Download All organic compounds contain the element carbon

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2.1.1: #17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26,
2.2.1: #23, 24, 30
2.2.2: #2, 8
2.3.1: #12, 16
2.1.1- ____/11
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 2.3.1-____/2
• List the following items and tell whether
they are organic or inorganic.
Potted Plant
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
• All organic compounds contain the
element carbon, except Carbon dioxide
• Inorganic compounds do not contain the
element carbon.
• Because carbon atoms have four
electrons in their outermost energy level,
they can form up to four covalent bonds
with other atoms.
• Carbon is different from many other
elements in that
it has four electrons in its outermost energy
o it readily bonds with other carbon atoms.
o it can form single, double, or triple bonds
with other atoms.
Hydrocarbon-an organic compound
consisting entirely of hydrogen and
• Carbon can bond to form:
ring structures.
straight chain structures.
branched structures.
Isomer-molecules with the same
molecular formula but different chemical
Do Now
How many pairs of electrons are shared
in a double bond?
• Each line represents a covalent bond
formed when two atoms share a pair of
• Single bond-a bond formed when two
atoms share one pair of electrons.
• Ex. C2H6
• Double Bond-share 2 pairs of electrons
Ex. C2H4
• Triple Bond-share 3 pairs of electrons
• Ex. C2H2
• Functional Groups-clusters of atoms in
organic compounds that influence the
characteristics of the molecules they
compose and the chemical reactions the
molecules undergo.
• The same functional group will undergo
the same chemical reaction regardless of
the size of the molecule it is a part of.
• Ex. hydroxyl group, carbonyl group,
carboxyl group, amino group, phosphate
Hydroxyl group –OH
 Carbonyl group C=O
 Carboxyl group OH-C=O
 Amino group H-N-H
 Phosphate group PO4
• ATP contains 3 phosphate groups.
• Energy is released when the bond
between phosphate groups in ATP is
• Phosphorylation-adding or removing a
phosphate group in a compound.
ADP contains 2 phosphate groups.
Energy is required when a phosphate
group is added.
Do Now
What is the chemical name of ATP?
• Monomers-small simple molecules that
build compounds
• Polymers -molecule that consists of
repeated, linked units.
• Macromolecule-large polymers
Ex. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, & nucleic
• Condensation reaction (dehydration
synthesis)- two molecules become linked
together and a molecule of water is
• Each time a monomer is added to a
polymer, a water molecule is released.
• Ex. Fructose + Glucose = Sucrose & H2O
• Hydrolysis-the process of breaking down
polymers into monomers by using water
to break it down.
• The water breaks the bond linking each
• Reverse of a condensation reaction.
• Ex. The formation of ADP and
inorganic phosphate from ATP and
• Organic compounds contain carbon but
inorganic compounds never do.
• Functional groups influence chemical
reactions and chemical compounds.
• Polymers bond to form monomers.
• Carbohydrates-organic compounds
composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
in a ratio of about one carbon atom to two
hydrogen atoms, to one oxygen atom.
Ex. CH2O
• Used for quick energy
• End in –ose
• Monosaccharide-simple sugar
Ex. Glucose, Fructose, & Lactose
• Disaccharide-two monosaccharides
combine in a condensation reaction
Ex. Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose +H2O
• Polysaccharide-complex molecule
composed of 3 or more
• Ex. Glycogen-how animals store food
• Ex. Starch-how plants store food
• Ex. Cellulose-gives strength & rigidity
to plant cells
• Proteins-organic compounds composed
of hydrogen, oxygen, & nitrogen.
• Amino acids-monomers of proteins
About 20 different types & all share a basic
• The different shapes allow proteins to
carry out many different activities in living
• Peptide Bond-2 amino acids form a
covalent bond resulting in a dipeptide and
a release of a water molecule.
• Polypeptide-long chains of amino acids
• Peptide Bond Formation
• A protein consists of one or more
polypeptide chains folded into a unique
shape that determines the protein’s
• A protein’s shape depends on four
levels of structure
Primary Structure
• A protein’s primary structure is the
sequence of amino acids forming its
polypeptide chains
Secondary structure
• A protein’s secondary structure is the
coiling or folding of the chain, stabilized
by hydrogen bonding
• Ex. Alpha helix or Pleated Sheet
Tertiary Structure
• A protein’s tertiary structure is the
overall three-dimensional shape of one
Quaternary Structure
• A protein’s quaternary structure results
from the association of two or more
polypeptide chains
• Denaturation-polypeptide chains
unravel, losing their specific shape and
function and are never able to change
back to the original form.
