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Music 100 Review Sheet
1-How do we define music what is it as an art form?
2-Define the term rhythm.
3-How is musical time measured?
4-What does it mean to give the beat an accent?
5-Give an example of nonmetrical music.
6-Placement of accents away from their normal stresses in the meter is called:
7-A healthy human ear can hear from _________ to __________ cycles of sound
vibrations per second.
8-What is amplitude is scientific terms?
9-Give another term for tone color?
10-Which dynamic marking is the softest?
11-The distance between two pitches that seem to duplicate each other and blend very
well together is called:
12-The set of seven pitches used in Western music is called a(n):
13-What is an interval?
14-Most tunes have a highest point. What is the tem used to name that high point?
15-An organized series of pitches played or sung in a certain rhythm is?
16-Tunes tend to be:
17-What do we call chords that sound under the melody?
18-The moments at the ends of phrases where a melody pauses or stops altogether are
19-Counterpoint is closely related to:
20-Which mode is formed with the diatonic scale oriented around A?
21-Which mode is formed with the diatonic scale oriented around C?
22-Name the two types of “steps” in Western music, and define them.
23-Name six dynamic levels you have learned and give their abbreviations and meanings.
arrange or number them in order from softest to loudest.
25-Define the term scale.
26-Define modulation.
27-Define tone color. Use adjectives to describe some tone colors with which you are
28-The scientific term for the speed or rate of the vibrations of sound is: