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The Growth of Civilizations
Chapter 7-9 Study Guide
Part A: Multiple Choice
Julius Caesar came to power in
 A) as a member of
 B) because he had
an army.
 C) by defeating
 D) when Cleopatra
gave him her
 B) because he had
an army.
All these elements of Roman culture are a major
influence in the world today EXCEPT their:
 A) alphabet.
 B) language.
 C) early religion.
 D) republican
system of
 C) early religion.
The Roman Republic became the
Roman Empire when:
 A) the Senate gave
Octavian the title
 B) the Romans first
expanded outside Italy.
 C) the First Triumvirate
was established.
 D) the patricians took
control of government.
 A) the Senate gave
Octavian the title
Which was NOT a cause of the
Roman Empire’s decline?
 A) government
 B) invasions by
 C) economic
 D) the rise of
 D) the rise of
Diocletian tried to slow the
Roman Empire’s decline by:
 A) turning half of the
empire over to a coemperor.
 B) giving land to
invading barbarian
 C) expanding the size of
the Senate.
 D) increasing the
personal freedoms of
 A) turning half of
the empire over to a
Christianity gained popularity in the
Roman Empire because:
 A) followers were
allowed to continue
 B) Jesus had pledged
his loyalty to the
 C) it offered hope to
people who were poor
or suffering.
 D) its leaders sought the
protection and support
of wealthy Romans.
 C) it offered hope to
people who were
poor or suffering.
Which statement does NOT describe the
economy of the Roman Empire?
 A) A widespread trade
network developed.
 B) Most Romans lived
well, and few were truly
 C) Farming the most
important occupation.
 D) Slavery existed
throughout the empire.
 B) Most Romans
lived well, and few
were truly poor.
The conflict between Rome and Carthage
was known as the:
 A) Pax Romana.
 B) Social War.
 C) Punic Wars.
 D) Conflict of the
 C) Punic Wars.
One reason Roman leaders finally
accepted Christianity is because the:
 A) Christians agreed to
pay taxes.
 B) northern barbarian
tribes adopted the faith.
 C) leaders feared
Christianity less than
 D) number of Christians
grew too large to
 D) number of
Christians grew too
large to punish.
Struggles with the patricians during the early days of the
republic gained the plebeians all of the following
 A) the right to hold
an important public
 B) the creation of
written laws.
 C) control of the
 D) the right to join
the army.
 C) control of the
Which of the following does NOT describe most
early African societies?
 A) They were
 B) They were
 C) They were
 D) They herded,
farmed, or fished.
 A) They were
Which ancient African kingdom conquered part of Egypt
and copied its culture by building pyramids?
 A) Aksum.
 B) Great Zimbabwe.
 C) Kush.
 D) Songhai.
 C) Kush.
The two major natural regions of
Sub-Saharan Africa are the:
 A) deserts and
 B) grasslands and
rain forest.
 C) deserts and rain
 D) mountains and
 B) grasslands and
rain forest.
In most early African societies the
farming was done by:
 A) women.
 B) men.
 C) children.
 D) slaves.
 A) women.
All of the following peoples set up trading centers along
the East African coast EXCEPT:
 A) Arabs.
 B) Ghanaians.
 C) Indonesians.
 D) Persians.
 B) Ghanaians.
Which is NOT a reason that gold mining was important
in the early African economies?
 A) West African
kingdoms traded gold to
obtain salt.
 B) The kingdoms of
East Africa traded gold
for needed salt, tools,
and cloth.
 C) Rulers adorned
themselves with gold to
oversee ceremonies.
 D) Farmers used gold to
buy more land so they
could grow more crops.
 D) Farmers used
gold to buy more
land so they could
grow more crops.
Linguists are experts who:
 A) trace people’s
 B) study languages.
 C) record oral
 D) study ancient
 B) study languages.
The center of learning in Sub-Saharan Africa in
the 1300s and 1400s was:
 A) Alexandria.
 B) Great Zimbabwe.
 C) Mogadishu.
 D) Timbuktu.
 D) Timbuktu.
The strength and wealth of Ghana, Mali,
and Songhai depended on:
 A) the support of the
powerful rulers in
Egypt and Arabia.
