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Chapter 7: Renaissance &
Reformation (1350 – 1600)
Section 3
Explain the religious wars
taking place in Europe
Religious Wars
• Mid 1500s, northern Europe was protestant
• Southern Europe was catholic
• Monarchies used religion to unite their
• If someone refused to convert their religion
of their country they were persecuted
• This led to wars among the countries
• England under
Elizabeth I,
became the
leader of the
• Spain under
Phillip II, became
the leader of the
• Phillip wanted all
of Europe to be
• He built the
Spanish Armada
• Elizabeth prepared for war
• 1588, the Spanish Armada attacked
• England, however, was able to break
through the armada
• Spain was defeated and returned back to
• The battle gave England respect
throughout Europe
• Spain was still a powerful nation
• Most people in France were Catholics
• However, a few nobles were protestants
– They followed the teachings of Calvin
– They called themselves Huguenots
• King Francis ordered the persecution of
• This dispute led to a civil war in France
• The outcome made France the first nation at
that time to allow two religions
Thirty Years War
• German states fought over religion
• Led to the creation of alliances
• The alliances eventually fight a war
over the issue of religion
• The alliance’s got bigger
• Other countries got involved
• Outcome of the war
– France becomes powerful
– Both religions stay alive