Download Age of Pericles. Peloponnesian War

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The Age of Pericles
1.) What is the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy?
Which does the U.S. use? _______________________ democracy.
2.) Who was Pericles and why was he important? __________________________________
3.) The “Age of Pericles was Athens’ Golden Age, a period of tremendous ______________
and ___________________when the city blossomed under Pericles’ leadership.
4.) What is a philosopher? ____________________________________________________
5.) The _________________________is the most well-known public building in Greece
today that was constructed during Pericles’ rule.
6.) With about ________________residents in all, Athens was the most populated city-state
in Greece.
7.) _________________was common in the ancient Greek world. Without their ________,
Athens could not have supported it’s bustling ____________________.
8.) _________________drove the Athenian economy.___________raised sheep and goats
for wool, milk, and cheese. _______________grew grains, vegetables, and fruit for local
use. Others grew ___________ and ____________ to make ________ and ________ oil
to trade.
9.) During the _______B.C., Athens became the ___________ _____________of the Greek
world and merchants and artisans grew _____________ by making and selling such items
as ______________, _____________, and ______________ ____________.
Athenian men usually ___________in the morning and then __________ or attended meetings.
For Athenian women, life revolved around ___________and _____________. Athenian women
could not attend ___________, however, many learned to _________and to play _________.
Athenian girls stayed at home with their mothers learning how to _________for a house and
_____________ and married at age ____ or ____. Athenian boys left home at age _____to
attend ___________ where they learned reading, writing, poetry, and public speaking.
The Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian War was a war between ________________ and _______________.
1.) At a public funeral held to honor those who had died in battle, Pericles spoke about the
greatness of Athens and reminded the people that they made their government strong.
What was this famous speech called? _______ _____________________ ___________.
2.) Who won the Peloponnesian War? __________________.
3.) What killed more than 1/3 of the Athenians in 430BC and Pericles himself the next year?
4.) How long did the Peloponnesian War last? _______________________.
5.) Who finally won? _____________ How? ____________________________________
6.) After defeating ____________, ______________tried to rule all of Greece. While they
were fighting amongst themselves, they failed to notice that to their north, the kingdom of
____________________was growing in power. This would eventually cost them their