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Identify the four phases of Minoan Culture
A. Pre-Palace Phrase
B. First Palace Phase
C. Second Palace Phase
D. Post-Palace Phase
_____ power shifts to the king, there are large palace centers, society is hierarchically
organized, and there are hieroglyphics
_____ Mycenaean forts were built and there was a tendency toward architectural
_____ society was organized into clans, farming, stock-rising, shipping and commerce
were highly developed
_____ multi-storied and complex palaces were built, the masses lived well, there were
bathrooms, interior lights, and trading flourished
True or False
_____ According to Demaratus, the Greeks fight the Persians because they want to be the
only superpower
_____ According to Demaratus, the Spartans are brave out of respect for the laws and not
out of a fear of the rulers
_____ the Persians won the battle of Marathon because the Greeks were betrayed by a
_____ Leonides was the one who betrayed the Greeks at the Battle of Thermopolyae
_____ Xerxes thought that the Greeks would fight against his superior numbers
_____ Xerxes thought that freedom was a disadvantage to the Greeks
_____ Xerxes thought that a single master is what makes men courageous
Can you identify these important people?
a. his familiarity with the Persian military led him to be elected general
b. instituted economic and constitutional reforms to lessen class conflict
c. rallied the masses when the exiled aristocrats attempted to gain control of Athens
d. persuaded the Athenians to build up their navy, which allowed them to defeat the
e. put down revolts among the Greeks and conquored the Persians
f. codified Athenian law and placed punishment of homocide in the hands of the state
g. first Persian ruler who attempted to conquor Greece
h. pushed ahead with Athenian imperialism and sent the troops against Melos
i. reorganized the Macedonian army and then subdued Greece
j. tyrant who took control of Athens after Solon
k. son of Darius and was unable to vanquish the Greeks
l. develop the Delian League, instituted reforms, and bulit buildings on the Acropolis
_____ 1. Draco
_____ 2. Solon
_____ 3. Peisistratus
_____ 4. Cleisthenes
_____ 5. Pericles
_____ 6. Darius
_____ 7. Xerxes
_____ 8. Miltiades
_____ 9. Alcibiades
_____ 10. Themistocles
_____ 11. Philip
_____ 12. Alexander
Briefly present the history of the relations between the Persians and the Greeks, including
the major battles. Explain the significance of this conflict for the fur6ther development
of Athens.
What are the main factors that contributed to the development of democratic institutions
in Athens?
According to Pericles’; descriptions of the institutions of Athens, there exists
_____________ to all and alike in their private disputes but the claim of __________ is
also recognized.
True or False According to Pericles' Funeral Oration
_____ Athens copies its governmental institutions from others
_____ Athenian education requires laborious exercises and not ease
_____ Athens needs great alliances in order to win at war
What were the economic foundations of Minoan, Mycenaean, Spartan, and Athenian
Human beings have formed an idea of a Golden Age that supposedly existed at some
time in the past. What characteristics of hunting and gathering and of Minoan societies
made them serve as such models?
Why has the development of societies based upon an agricultural economy been called
“the worse disaster of human history?”
Identify the following economic characteristics of Minoan, Mycenaean, Spartan, or
Athenian society
A. Minoan
B. Mycenaean
C. Spartan
D. Athenian
_____ the king accumulated vast wealthy and didn't share it with others in society
_____ farmed, fished, and traded
_____ farmed with tenants or slaves
_____ world's first seafaring civilization
_____ olive oil made the rich
_____ had helots who worked for the polis
_____ had no commercial class
_____ abolished debt slavery
True or False According to Pericles' Funeral Oration
_____ the goods of others do not flow as freely in Athens as Athenian goods
_____ poverty prevents advancement in Athens
What were some of the problems as well as some of the opportunities of an agricultural
way of life?
According to Pericles, Athenians are prevented from doing wrong by respect for the
According to Pericles, Athenians are lovers of the __________ in their tastes.
According to Pericles, the noblest of all tombs for brave men is ______________.
According to Pericles, not __________ but _________ is the delight of men when they
are old and useless.
True or False According to Pericles’ Funeral Oration
_____ the children of veterans killed in war are maintained at public expense
_____ Athens is open to foreigners
_____ Athens needs great alliances in order to win at war
_____ Athenians are courageous from ignorance and hesitate upon reflection
Identify the following characteristics of Minoan, Mycenaean, Spartan, or Athenian
A. Minoan
B. Mycenaean
C. Spartan
D. Athenian
_____ located on the island of Crete
_____ located on mainland Greece
_____ had hilltop fortresses-an acropolis
_____ peaceful
_____ women participated in every occupation and trade available to men
_____ every aspect of society was planned
_____ death in battle was the highest honor
_____ women had to be strong to have strong children so they wrestled, boxed, and raced
against men
_____ate in a communal mess
_____ had two kings with special military power
_____ changed from monarchy to oligarchy to democracy
_____ had social equality
__________ is a group of related languages with a common ancestor
Languages in the same family share the same _____________ and ___________.
_______________________ held that sets of consonants displace one another over time
in a predictable and regular fashion
True or False
_____ Ancient Greek was not an Indo-European language
_____ The Minoans did not speak an Indo-European language
_____ The Minoans were polytheistic and syncretistic
_____ The Mycenaeans had a religion based on the Mother Goddess
_____ The Minoans were violent with a culture of battle and conquest
True or False. According to Pericles
_____ freedom is an important Athenian value
_____ courage is not an important Athenian value
_____ democracy was an important Spartan value
_____ wealth was an important Athenian value
_____ leisure was an important Spartan value
_____ openness was an important Athenian value
_____ respect for the law as an important Athenian value
_____ reflecting before acting is an important Spartan value
_____ adaptability is an important Athenian value
_____ enjoying the pleasures of life is an important Spartan value
_____self-sacrifice is not an important Athenian value