) Galactose- simple milk sugar
3) Fructose- fruit sugar
c) chemical formula for all - C6H12O6
2) Disaccharides – complex carbohydrate
Double Sugars – 2 sugars
a) the joining of two simple sugars
1) Sucrose- table sugar: made from glucose-fructose
2) Lactose- milk sugar: made from glucose-galactose
3) Maltose- barley sugar: made from glucose-glucose
3) Polysaccharides –
Many Sugars
a) the form in which living things store excess sugar
long-term energy
b) 3 forms of polysaccharides
1) Starch - Most important
found in: plants & animals
2) Glycogen - excess sugar stored in this molecule
found in: plant & animals
forms: fat molecules
3) Cellulose - major component of wood
found in: plants
forms: support system in stems: gives strength &
Using your Glucose Molecules
 On the inside of the flap create dehydration
synthesis by cutting off the -OH and the -H to
create 2 bonds.
Dehydration Synthesis - Process where simpler carbs are
put together to form larger molecules
Water is lost
 You will create a (Polymer)Polysaccharide
 Write this under the molecule that you have made
 Hydrolysis reaction
 Process where complex carbs are broken down into simpler
 Water is needed
Turn back to the Front Flap #1 Draw Glycerol
and 3 fatty acids
Fatty Acid Chains!
Write on the inside flap 2 left hand side
 Contain Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
 Lipids DO NOT have a 1:2:1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen to
 Fatty acids contain an organic acid group –COOH at one end
 In order for a lipid to be utilized, it must be broken down into
its building blocks
 Triglycerides – neutral fats, known as fats when solid or oils
when liquid
Triglycerides are found mostly beneath the skin where they
insulate and protect the body from trauma
 Saturated – have only single covalent bonds (solids at room
 Unsaturated - contain one or more double bonds (oils at
room temperature)
Write on the inside flap left hand side
 Phospholipids –
 modified triglycerides
 Build cell membranes
 Steroids –
 Cholesterol
 Found in cell membranes, synthesize vitamin D, steroid
hormones and bile salts
 Eicosanoids –
 Cell membranes
 Prostaglandins play roles with blood clotting, regulation of
blood pressure, inflammatory response and labor contractions
Inside Flap 3 right side second row
 Glycerol and fatty acid chains are joined by
dehydration synthesis
 On the inside of the flap create dehydration
synthesis by cutting off the -OH and the -H to
create the bonds.
 You will create a (Polymer)Lipid
Write this under the molecule that you have made
It will look E shaped
Turn back to the Front Flap #3 Protein
Write on the left hand side
 Contains C, H , O, N
 There are 20 different types of amino acids
 Contain an amine(amino) group NH2 and an organic
acid group –COOH and an R group
 Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds
 Most proteins contain from 100-10, 000 amino acids
 Fibrous Proteins – structural proteins
Provide mechanical support (collagen, keratin, elastin)
 Globular Proteins – functional proteins
Water soluble
Regulate pH, enzymes, body defense, regulation of metabolism,
Inside Flap right side third row
 Amino acids are joined by dehydration synthesis via
peptide bonds
 On the inside of the flap create dehydration
synthesis by cutting off the -OH and the -H to
create the bonds.
 You will create a (Polymer)Protein or Polypeptide
Write this under the molecule that you have made
Label the bonds – Peptide Bonds
Turn back to the Front Flap #4 Nucleotide
Write on the left hand side
 Contains C, O, H, N and P
 DNA and RNA (2 types of nucleic acids)
 Nucleotide contains
5 carbon sugar (deoxyribose, or ribose)
 Phosphate group
 Nitrogenous base (ATGCU) H bonds between bases
Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine, Uracil (nitrogenous bases)
DNA constitutes genetic material (double stranded polymer
2 Roles of DNA
 Replicates itself for descendant cells (mitosis)
 Provides the basic instructions to building every protein in the body
RNA carries out orders for protein synthesis issued by DNA
 Single stranded
 mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
 Nucleotides are joined by dehydration synthesis via
H Bonds
 On the inside of the flap create dehydration
synthesis by cutting off the -OH and the -H to
create the bonds.
 You will create a (Polymer)Nucleic Acid
Write this under the molecule that you have made