 B) large scale
 C) control of the trade
routes across the
 D) adapting Egyptian
culture to life in the rain
 C) control of the
trade routes across
the Sahara.
Aksum became a prosperous
kingdom MAINLY because:
 A) trade routes from the
 A) trade routes from
Red Sea into Egypt and
Africa passed through
 B) it had a powerful
 C) it traded gemstones
and ivory to
 D) Christianity became
its official religion.
the Red Sea into
Egypt and Africa
passed through it.
The major crops grown by native North
American people included:
 A) coffee and cocoa.
 B) potatoes and
 C) corn and beans.
 D) wheat and rice.
 C) corn and beans.
Which two civilizations were NOT in
existence at the same time?
 A) Inca and Aztec.
 B) Hopewell and
 C) Maya and Toltec.
 D) Mississippian
and Inca.
 B) Hopewell and
The mounds built by the Mississippians seem to
have been for what purpose?
 A) religious.
 B) defense.
 C) trade.
 D) burial.
 A) religious.
The two most advanced Native American
civilizations were the:
 A) Hohokam and
 B) Aztec and Maya.
 C) Maya and Inca.
 D) Aztec and Inca.
 C) Maya and Inca.
Why did some peoples in the Pacific
Northwest hold potlaches?
 A) to bury the dead.
 B) to sacrifice
 C) to thank the gods
for a good harvest.
 D) to give away
their possessions.
 D) to give away
their possessions.
Which is NOT true of Plains
peoples in AD 1400s?
 A) They hunted buffalo
on foot and used the
hides for clothing.
 B) European settlers
pushed some peoples
off their lands.
 C) Drought ended
farming in some areas.
 D) Their main work
animals were dogs.
 B) European settlers
pushed some
peoples off their
All the following peoples built pyramid-shaped
buildings EXCEPT the:
 A) Inca.
 B) Aztec.
 C) Maya.
 D) Toltec.
 A) Inca.
The reason farming developed more slowly in the
Americas than elsewhere was that early Americans:
 A) never settled in
 B) relied only on
hunting to provide food.
 C) had no horses or
 D) lived in areas where
it was too cold to grow
 C) had no horses or
Mayan religion was closely
connected to:
 A) agriculture.
 B) medicine.
 C) science.
 D) warfare.
 A) agriculture.
Scientists believe that the first
people in the Americas:
 A) developed from
hominids in the
Mississippi valley.
 B) arrived from North
and West Africa.
 C) sailed to South
America from islands in
Southeast Asia.
 D) migrated from Asia
by crossing what is now
the Bering Strait.
 D) migrated from
Asia by crossing
what is now the
Bering Strait.
Part B: Fill in the Blank
Chapter 7
 Name three
characteristics of the
Conflict of the
 Struggles of the people
to win more rights;
In the early republic,
Romans were divided
into Patricians and
Patricians were
powerful landowners;
Plebeians were farmers
and workers;
Over time, Plebeians
gained power through
demands and strikes.
Chapter 7
 Name four
characteristics of the
Second Punic War.
 Began in 218 B.C.;
 In Spain, Hannibal assembled a
huge Carthaginian army with
soldiers, horses, and elephants;
Hannibal had many victories;
However, Hannibal did not have
the equipment to attack cities;
Ordered home when Rome
threatened Carthage;
In 202 B.C. Hannibal was
defeated and Carthage paid
money and gave colonies in
Chapter 7
 Name four
characteristics of the
Pax Romana period.
 “Roman Peace”;
 Period lasted for 200
Tiberius (14-37 A.D.);
Caligula (37-41 A.D.)
was murdered;
Claudius (41-54 A.D.)
was poisoned by his
Nero (54-68 A.D.)
killed himself after fire
swept through Rome.
Chapter 7
 Name three
characteristics of
Roman daily life.
 Rich enjoyed great luxuries;
 Rich citizens usually had a
city home and a country
home with running water
and baths;
 Enjoyed recreation, leisure,
 The poor lived in multistory
apartments with basic
 Food was scarce and
included bread, cheese, and
Chapter 7
 Name three reasons
for the spread of
 Christianity increased
as life in the empire
became more difficult;
 Religion accepted rich
and the poor;
 Promised hope and
 By 300s A.D., Roman
law accepted
Christianity as a
Chapter 8
 Name four
characteristics of
African language.