• Proteins & enzymes can be denatured
• Ex. Changes in salt concentration, pH,
excessive heat
Protein Folding
Protein Structures
 Importance of Protein Folding
 How Stuff Works
Do Now
In 2 lines, explain denaturation.
• Activation Energy-the amount of energy
needed to start the reaction.
• Catalyst-reduce the amount of activation
energy that is needed for a reaction to
take place.
An enzyme is a biomolecule
that increases the rate of
a chemical reaction.
 Enzymes are not consumed
during a chemical reaction.
 Enzymes cause reactions to
speed up.
• Enzymes-Protein molecules that act as
biological catalysts
• Without enzymes, the reactions in the body
would occur too slowly.
• End in -ase
• Enzyme reactions depend on a physical fit
between the enzyme molecule & its specific
substrate- the reactant being catalyzed.
• Each enzyme produced by the body is specific—
meaning it is only able to catalyze a reaction
with a certain molecule.
• Active Site-the part of the enzyme that
has folds has a shape that allows the
substrate to fit into the active site.
• An enzyme acts only on a specific
substrate because only that substrate fits
into its active site.
• A model of enzyme action is the induced
fit model.
Do Now
What type of biomolecules are enzymes
and what happens if their shape is
Enzyme Concentration
Reaction Rate
Tobin performed an experiment in which he mixed varying amounts
of enzyme with an excess amount of a certain molecule. He
measured the rate of each reaction and recorded his data in the
table above. What can Tobin conclude about the relationship
between the enzyme concentration and the reaction rate in the
presence of excess molecules?
 A. There is an inverse relationship; as the enzyme concentration
increases, the reaction rate decreases.
 B. There is a direct relationship; as the enzyme concentration
increases, the rate of reaction increases.
 C. There is no relationship between the enzyme concentration
and the reaction rate.
 D. The experiment is invalid because it was performed in the
presence of excess molecules
Answer B
• Lipids-large, nonpolar organic molecules
that do not dissolve in water (can
dissolve in other lipids, like oil)
• Composed of a glycerol & a fatty acid.
• Contain long-lasting energy
• Fatty Acid- unbranched carbon chains
that make up most lipids
Made of many CH2 chains
• Triglyceride-synonym for “fat” due to the
3 fatty acids.
• Unsaturated-fatty acids and fats with
double bonds that have less than the
maximum number of hydrogens.
Liquids at room temperature.
Ex. Plant fats; Corn, Olive, & other Vegetable
• Saturated- contain carbon atoms that are
each bonded to four other atoms.
Solids at room temperature
Ex. Animal fats & butter
• Hydrogenated-unsaturated fats
have been converted to saturated
fats by adding hydrogen.
• Trans Fats-a form of saturated fat that is
associated with heart disease.
• Atherosclerosis-lipid-containing deposits,
called plaques, build up
within the walls of blood
vessels, reducing blood flow.
• Phospholipids-Composed of two fatty
acids, a phosphate group, & glycerol.
Ex. Cell membrane-made of 2 layers of
phospholipids-phospholipid bilayer
• Waxes-More hydrophobic than fats
• Composed of a glycerol and one fatty acid
Do Now
What is the distinguishing characteristic
of all lipids?
• Steroids-lipids whose carbon skeleton is
bent to form four fused rings
• Types of Steroids:
• Vitamins
• Hormones
• Cholesterol
• Cholesterol-common substance in
animal cell membranes & animal cells
also use it as a starting material for
making other steroids, including the
female and male sex hormones.
Too much cholesterol in
the blood may contribute
to atherosclerosis.
• Nucleic Acids-large, complex organic
molecules that store & transfer important
information in the cell.
• Two types of nucleic acids: DNA & RNA
• Nucleotide- monomers of nucleic acids;
composed of:
o nitrogenous bases.
o sugar molecules.
o phosphate groups.
• DNA-contains information that
determines the characteristics of an
organisms & directs cell activities
• RNA-stores & transfers information from
DNA that is essential for the
manufacturing of proteins.
• Crash Course-BioChem
Do Now
What is the functional difference
between carbohydrates and proteins?