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Music Theory 141
Chapter 1 Definitions
1. __________ in music refers to the highness or lowness of a sound.
2. From any C up or down to the next C is called a/an ____________.
3. All the pitches from one C up to, but not including the next C are said to be in the same
4. A ______________ is used in music to designate the precise pitch desired.
5. A staff may be extended by the use of ____________________.
6. A ____________ must appear at the beginning of a staff to indicate which pitches are to be associated
with which lines and spaces.
7. The __________________ is a combination of two staves joined by a brace, with the top and bottom
staves using treble and bass clefs, respectively.
8. A ______________- is the distance from a key on the piano to the very next key, white or black.
9. The major scale can be thought of as two identical, four-note patterns, separated by a whole step.
These four-note patterns are called ___________________.
10. Symbols which raise or lower pitches by a whole or half step are called ____________________.
11. The term __________ is used in music to identify the first degree of a scale.
12. A ______________________ is a pattern of sharps or flats that appear at the beginning of a staff and
indicates that certain notes are to be consistently raised or lowered.
13. To _______________ means to write or play music in some key other than the original.
14. The three forms of a minor scale are ___________, ____________- and _________________.
15. The scale degrees ___ through _____ are identical in all three forms of the minor scale.
16. When a major and minor scale share the same key signature, they are said to be __________.
17. When a major and minor scale share the same 1, they are said to be ________________.
18. Musicians often refer to scale degrees by a set of traditional names rather than numbers. They are:
19. A/an ________________ is the measurement of distance in pitch between two notes.
20. A _____________________ results when the two notes are played simultaneously.
21. A _____________________ results when they are played in succession.
22. When the distance between two tones is more than an octave it is referred to as a ___________
23. When less than an octave it is a _______________ ________________.
24. List five different qualities (modifiers) of intervals.
25. What are the two terms meaning roughly “pleasing to the ear” and “not pleasing to the ear?