 Bantu language is one of the
largest languages in SubSaharan Africa;
Language came long before
History and cultural
development was passed from
the study of oral traditions;
Most poems, songs, and stories
had moral lessons;
Griots were trained speakers
who memorized the stories of
the village.
Chapter 8
 Name three pieces
of evidence of
cultural exchange in
 Xylophones in
Africa were tuned
similar to Indonesia;
 Language in
Madagascar is
similar to Indonesia;
 Banana crop is
prevalent in Africa
but native to Asia.
Chapter 8
 Name four
characteristics of the
kingdom of Kush.
 Thrived as an important
corridor of trade;
Gold, ivory, ebony, and
ostrich feathers;
Karmah emerged on the
Nile in 1600 B.C.;
Believed Kush may
trace roots to Karmah;
Maintained economic
ties with Egypt.
Chapter 8
 Name three
characteristics of the
Swahili states.
 Spoke Swahili, a
Bantu language with
Arabic and Persian
 Bound together by
language and trade;
 Not a single ethnic
 City-states included
Mogadishu, Pate,
and Mombasa.
Chapter 8
 Name four
characteristics about
the kingdom of
 Followed the fall of
Occupied same
Reached its peak under
ruler Mansa Musa;
Reigned in early 1300s;
Timbuktu became a
leading center of
Disputes over successor
weakened Mali.
Chapter 9
 Name three
characteristics of the
physical setting in
the Americas.
 Stretch more than 9000
Jagged mountains form
along the West Coast
(Rocky and Andes);
Two rivers (Mississippi
and Amazon);
Amazon is second
largest river in the
Bering Strait separates
from Asia.
Chapter 9
 Name three
characteristics of the
groups from the
Great Plains.
 Area between the
Rocky Mountains and
the Mississippi River;
Hunted the buffalo;
Before horses, they had
to hunt on foot;
Used all of the buffalo
for food, clothing, etc.;
Life changed in 1400
A.D. for the Plains
Chapter 9
 Name three
characteristics of the
groups from the
Eastern Woodlands.
 Stretch from Canada to
the Gulf of Mexico;
Most sophisticated
cultures developed in
this region;
Skilled artists;
Had jewelry, tools, and
Trade also connected
these peoples with
Chapter 9
 Name four
characteristics about
the Aztec
 Wandering warriors;
 Conquered peoples paid
taxes to Aztec rulers;
Built pyramid-temples,
marketplaces, and
palaces for nobles;
Borrowed from the
cultures of others;
Learned metalworking,
pottery making, and
Human sacrifices.
Chapter 9
 Name four
characteristics of the
Inca civilization.
 West coast of South
 “Children of the
 Built fortresses and
irrigation systems;
 Had paved roads;
 Stored surplus food;
 Kept records by a
series of knots on
parallel strings.
Part C: Essay
Essay Question
 Describe the basic structure of
government during the Roman
Republic, including the main functions
of each governing body and elected
Essay Question
 Summarize Rome’s early policies on
governing conquered peoples. Then
describe the changes in those policies
and explain how they weakened the
Essay Question
 The 200-year-period during which
Roman armies expanded the Empire by
conquering new lands and peoples is
known as the Pax Romana. Translate
this term and explain why it is, or is not,
an appropriate label for this time span in
Roman history.
Essay Question
 What challenges did Africa’s geography
present to communicating and trading
with the peoples of the continent’s
Essay Question
 Explain the importance of gold in the
kingdoms of East and West Africa.
Essay Question
 Identify common factors present in the
decline of the early African kingdoms
and the later trading states of East and
West Africa. Explain which factor
seems to have been the most important
in causing the collapse of early African
Essay Question
 Briefly describe the types of societies
that developed in the Southwest, Pacific
Coast, Great Plains, and Eastern
Woodlands culture areas of North
Essay Question
 Explain how changes in climate affected
early and later cultures in North
Essay Question
 Compare and contrast the practices and
policies of the Incas and Aztecs in
controlling their empires. Then explain
which group seemed the better rulers
and why.